The Flat Earth “Psyop”… ?

in #flatearth7 years ago (edited)

from SGT Report:

I received the following email from a reader and friend of SGT Report tonight. As fate would have it, I recently watched a cogent and articulate video about this same subject from Marty Leeds, a truth researcher I have interviewed. Here's the link to that video: We Need to Talk About Flat Earth. I thought the questions Marty raised in that video were so good that I posted the video at So count me as more open minded about this subject than I was a year ago. Or even a month ago. I have thought from day one that the entire 'flat earth' subject was a psyop, even telling former SGT Report contributor Rory to please refrain from posting material about it on this site. But again, Marty's video was very thought provoking. And now this email tonight from my friend Alev, which is equally thought provoking, especially since we know the elite have been lying to us about the nature of just about everything, for decades centuries..

Read it and feel free to share your thoughts (respectfully) on the subject in the comments below.

Here's the email:

Sean, It was hard for me to wrap my head around flat earth at first also...

But TRUTH resonates and if it hasn't resonated with you yet, it is because you have not been critical enough... you are letting their mind control influence you.

I beg you to watch the 2 or 3 videos I sent you.

Unfortunately you need to pick a camp on this one. It is too important not to and the only way is to give yourself a full day of research. That is all it will take. Put the pedos on hold. We can take them all down with this truth!!!

Explain this:

  1. Go on Google images and pull up "photos" of the earth... ALL without exception are CGI or paintings!!! Many images are clearly Photoshopped:

Why??? Don't you think Hubble would have taken at least ONE photo since it was put up (of course Hubble does not exist... all Hubble "photos" are also all CGI !!! )

2- Also not one of the 25'000 satellites are ever seen in any earth "photos"!!!!

  1. if Earth is spinning 1000miles/hr around itself, 67'000 miles/hr around the sun and our whole galaxy traveling 670'000miles/ hr around the milky way galaxy, the night sky would be constantly changing ! The stars should be moving in all directions, forever changing as we hurl through space... and yet... we see the same stars every night since the beginning of time rotating in perfect circles around the north star... as they ALWAYS have!!!!

Time lapsed photography...

  1. If the earth were round, using the mathematical equation to calculate curvature...not only would anything 40 miles away be over 800ft below the horizon, but IF we could see it, it would be seen tilting away from us. The tower in the video you sent me is a good example. Point is we should not have seen it at all. True the bottom was obscured by "Mirage" but it was straight up and down and not leaning away from the viewer as it should have!!!! THIS IS PROOF!!!

5- If the "planet earth" was larger than they are telling us as you suggest, it would not change physics. Did you realize that absolutely no correction for curvature exists for road or train track construction?

watch this PLEASE... PLEASE... PRETTY PLEASE....

Architects & Engineers for Flat Earth Truth

Surveyors, engineers and architects are never required to factor the supposed curvature of the Earth into their projects, providing another proof the world is a plane, not a planet. Canals and railways, for example, are always cut and laid horizontally, often over hundreds of miles, without any allowance for curvature.

One surveyor, Mr. T. Westwood, wrote into the January, 1896 “Earth Review” magazine stating that, “In leveling, I work from Ordinance marks, or canal levels, to get the height above sea level. The puzzle to me used to be, that over several miles each level was and is treated throughout its whole length as the same level from end to end; not the least allowance being made for curvature. One of the civil engineers in this district, after some amount of argument on each side as to the reason why no allowance for curvature was made, said he did not believe anybody would know the shape of the earth in this life.”

Another Surveyor and Engineer of thirty years wrote to the Birmingham Weekly Mercury, Feb. 15th, 1890 stating, “I am thoroughly acquainted with the theory and practice of civil engineering. However bigoted some of our professors may be in the theory of surveying according to the prescribed rules, yet it is well known amongst us that such theoretical measurements are INCAPABLE OF ANY PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATION. All our locomotives are designed to run on what may be regarded as TRUE LEVELS or FLATS. There are, of course, partial inclines or gradients here and there, but they are always accurately defined and must be carefully traversed. But anything approaching to eight inches in the mile, increasing as the square of the distance, COULD NOT BE WORKED BY ANY ENGINE THAT WAS EVER YET CONSTRUCTED.

