Ego - Seeing what ego is

in #self-improvement7 years ago


I am going to cut to the chase here.

Ego is the mind, ego is Energy and going with the energy, it does not matter if you judge it as positive or negative, ego is going with the energy.

So, how do we stop ego? And why should we stop ego?

Stopping the EGO is really simple, it is to stop anything of the MIND (mine) that is thoughts, feelings and emotions and many more dimensions besides those, such as our imagination, our desires, our fantasies, our hopes, our dreams, our Image of ourselves, pictures in our head, all of it is EGO as all of it is about stimulating ENERGY.

Energy as the mind as Ego, it is a MINE, where we are mining or mining the body of its resources, we are depleting the body and destroying the body for momentary experiences of the mind.

Thus the ego as going where ever energy goes, may it be positive or negative is thus self-harm, and as we can see the MIND of which the EGO functions is that of a MINE that is depleting the body of its resources of things that do not last, that literally only serves a purpose for a moment and then it is over, we now have/had an experience and we store it in our memory/hard drive which again is the body, and thus we also develop disease and all kinds of different problems with our bodies based on what we store within our bodies, like having a virus, or malware or we get malfunctions due to over storing, again, it does not matter if it is positive or negative, BOTH are energy and that all the EGO/MIND cares about to hold in place is FEAR on which the personality and characters of self is stored and created from within the believe that these personalities and characters we play from energy, helps us survive.

Now, if one understands the above written, then we can see the statement of as within so without coming into play, and how the WORLD as the EARTH is MINED and depleted of its resources for a ECO(EGO)nomical system that produces things for entertainment and things that do not last, even the system and the setup of the system is designed to not last, and the body as the earth is ageing and dying the same way we as humans and our bodies do, and just look at how Humans are abused and used for this system to make it function or even possible.

On earth you will also find memories (me more lies) stored everywhere as our history (his or her story) and we will find that NONE of our history makes sense and seem very confusing over all, the dates and times and all the findings we have and are getting, nothing makes sense, the same as within us when we have to look at our own memories within us, we mix them, we lose sight of the times and moment, only certain points are very clear within us and not all, the same as what we are finding on earth.

Now, what is EGO? Ego is currently the manifestation of what is within us and within this world manifested, in fact all of it is ego, as Life as nature as all that is REAL and not going where the energy is as ego does, are being abused to an extent that is unforgivable, the same as what we do to our bodies.

If we want to bring any change to this world, we have to understand what EGO is and to stop ALL of ego, ego is ENEGRY and thus FOLLOWING the energy, thus GOING there instead of taking a breather and making decisions based on common sense and what is best for all life, we rather go with a feeling or emotion or a thought, or a picture in our mind, regardless of physical evidence and feedback that we should not.

Ego does not judge good or bad, it in fact enjoys that we judge things as good and bad energy, as that keeps on stimulating a polarity design that keeps each other going and intact, and thus always generating energy, that’s what the ego (mind) enjoys, because then it is mining energy, it is depleting the body/earth for a HIGH, a moment of FEELING something and living that feeling and then it is over, it is a consumerism design.

What we are doing as EGO as the mind to ourselves and this planet is unforgivable, nothing can forgive us, only we MUST forgive ourselves for what we have been and are being led into temptation even when we have common sense and can SEE what is best for all or not, and yet go with it, go with the energy, we must and can only forgive ourselves and that we have accepted and allowed ourselves to be misled or to mislead ourselves or others, we can never dodge consequences, but through forgiving ourselves as EGO as the mind as the thoughts, feelings and emotions we participate within we give to ourselves the moment to breathe and thus take direction (direct action) to correct ourselves and to take responsibility for the consequences and change things, as we also now have the Ability to respond where previously we did not, because we accepted and allowed the EGO as MIND as thoughts, feelings and emotions to direct US.

If you are ready to forgive yourself, to stop the EGO, the mind then I would encourage anyone that is ready to support themselves and do the work to visit

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