Help me! The Earth is Flat!

in #sciencefiction7 years ago (edited)

I'm watching Youtube and see a few documentaries suggesting that the Earth is flat. And now I'm lost. I really need help from this leading edge community!

I learned at school that the earth is a sphere and that gravity holds us in place. Satellites that orbit the earth, and the sun is far away. There are many people who show on the internet, that this cannot be true. Especially NASA does not do well here.

This is what they Claim

Why are there no real pictures of the planet earth? There are pictures that are made using different images but there is no photo of our planet that has been created without editing.

1 image

If the earth is a globe, why can I watch with binoculars over the horizon?

2 source

And so there are more confusing and incomprehensible things to me, that are explained by these people. Just take a look around and tell me if these people have a point or not.

YouTube has a lot of videos about this conspiracy theory.

Nederlands tekst

Ik zit op Youtube wat rond te kijken en kwam een aantal filmpjes tegen die suggereren dat de aarde plat is. En nu weet ik het niet meer. Ik heb echt hulp nodig van deze vooruitstrevende gemeenschap!

Ik heb op school geleerd dat de aarde een bol is en dat de zwaartekracht ons op zijn plek houd. Dat er satellieten om de aarde draaien, en de zon staat ver weg. Er zijn veel mensen die aantonen, op internet, dat dit allemaal niet waar kan zijn. Vooral NASA krijgt ervan langs.

Dit is waarom

Waarom zijn er geen echte foto's van de planeet aarde? Er zijn afbeeldingen die gemaakt zijn aan de hand van verschillende afbeeldingen maar er is geen enkele foto van onze planeet te vinden die gemaakt is zonder bewerking.

Als de aarde een bol is, waarom kan ik dan met een verrekijker over de horizon heen kijken?

Enzo zijn er meer verwarrende en onbegrijpelijke dingen voor mij, die worden uitgelegd door deze mensen. Kijk zelf maar eens een beetje rond en vertel me of deze mensen een punt hebben of niet.

Op YouTube staan best wat filmpjes over deze samenzweringstheorie.

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Anybody that thinks the earth is flat needs help.

Anybody that isn't willing to question the most basic fundamentals of anything that they've been told since birth is a sheeple that can be easily herded by the powers that be.. whether or not the earth is round or flat

You can question, but the answer is what determines your worth. The word sheeple was coined by people with big mouths and small IQs in order to justify believing in things that are demonstrably wrong. I would avoid using it in future.

I don't know who coined the word and neither do you, but it's a very appropriate term for the unthinking masses that follow the herd regardless of whether it's over a cliff, into a slaughterhouse, or just to get sheared. And regarding low IQs, I can assure you that the IQ of the guys that are seriously questioning the earth model are way, way the f**k higher than the average. If you want some proof of this, have a genuine listen to Jeffrey Grupp sometime at Jeffrey was a math prof at the University of Michigan teaching the philosophy of science and the scientific method. He's all about directly observable evidence and doesn't accept anything but. Until you are intellectually honest enough to do this, stop insulting people on a topic you've never taken a hard look at because you've already made up your mind before assessing the masses of contradictory evidence out there.. They may not be right, but I can assure you that the model we are given isn't either.

Interesting, you call me intellectually dishonest while assuming I haven't read the arguement against a flat earth while I actually have. Assuming that somebody knows less about a subject because they disagree is impressively intellectually dishonest.

Let me be clear, I do not believe most of what I am told by anybody and I am most suspicious of information coming from government and media, but the flat earth is just nonsense. To make the model work you have to Ignore so much demonstrable physics.

If any flat earther were to actually prove that the earth was flat, they would get Nobel prizes, book deals, grants and scientific commendations, world wide fame and riches and would go in the hall of fame for ever. I would suggest if you really believe in a flat earth you work on that...

I would be interested to know how many actual days you've spent really researching the claims of the flat earth guys, who you've seriously listened to, and what exact topics you've followed up with research on to come to your conclusions.. That is my definition of intellectual honesty..

That is a ludicrous thing to ask for, who in the hell keeps a log of time spent reading, with links and time stamps. This is another perfect example of dishonesty... ask for records that nobody outside of a professional research facility actually keeps and then somehow claim victory in it's absence. I don't know a single person who keeps detailed records like that and if you do, then good for you (in a strange obsessive-compulsive way). So no I can't tell you exactly how long I've spent, my interest is in epistemology so I read lots of things about lots of subjects within that context. I have a couple of points:

Insinuating that because you have (possibly) read more about flat earth, that it makes you more correct is utter nonsense. There is no correlation between time spent and truth. Somebody could spend a lifetime reading something incorrect and it gets them no closer to the truth.

If the conclusion of an arguement is demonstrably false then reading the premises is purely academic.

Man, this cryptoviking is an asshole. What a brainwashed idiot.

I think the post makes things clear;
(Btw. This is also a great channel to follow!)

Thank you and that post is also very good!
Thank you, Thank you!!

The more important question is: why should it matter? Let's say we are being fooled and the earth is actually flat, who would benefit from this? What does it matter?

Ask yourself this: if the earth was flat, why don't the sunrays cover the entire earth at the same time? I mean it is flat, right? So the sun would cover a flat object at the same time completely. Just my thought, or am I thinking too logical? ;-)

Yes too logical, that is easy to explane
But try to explane this


When the sun is far far away, how is it possible thet the sunrays look like this.....

Flat-Earth believers argue that the sun (and moon for that matter) are much closer and smaller than we've been told. The following image below demonstrate how night and day can exist on a flat plane.

This also explains how sun rays triangulate from the source of light as shown in image posted by @steemspoker.

Exhibit 1

They are partially correct.

It consists of a slightly convex disc (complete with edge-of-the-world drop-off and consequent waterfall) resting on the backs of four huge elephants which are in turn standing on the back of an enormous turtle, named Great A'Tuin, (similar to Chukwa or Akupara from Hindu mythology, though "world turtles" are common to many disparate cosmologies) as it slowly swims through space.

As thought by Sir Terry Pratchett.

Ik geloof nog steeds dat de aarde rond is, maar er zijn zeker theorieën die je hersens doen kraken. Ik denk dat de platte aarde theorie verzonnen is om te combineren met waarheden. Een handige manier om mensen te laten afhaken, terwijl ze dicht bij de waarheid zijn.

De aarde kan best rond zijn, en plat LOL.

Ah jij denk nog dieper door hahaha
Ik weet ook niet wat ik ervan moet denken, ze hebben wel sterke punten, ik ben eigenlijk een beetje verbaasd.
Maakt niet uit verder, "Als je maar gelukkig bent", hahaha :-)
Mooie dag!

Als het ijs op Antartica gesmolten is dan ga ik wel even kijken. Laat het wel weten.

Ask yourself, what would be the purpose of this supposed "conspiracy" to deceive billions of people regarding the shape of our planet? At what cost, if our planet is indeed flat, is this "conspiracy" perpetuated? What is the benefit for the "conspirators" of this "hoax?"

The spherical reality of this planet has been proven by Hellenes at least 200 years prior to Christ. I recommend reading about Erestothenes and his elegant experiment and calculations. No sane man for the past 3000 years has ever believed in the nonsense of "flat" earth. The term "flat earth" was invented by the mediocre American writer Washington Irving to mock the Catholic Church in one of his moronic fictions.

flat earth funny.jpg

Think of the descriptor word; "flat", in a more esoteric context - do some YouTube searches on Quantum Hologram, etc . . . it's fascinating !

Keep digging @Steemspoker.
Welcome to the Realm.

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