Frozen Homes Pt 141: Answered Questions

Frozen Homes Pt 141: Answered Questions

Tuesday that feel like Thursday post!

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I Had this ready yesterday, but couldn't get to editing it before sleep time so now you get it a bit earlier than normal today. Lots of talking and a small look at the inner workings of the water people. So I hope everyone enjoys this chapter and has lots of fun reading it.

And as always! Thanks for reading and all the awards!


A grouping of cars came to a slow stop outside a large domed conference centre. A crowd of thousands had already gathered, all eagerly awaiting the occupants and shouting excitedly at the two armoured creatures, both of whom were easily keeping stride with the fleet as no vehicle was presently capable of shuttling their mass.

General Feògh finished his call with the Service Chief and looked over to Captain Michael Graeme. The one who seemed to be in charge of the alien representatives. "This Jack subordinate of yours. He has caused quite a commotion within our online community... How is he able to be so active in so little time?"

"Well, he's really good at his job. Helps that he's an Artificial Terran, though." Michael replied, sneaking a peek out the window as both soldiers and police began hastily clearing a path through the excited crowd.

"Are you not also Terran?" Feògh replied. "Or is he a different type of Terran?"

"Jack's an AI." Ankiah interrupted, deciding not to dance around the topic. "He prefers to be called a Terran, though, as he has the same rights as any one of us."

"Right, why wouldn't your alliance have such beings..." Feògh said with a grin. "Perhaps you can introduce us when he's done policing our networks without permission."

"Of course." Srettia replied, trying to smooth over the conversation. "Maybe if you're willing, you could meet him in person aboard our ship."

"Are you offering me a tour? If so, I accept your offer. I would love to see the inside of your ship." Feògh accepted, peeking out the window as an officer approached. "It seems our time to greet the crowd has come. Though I know of your armoured companion's abilities, please be at ease that our agents will do their duty accordingly."

"Hey, no problems here, General Feògh." Michael said, shifting slightly to be just behind the male as the door was opened. "Do we really need to do this thing before we enter official talks, though?"

"I would greatly appreciate it if you did this for us. It would put my people at ease knowing that you're not here to destroy us, but to instead help." General Feògh said as he exited the car, immediately looking to his right as the two armoured beings stood to the side. "You two cut a rather imposing figure." He noted, watching as one guard was busy watching the crowd, and the other was watching the vehicle while the diplomats began their exit into the screaming crowd. He took a step forward and whispered an unheard command to his personal guards as the Terran stood tall from the car and watched as they disappeared into the crowd as a silence crept over it.

Michael looked out into the silent crowd. It was an odd feeling. The eyes of hundreds of beings, perhaps thousands, all watching him. All silent, save for a weird humming some made.

Srettia stepped out of the car, placing herself beside Michael as she looked out into the crowd. The silence was a very off thing to her. That is, until it was no longer silent, and the crowd burst into screams and cheers as she came into full view and gave her first wave to the crowd.

"Well, I'm glad they like you." Michael mumbled, stepping off to the side and allowing the rest of the party to come into view.

Feògh paused, standing still for a long minute to allow the crowd to get their pictures and videos of the waving aliens. Finally, he took a step forward and ushered the diplomats along the moment his phone pinged and informed him that though the meeting hall was ready for the guests, the closed room was still being prepared for the real talks to come.

Michael smiled and followed along with the general, continuing his greetings to the crowd until finally he was brought inside the building. Only to be met with more cameras and eager reporters asking hundreds of questions, ones he easily could answer. But he decided to wait for the informal meet and greet at the hall the general had prepared for them.

The group continued their slow walk past the eager beings and through a large double door, entering what looked to be an auditorium with thousands of seats and a stage where more Leittoine busied themselves preparing it for their guests.

"I hope this will be satisfactory. We aren't quite sure how to seat the diplomats with longer tails, so we settled for cushioned benches with the lower back support removed and the upper reinforced." Feògh announced, walking onto the stage and waving the diplomats to their seats.

"This will do nicely." Srettia replied, watching as Michael took the position closest to the General's spot before moving to sit beside him.

"This kinda feels like the time you two asked for help on Earth." Michael said, looking over to Ankiah, who sat on another bench with Mau'lmon while Yirphayen placed itself on a raised cushion set between the two benches.

"Yeah, only this time you're the one answering questions, and you've already saved our people." Ankiah replied. "Maybe I'll ask you something that's been on my mind for the last while."