Taking one station with another all over England and Scotland, it may be stated that all the platforms are ON THE SAME RELATIVE LEVEL. The distance between Eastern and Western coasts of England may be set down as 300 miles. If the prescribed curvature was indeed as represented, the central stations at Rugby or Warwick ought to be close upon three miles higher than a chord drawn from the two extremities. If such was the case there is not a driver or stoker within the Kingdom that would be found to take charge of the train. We can only laugh at those of your readers who seriously give us credit for such venturesome exploits, as running trains round spherical curves. Horizontal curves on levels are dangerous enough, vertical curves would be a thousand times worse, and with our rolling stock constructed as at present physically impossible.”

Engineer, W. Winckler, wrote into the Earth Review October 1893 regarding the Earth’s supposed curvature, stating, “As an engineer of many years standing, I saw that this absurd allowance is only permitted in school books. No engineer would dream of allowing anything of the kind. I have projected many miles of railways and many more of canals and the allowance has not even been thought of, much less allowed for. This allowance for curvature means this - that it is 8” for the first mile of a canal, and increasing at the ratio by the square of the distance in miles; thus a small navigable canal for boats, say 30 miles long, will have, by the above rule an allowance for curvature of 600 feet. Think of that and then please credit engineers as not being quite such fools. Nothing of the sort is allowed. We no more think of allowing 600 feet for a line of 30 miles of railway or canal, than of wasting our time trying to square the circle”

The Suez Canal which connects the Mediterranean Sea with the Gulf of Suez on the Red Sea is a clear proof of the Earth’s and water’s non-convexity. The canal is 100 miles long and without any locks so the water within is an uninterrupted continuation of the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea. When it was constructed, the Earth’s supposed curvature was not taken into account, it was dug along a horizontal datum line 26 feet below sea-level, passing through several lakes from one sea to the other, with the datum line and the water’s surface running perfectly parallel over the 100 miles. The average level of the Mediterranean is 6 inches above the Red Sea, while the floodtides in the Red Sea rise 4 feet above the highest and drop 3 feet below the lowest in the Mediterranean, making the half-tide level of the Red Sea, the surface of the Mediterranean Sea, and the 100 miles of water in the canal, all a clear continuation of the same horizontal line! Were they instead the supposed curved line of globe-Earthers, the water in the center of the canal would be 1666 feet (502 x 8 inches = 1666 feet 8 inches) above the respective Seas on either side!

The distance between the Red Sea at Suez and the Mediterranean Sea is 100 statute miles, the datum line of the Canal being 26 feet below the level of the Mediterranean, and is continued horizontally the whole way from sea to sea, there not being a single lock on the Canal, the surface of the water being parallel with the datum line. It is thus clear that there is no curvature or globularity for the whole hundred miles between the Mediterranean and the Red Sea; had there been, according to the Astronomic theory, the middle of the Canal would have been 1,666 feet higher than at either end, whereas the Canal is perfectly horizontal for the whole distance. The Great Canal of China, said to be 700 miles in length, was made without regard to any allowance for supposed curvature, as the Chinese believe the Earth to be a Stationary Plane. I may also add that no allowance was made for it in the North Sea Canal, or in the Manchester Ship Canal, both recently constructed, thus clearly proving that there is no globularity in Earth or Sea, so that the world cannot possibly be a Planet.” -David Wardlaw Scott, “Terra Firma” (134)

If the earth be the globe of popular belief, it is very evident that in cutting a canal, an allowance must be made for the curvature of the globe, which allowance would correspond to the square of the distance multiplied by eight inches. From The Age, of 5th August 1892, I extract the following: ‘The German Emperor performed the ceremony of opening the Gates of the Baltic and North Sea Canal, in the spring of 1891. The canal starts at Holtenau, on the south side of Kiel Bay, and joins the Elbe 15 miles above its mouth. It is 61 miles long, 200 feet wide at the surface and 85 feet at the bottom, the depth being 28 feet. No locks are required, as the surface of the two seas is level.’ Let those who believe it is the practice for surveyors to make allowance for ‘curvature’ ponder over the following from the Manchester Ship Canal Company (Earth Review, October, 1893) ‘It is customary in Railway and Canal constructions for all levels to be referred to a datum which is nominally horizontal and is so shown on all sections. It is not the practice in laying out Public Works to make allowances for the curvature of the earth.” -Thomas Winship, “Zetetic Cosmogeny” (23)

The London and Northwestern Railway forms a straight line 180 miles long between London and Liverpool. The railroad’s highest point, midway at Birmingham station, is only 240 feet above sea-level. If the world were actually a globe, however, curveting 8 inches per mile squared, the 180 mile stretch of rail would form an arc with the center point at Birmingham raising a full 5,400 feet above London and Liverpool. Adding the station’s actual height (240 feet) to its theoretical inclination (5,400 feet) gives 5,640 feet as the rail’s necessary height on a globe-Earth, more than a thousand feet taller than Ben Nevis, the tallest mountain in Great Britain!

