The Second Book of the Alienbutt Saga. The Rise of Mr Fluffy. Part 89.

in #scifi7 years ago


“General, we’re being hailed by the Federation command ship,” the communication officer announced, sounding confused. “They’re asking for a ceasefire. They are advising us that a million extra droid units are closing in and...” she paused. “Sir, the droids have gone rogue, they’re attacking both sides.”
Duke Ramboe stood, his mind racing as he watched the attacking Federation fleet as it self-destructed, ships exploding with no sign of incoming fire. The droid ships swarmed around the battlefield, attacking both sides. “Orders to all fleet, switch targets, droid ships to be targeted only! I want long range scans for that incoming fleet,” Duke Ramboe ordered. “All damaged ships to prepare for immediate evacuation on my order.”
Kali heard Duke Ramboe’s orders with disbelief. Before her she could see the heart of the Federation fleet being ripped apart.
“We have our orders, droid ships only and keep an eye out for that new fleet. I want all Fo’c’sle ships on me,” she ordered.
The remaining Fo’c’sle ships moved into position behind their leader’s ship just as the droid armada arrived. With little time to react the Fo’c’sle turned to meet the threat head on as it swarmed over the rear of the Federation fleet and rolled on towards them. Thousands of large droid carriers spewed out hundreds of thousands of droid fighter ships, while tens of thousands of droid frigate class ships opened fire with their large forward cannons. The Federation had created a fleet of capital ships needing no living crews, controlled by a computer and manned by droids. In its first battle it had turned on its owners, and now everyone would fall before it.

Earth orbit.jpg

Killashandra led the remains of her squadron toward Kali when the droid ships arrived, and watched in horror as the Fo’c’sle were swarmed over. Banking her ship away from the arriving fleet she knew there was only one thing they could do even before Duke Ramboe gave the order for a full retreat. The numbers and momentum of the droid charge through the battlefield was unstoppable. “Killashandra to all ships, you heard the order, let’s get above this mayhem, and then we run for it.” As her pilot started to pull the ship clear of the battle she cast a last look at the Hunters Rest as the first of the droid ships reached it, its gun turrets causing massive damage but unable to stem the tide. As her ship picked up speed to pull away from the battlefield, droid ships closed in on them and opened fire. She knew it would be a close run race for them to escape.

To be continued.
All images are mine.


And I ran, I ran so far away....sometimes you just need to run.

sir very good post thanks to sharing

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