"And what would that be?" Michael asked.

"You'll have to find out, but I'm sure Mau'lmon has noticed it already since he's also been training with Terrans." She replied, leaning over to whisper something in his ear and earning herself a laugh.

"I have. Yes." He noted, only cleaning his eyes afterwards.

"Alright then. Keep your secrets." Michael laughed out, shielding his eyes as the lighting was adjusted.

"You sure this is a smart thing to agree to? They can pretty much pack this place with all sorts of dangerous stuff." Renin asked over a com, finally deciding on a corner to stand in while overlooking the stage with Resima.

"Well, their hand weapons aren't too powerful, and I doubt they would set off large-scale explosives in the city. I think they just want the population to understand we're not here to finish them off." Michael replied, looking to the central doorway as it opened and people began pouring in. "Wouldn't we normally walk onto the stage after people are seated?" He asked.

"Hmm, is that how your people do things?" The general replied. "For entertainment purposes, we do things like that. But formal talks, we seat the speakers and allow them to observe the crowd as they walk in."

"I suppose that makes its own kind of sense." Ankiah noted, carefully watching as the beings rushed to their seats. "Maybe it helps get people seated faster?"

"It also prevents delays as when the time is up, the doors are closed, and the talks begin." Feògh added, watching at the countdown timer hit one minute.

Ankiah looked over to a few of the soldiers busy eyeing the ambassadors, her annoyance building as they spoke in hushed whispered they assumed she was unable to hear. It seemed to be a conversation she heard echoed throughout the building as the crowd piled into their seats. "Everyone here is getting things backwards." She sighed out, earning the attention of Srettia and Mau'lmon

"And that is?" Srettia asked; however before she could gain an answer, she was interrupted as the lights dimmed, and a piece of calming music began drowning out the voices.

Feògh stood from his seated position and walked towards the central stage as the lights slowly intensified, giving the entire room, with the exception of the stage lightening, a dim look. He looked into the main camera and took in a deep breath before exhaling as a green light appeared above it. "Brave Leittoine. I Feògh Tóilbhe stand before you with an announcement many of you have been expecting." He declared, taking a moment to look out into the crowd and at each camera. "We have once again been visited by beings from beyond our star. I know many of you are concerned, many are frightened, and some are excited. But I come to you here. Now. To tell you that they come to us in hopes of peace and to offer their aid in our time of need."

Taking a step back, Feògh motioned a hand to the Alliance Ambassadors and gave a smile to the camera. "These beings have first agreed to answer our questions to ease your hearts, and while myself and the news organizations have already prepared our questions, we will also be taking questions from our network sites. Please feel free to ask anything bothering you, but please be aware we cannot answer all your questions today." He finished, giving a sly wink to Michael as he took his spot.

"Now the first question on everyone's mind." Feògh began, looking over to the ambassadors with a grin. "Do you truly come in peace?"

"Of course. Yes. We do." Michael replied. "My people have been searching the stars for over two thousand years for other beings like us. When we reached this sector and found it in shambles... We decided we had to do something about it."

Ankiah abruptly stood in annoyance and looked over to General Feògh as the crowd whispered amongst itself. "Listen. I don't know what the deal is with you guys dismissing Michael and his species as uninteresting or weak or unimportant and soft looking. But it's getting pretty annoying." She vented, pointing a finger out into the crowd. "Every species in this room. Yours, mine, Srettia's, Yirphayen's, Mau'lmon. All of us. Would not be here if not for the Terrans. Not only that well... Jack, are you listening?"

"I am."

The crowd gasped in shock from the voice ringing through the auditorium, and Ankiah chuckled to herself as their eyes began searching frantically for the source but unable to find the culprit.

"Jack is an AI who is unable lie. So I will ask a question right now, one that will make things very clear for everyone watching." Ankiah announced. "Jack, if this was some evil plot by Michael. Say he saved everyone and did all the things he and his species did just for this moment. If right now, he suddenly turned evil and went on a killing rampage. What're the odds of us making it out of here alive? Discounting the two titan guards, that is." She finished, moving back to her seat with an angry glare at the nearby soldiers.

