Where do false gurus come from

      I read the post by @inber My experience of visiting a "psychotherapist" - eerie story and remembered the conversation that took place between me and my friend about three years ago. She bluntly accused me of not taking care of my spiritual development. Lack of care was expressed in the fact that I do not go to church and do not attend psychological training. 

       Well, I have my own relationship with the church. Honestly, I do not think that I need an intermediary to communicate with God. And I also believe that God has no hands, except ours. And what you do is much more important than observing rituals. I believe in God but not in religion.  

      The simple example. There is a war in my country. A real war. Many of my friends do not go to church. But they can often be found in a military hospital, where they help the wounded. That my friend does not go to a military hospital, does not go to an orphanage, does not help animals or old people. She goes to church and to trainings, because it allows her to cherish her nervous system. And he talks about his love for people, and especially for children. She says, but does nothing. And from time to time she suffers from "depression" (I take the word depression in quotes, because when we talk about real depression, it's a disease. In our case, we should rather talk about a bad mood from ... boredom).

      Do not misunderstand me. I'm not saying that going to church is bad. Or that going for psychological training is bad. I want to say that this is not enough. It is necessary also to do something! 

     But to do is more difficult. 

     So there is a whole industry - the industry helping those who do not want to do anything. It's easy. A person is happy to hear that anyone else is guilty of his troubles, but not himself: karma, bedevil, evil eye, etc. Demand creates supply and false gurus appears. Often they call themselves esoteric, because to provide psychological services you need a license. But I must say that they have nothing to do with adequate esotericism. 

  Their main goal is to "put" the client on themselves. They will tell you endlessly that you have problems, even if you do not feel yourself a person with problems. Well, of course! This is your EGO resist! (@inber pays attention to it). 

     In fact, these people often have no idea about the laws of the functioning of the psyche (which is the sphere of psychology), nor about the laws of the universe (which is closer to esotericism). But in one and the other field, however they call themselves, they violate the main principle: do no harm! 

     I want to say that @inber is lucky. A sufficient level of awareness allowed her to realize that something was going wrong. And how many people find themselves in psychological dependence on such false assistants who simply shamelessly deflate money from them and, what is worse, not only do not help, but also worsen their psychological state. 

     How not to fall into the trap? First of all, if you really have depression - go to the doctor. Depression is a medical problem. Often it is caused by hormonal disorders. Tips "pull yourself together" will not work! If you are a little confused in life, you can contact a psychologist, astrologer or esotericist of your choice. But remember, their task is to give you a "life-affirming kick," to learn how to deal with problems on your own. If you feel that the "expert" is trying to "tie" you to him, take an example with an @inber - RUN! :) 

     P.S. By the way, @inber gives good advice on how to cope with a bad mood. Try, they work! 

 Picture: Tarot of Twelve Rays (authors Isset Kotelnikova and Max Kim)    


A very informative article.
Religion has no place in politics, the education system or in health and medicinal matters.
I am a spiritual person also and use intuition as a valuable tool to discerning false information and self appointed gurus.
I have nothing against people praying together if it helps them in their personal life. But I also quite honestly believe that religion (quite separate from spirituality) is essentially evil. It divides people, it sets them against one another. How many wars have been and are still being fought in the name of religion?
When I have asked people of various beliefs what they think is a basic tenet of their faith, they say "love, peace"...so why the wars?
No, religion is a man-made institution used as control of it's congregation.
When in doubt look to intuition, you can somehow sense that something isn't right when psychologists or gurus try to persuade you how they think you ought to behave and to fit in with their disciples, that they are "God's chosen spokesman".

Absolutely agree with you! I have the same opinion about religion!

I also don't believe in racism. There is one race...the human race.
Just as there are many breeds of dogs, and they have different talents, at the end of the day they are all dogs.
If only people realised and understood that we are all connected by spirit, imagine how wars would diminish, how people could learn to respect and have sympathy to the customs and lifestyles of others.
Yes, there will always be those who take advantage over others...human competition, nature I guess. But no religious divide and no distinction...wow. We could learn so much from each other.

I often try to explain the same some people :) I believe step by step people will understand that we are really the one whole

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