Philosophy of Tarot Major Arcana: The Magician

in #self-improvement7 years ago (edited)

     Introduction. Often in the people's minds Tarot cards are associated with a gypsy woman sitting in a tent and predicting a future that can not be changed. 

    For me, Tarot - is primarily a philosophy, strict and logical system, a textbook of life, simple rules, following which you can make your life easier and brighter.  

    The Major Arcana describe the life of a person, his evolution. Minor Arkana talk about everyday situations. 

    When Major Arcana come to our life it gives us a specific kind of energy. You can use this energy to improve your life.  

    The main meaning of the Magician - "the idea given by God".  

    For better understanding of the meaning of the Magician, let's look at the symbols pictured on the card. 

    We see a man. The Magician carries the male, Yang energy. This is an active energy, aimed at creating a new one. His pose shows his readiness for movement, for action. 

    Usually the Magician is portrayed as a young man. He is about 35 years old. This is a resource age, when there is already a certain life experience, but, at the same time, enough vital energy for the realization of any plans. 

    The Magician is dressed in a white tunic. In the Tarot, the color of the clothes shows the energy that the Major Arcana carries. White color means the purity of intentions. The Magician does not have obsessive desires and ideas. He is calm. The idea that he carries to humanity or a person is directed solely to the healthy improvement of life.         

    The Magician is not the generator of the idea. He only conducts the ideas that God gives to us. The right hand of the Magician is raised upward, and the left hand points to the earth: "From above, from the point of the divine, the Magician, with an energetic and active impulse, takes energy and information about what to do with this energy, and draws it down through himself, into our material world." 

    Have you ever asked for an idea given by God? I'm sure yes. For once in our lives we all say: "Lord, if I knew how it would be better to do in this situation." This is the request to God through the Magician. 

    What is important here. We must understand that the answer that we receive may turn out to be such that we will not like it. But we do not see our life as far as the Higher Forces see it. In this way, turning to the Magician for the idea given by God, one must be ready to accept any answer. Remember the saying: "Whatever happens, happens for the better/best". 

    The Magician wears a belt, which means "restraint of emotions."  

    On the chest of the Magus there is a cross with a red dot. The cross is a symbol of matter, of the material world. A magician is connected with matter, but is not a part of it. 

    How does this look like in our daily life? We ask to send us an idea how to resolve a situation, because we do not see the options for resolving it, or we do not see all the possibilities. This is because we are "inside" a situation. 

    The Magician "sees" the situation we are in, from the side. He is not involved in it. Here the saying "From the side is more visible" works. 

    The red dot on the cross means that to solve the situation the Magician is ready to invest his energy. 

    On the head of the Magician - uroboros (the snake biting itself by the tail), which symbolizes autonomy. Above his head is the symbol of infinity (the sign of astral perfection). 

    We also see on the picture four elements, symbolizing the four suits of the Tarot: wand, cup, sword and pentacle. There are for aces. They symbolize: 

    Ace of Wands - social adequacy of the idea, its timeliness, demand for the society; 

    Ace of Swords - what to do to implement the idea; 

    Ace of Cups - positive emotions to implement the idea; 

    Ace of Pentacles - energy done to implement the idea. 

    The sword, the cup and the pentacle are on the table, and the Magician holds the wand in his hand. At the end of the wand is a pyramid, which symbolizes the following: "From the point of God, through the triangle of the spirit, through the tetrahedron (the world of four dimensions) the impulse passes to be realized in the material world." 

    When we talk about the Magician's energy in our life, it is important to understand that, firstly, the idea pursued by the Magician can be or for the whole of mankind (for example, the invention of an incandescent lamp), and for one person (how to change something in own life). In the first case, ideas come at once to several people on Earth. 

    Secondly, if the idea of the Magician came to you, it means that you have everything you need to implement it, even if you do not yet know about it. Often the idea comes, and we start to think that we do not have enough time, money or skills to realize it. It's important to start here and everything will come. But some people are frightened and refuse. And someone takes the idea and realizes it. 

     And the last important moment. Sometimes we take the idea of the Magician and ... spoil it.  

     How does this happen? Above we talked about that the idea of the Magician includes four areas: society - Wands, mind - Swords, emotions - Cups and resources - Pentacles. 

     For example, the idea of the Magician came to you. But, instead of starting to implement it, you start telling everyone what a wonderful idea you have and ... losing the Cups' energy. Or add something that contradicts the rules established in your society and ... lose the energy of the Wands. You can try to "improve" the idea, based on your mind and ... lose the energy of Swords. 

     Tarot cards very quickly react to our attempts to spoil the idea of the Magician and then the Magician comes out "inverted." 

    But this does not mean that everything is lost! You just have to adjust your behavior a little and everything will be fine :)    

Sincerely yours, 

                                                                    Ms. Tedda  

 Picture: Tarot of Twelve Rays (authors Isset Kotelnikova and Max Kim) 

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