Samsung Told The World 2 Years Ago Their TV's Were Listening To YOU!! With Linked proof. And resolution.

in #security7 years ago

I remember when Samsung warned people that they were listening to your conversations for quality control, NO ONE BATTED AN EYE. Today you learn that the gov is doing it and all hell breaks lose.

Opinion on this articles linked below talking about Samsung warning people about their TV's

I could link so many more. Trump claims Obama wiretapped him but wait til he learns Samsung was listening in on him talking a dump, I bet his bathroom has a big smart tv and brings his phone. Maybe that is why he is so pissed.

This is my issue with citizens of Capitalist countries, such as my self living in China a country that is beating America at it own game, is that you don't get angry enough when corporations do it but when your government does you get really angry.,204,203,200.jpg

To be honest both have evil intentions and good intentions.

If people stood up a decade a go when these issues of businesses monitoring our every move then the gov's could have enacted laws which would have slowed the decay of our trust in our leaders.

Now with Samsung back in February 2015 they told the world that their Smart TV's were listening in and that actual people were, real humans, listening so they could better program the TV's to know the difference between commands and regular conversations. They warned the people to be careful what they said or did.

I swore I would never ever buy a Smart TV EVER. And I won't need where I am going.

Why do the gov's or the corps need to know when I am in the bathroom or sleeping. They record your conversation and have software that pickup on key words and phrases in all the languages. They sneak detailed photos of your home by activating your camera without letting you know, even people not using a phone have their voice and location picked up because some else's phone is not secure (pokemon Go was a great tool, telling people where to go and what to take photos of, clever) no secrets.

All these apps on your phone give away more personal info than you probably know about yourself. I don't know why people are comfortable with this, many are not.

I don't get how people are surprised trump claims his phones were tapped. ALL MODERN WORLDS PHONE AND INTERNET ARE TAPPED. Everyone. Recorded for future use.

(image credit

Are you learning this now? Why does it only bother you when Wikileaks says it?

I said I had a resolution, a resolve for this issue. If you value your privacy and don't want you phone and TV to record and send your life to an agency here is what I do.

Not easy, nearly impossible. I use a VPN to get access to the world wide web but it does offer a level security and privacy from corporations, working without the law, but it is possible to track down VPN users with enough tech and connections.
There maybe some apps to help but really anything you do online you should assume that it is possible to be traced or monitored. New things are always being created or vulnerabilities being discovered. The exceptions, in my mind, would be the few people who are truly are computer and internet pro's.

Connect through any country at any time.

Don't use a SMART TV that connects to the internet. Or remove the mic and camera by hand your self. This may limit your options for a cool new sexy TV but that's your choice then. TV's that don't connect to the net are are still pretty good, go with a projector TV if you got the space. There are options. I don't even have a TV, I just BT everything, no laws in china for me to worry about. How's that for freedom.

No internet, still great picture.

Mobile Phone

Get a Blackberry or Blackberry hybrid. Their are others that offer comparable security.

Blackberry is still a world leader in Internet and mobile phone security. They lost touch with the phones and could not keep up because too many people chose phones that were more FB and Twiter and Youtube and everything that compromised security, the exact opposite of BB.

All these years later they finally figured it out. Blackberry now uses the most up to date Android software.

I've been using Blackberry DTek50 for 5 months. Nothing gets past me I can set it to notify me of any activity I did not initiate myself. Warnings when the mic or camera are activated when I am not using it. Using special chips that override software commands. It's pretty cool and functions just like any other android phone.

Already BB hybrid phones are making their debut.
This is an amazing phone.

I'm waiting for the BB/Sony Hybrid that I will pay a pretty penny for my next phone.

No, I don't work for Blackberry but that's only because they didn't give me a job.

(image credit

I do enjoy eating as well though.

Think about you privacy, You want it but most of you don't really take the steps to have it. Only a few are speaking up.

Check out these other steemit post about this topic. Nobody should be surprised by Wikileaks, this is not new info, just new proof.

My point is. No matter what you do or where you do it, if you have any type of digital device with you, you are being monitored. Even this fine platform is not exempt.

(Tim Curry movie Congo)

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yep, has been for a while. the masses just starting to realize it.

Only difference is I don't watch tv

OMG, this is the first time I heard of this.
Luckily, I typing this comment watching the screen on a Sony TV.
Should I feel better?

haha. yes feel good.

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