I made $2 with my first post on Scrypto - Looks like Steemit is getting some competition.

in #scrypto7 years ago

Looks like steemit is getting some competition.


Scrypto has launched in its pre-alpha state right now, so it's still very new. I managed to make the first post in the steemit group that @condra created there and it only had 4 members when I did. There are only 121 members on scrypto while I'm writing this so it's incredibly new.

It looks like YouTube and Vimeo videos work no problem, as well as SoundCloud for music. I tried posting a gif, which didn't work directly (it worked if you clicked it), but I was assured it would be fixed shortly as they are adding in the key features every day.

And I made $2.19 from it.

It looks like they are eventually planning on accepting over 800 different cryptocurrency to use as rewards when things really get going.

Right now, they use DigitalPrice, Evotion, and Motocoin.

Those looking to invest, they've already sold their first 50k scrypto tokens at $0.50 and are now on the second batch of 50k for $0.75 with 45k left.

Go and check it out and don't forget to join the steemit group!


This is fantastic thanks for the heads up!!!

Thanks for the heads up!

You're Welcome!

Just joined, you can find me there with the same username "swaraj". It's console looks more like Facebook to me.

Yeah a little bit. I'm glad it's not blue. I was getting a little sick of that color between facebook and here.

Interesting post. I've registed and followed you here. Once I set up my account I will join the group.👌

I want to clarify something here, in advance apologies friend for the negative vote in your post, I clarify that I was not me, now I'mpiento averle given voting power to the robots and more so that they make misuse of the, like this for example, I feel very annoyed by that and I apologize, I would never a vote like that and I do not do it to anyone, alert with that if they gave voting power to the robots to check that they vote, because they are using that badly, greetings, I hope Excuse my friend.

No need to apologize. I know who did it and I made a post about it to let everyone who's vote he used know of the situation. If you could remove your flag from that post as well, it would be fantastic.


I realize that most people who sign up for that service are new to steemit and just looking for ways to get their posts noticed a little more and maybe make a little extra money. That is completely understandable and in no way is it anyone's fault who had their account used to flag other people. The only person who is at fault is the person who deceived and used everyone of that group for their own personal gain.

With all my pleasure, I already did, remove the flag, thanks for your understanding

This is beyond amazing.

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