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RE: Seablue Journal: Finding the Self.

in #seablue6 years ago

I may have to read this myself. Clever title too. And that image the fractal made! I'm glad to see this post @seablue. I've been wondering about you man. I should have known you'd be delving deep. I hope I get to see what you will create!

I've noticed this death wish before in myself but never really studied the concept. Your post has helped me already by reinvigorating my interest in the subject. I must admit that I am a total amateur. But that last paragraph! How can that not get you fired up!


I've been in my fortress of solitude, wrestling with the problems of the time. Or perhaps it could be like the caterpillar going into the chrysalis to emerge renewed, reformed and transcendent.

I was watching a Joe Rogan podcast and he and his guest starting talking about the book and what a big influence it had on them. They talked about reading it over and over again to remind them of the necessity to push through resistance.

My eyes opened and my jaw dropped. This was describing my present struggle of pushing into life and knowing the 'why' that would energize my action. I bought it in audiobook form, as that is my favorite way to listen to something on a daily basis. So I play it in my car and on my bedside table at night. Every day reminding me of the path forward. The next leg of the journey has begun.

It is great to hear from you too, @richardcrill. Our journeys have been so similar. 'Same same but different', as one of my daughters would say. I know you are meeting your own Muse and embracing with passion your potential and creativity. May you be all that you can be. ;)

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