"A rather difficult question, one that perhaps should not be answered, but... The weapons the Leittoine use, though similar to Terran weapons from the same time period, are relatively weak in comparison due to the species not being able to handle the same intensity of recoil. With Michael's combat Nanites hardening his skin and stopping blood loss, his species shock resistance, natural strength, endurance, and durability. I doubt anyone in this room could stop him and predict a twenty percent casualty rate, forty-one percent if Michael came across a weapon before he escaped. There is a eight-point-three percent chance he would be stopped before such actions. The discerning factor being if Representative Ankiah was capable of hardening her fur in time as Michael currently has a high resistance to Srettia's venom."

"Wait." Michael interrupted, looking out into the stunned crowd. "Why is it that high? Aren't I only a bit stronger than everyone else? And what about Yirphayen?"

"You have fallen into a trap most Terrans have, and allies entering the service have begun noticing. Terrans do not currently understand how powerful they are. This problem is mostly due to Terrans training with other Terrans as allied species still make up an extremely small portion of the military. A telling example is how most Aasterans work extremely hard to keep up with Terran soldiers currently, and although you have not been training as hard as you should be. You are still in near-peak condition due to your nanites, and it would be difficult to stop you currently."

"Ohh." Michael replied, noticing the soldiers were now eyeing him with their pistol palmed.

Srettia leaned back on the bench with a smile as the room went quiet from the revelation, and the soldiers now spoke quietly into their com devices. Feògh, noticing the awkwardness, cleared his throat loudly, calming the air as he studied the being in question. Then the realization hit him. The Terran was without armour, and there were two behind him in armour. He swallowed heavily and shook off the thought. "Well then, that's quite terrifying." He announced. "What kind of planet would one have to come from for you to evolve in the way you did. My apologies Captain Michael. But you look very harmless to us."

"It's not something we've really studied about ourselves, I guess." Michael began. "We have noticed over the last two millennia of exploring that our fauna is relatively robust when compared to most other planets. I mean, most of our predators capable of killing us rather easily." Michael replied, noticing the now horrified look the crowd was now giving him.

"Sounds like your planet is rather dangerous." Feògh shot back, wanting to learn more of the now known most dangerous thing on the planet.

Michael shook his head. "Not as dangerous as Ankiah's, really. Her planet is full of people-eating tank chopping bugs."

Feògh looked over to Ankiah as if to confirm the statement and only received a toothy grin in response. "He's right. Our cities need tall walls so we're not overrun by them during their mating season."

Feògh looked over to Srettia as if questioning if her planet was a death trap as well. But the face she gave him was on he didn't fully understand; however, he noticed it spoke of different problems, so he decided to move on. "I see. Perhaps you can enlighten us as to what brought your Alliance of species here then?"

Srettia tapped her tail and looked to the general as he returned her look. "Recently, we came upon an enemy ship with information suggesting a large battle taking place within this system. Upon further investigation, we discovered your species was inhabiting this star, and we were sent to investigate the situation before relief forces were deployed."

"And once your forces are here? What then?" Feògh returned.

"We destroy your enemies, offer you a spot within the Alliance and move on from there." Srettia continued.

Feògh leaned forward and returned the ambassadors look as if to discern the truth. "What if we refuse and ask you to leave?"

"Then we leave. We're not out to make enemies, only friends. If you're not ready for that today or tomorrow. Perhaps a few years or decades down the line, you will be. And we'll still be waiting." Michael finished.

"I see." Feògh commented. "Next question, what kind of technology will you be bringing to our people if we accept your aid?" He finished, sneaking a peek down at his tablet and noticing the hundreds of questions beginning to pile up. "I should have gotten a tv host for this." He thought to himself, looking over to the cute hairless alien. "Dangerous. Extremely dangerous." He remembered, shaking his head as the Terran began to answer his question.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------## TLDR Summary:

He noted, watching as one guard was busy watching the crowd, and the other was watching the vehicle while the diplomats began their exit into the screaming crowd. Michael replied, sneaking a peek out the window as both soldiers and police began hastily clearing a path through the excited crowd. "My people have been searching the stars for over two thousand years for other beings like us. [First] [Prev] [Next] [Wiki]

I Had this ready yesterday, but couldn't get to editing it before sleep time so now you get it a bit earlier than normal today. General Feògh said as he exited the car, immediately looking to his right as the two armoured beings stood to the side. Michael replied, noticing the now horrified look the crowd was now giving him. Ankiah abruptly stood in annoyance and looked over to General Feògh as the crowd whispered amongst itself.



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