In projecting railways on a globe, the datum line would be the arc of a circle corresponding to the latitude of the place. That the datum line for the railway projections is always a horizontal line, proves that the general configuration of the world is horizontal. To support the globe theory, the gentlemen of the observatories should call upon the surveyor to prove that he allows the necessary amount for ‘curvature.’ But this is what the learned men dare not do, as it is well-known that the allowance for the supposed curvature is never made.” -Thomas Winship, “Zetetic Cosmogeny” (107)

In a long line, like that of the Great Pacific Railway, extending across North America, the supposed curvature would, of course, be proportionately great, extending to many miles in height, but not one inch was allowed by the engineers for curvature during the whole course of the construction of that vast line of Railway. And, if we think of it, how could it be otherwise? All Railway metals must, of necessity, be straight, for how could any engine or carriage run with safety on a convex surface?” -David Wardlaw Scott, “Terra Firma” (125)

J.C. Bourne in his book, “The History of the Great Western Railway” stated that the entire original English railroad, more than 118 miles long, that the whole line with the exception of the inclined planes, may be regarded practically as level. The British Parliament Session in 1862 that approved its construction recorded in Order No. 44 for the proposed railway, “That the section be drawn to the same HORIZONTAL scale as the plan, and to a vertical scale of not less than one inch to every one hundred feet, and shall show the surface of the ground marked on the plan, the intended level of the proposed work, the height of every embankment, and the depth of every cutting, and a DATUM HORIZONTAL LINE which shall be the same throughout the whole length of the work.”

One hundred and eighteen miles of LEVEL railway, and yet the surface on which it is projected a globe? Impossible. It cannot be. Early in 1898 I met Mr. Hughes, chief officer of the steamer ‘City of Lincoln.’ This gentleman told me he had projected thousands of miles of level railway in South America, and never heard of any allowance for curvature being made. On one occasion he surveyed over one thousand miles of railway which was a perfect straight line all the way. It is well known that in the Argentine Republic and other parts of South America, there are railways thousands of miles long without curve or gradient. In projecting railways, the world is acknowledged to be a plane, and if it were a globe the rules of projection have yet to be discovered. Level railways prove a level world, to the utter confusion of the globular school of impractical men with high salaries and little brains.” -Thomas Winship, “Zetetic Cosmogeny” (109)

That in all surveys no allowance is made for curvature, which would be a necessity on a globe; that a horizontal line is in every case the datum line, the same line being continuous throughout the whole length of the work; and that the theodolite cuts a line at equal altitudes on either side of it, which altitude is the same as that of the instrument, clearly proves, to those who will accept proof when it is furnished, that the world is a plane and not a globe.” -Thomas Winship, “Zetetic Cosmogeny” (126)




God created the earth for MAN. We are not a speck of dust, a mistake flying through space by accident!

We are his children and HE built this beautiful terrarium for US... to have a physical experience and learn HIS lessons!


It's all a lie... THE BIGGEST LIE!!!

Love and light,

steemit  Shot 2017-05-20 at 8.49.49 PM.png


Enjoy the music!

It is as if people do not understand how gravity works. Sure the water in the middle of a straight canal would be higher than the water on the ends of the canal, but the gravitational forces pulling the water down is the same at all points along the line. That's, uhm, how gravity works.

Yes, Google fills in and alters the images from space. Duh! That's not a surprise. They are not hiding a flat plane either. They are filling in for missing data or hiding classified locations. This isn't that complicated, yet it keeps being brought up over and over. Ugh!

I did enjoy the music and video, @transisto. Thank you!

Gravity is in fact an unproven theory. So you are basing your entire thesis on a theory, that can't be proven in 2017. LOL get real. THEORY OF GRAVITY. THEORY OF EVOLUTION All unproven lies.

Although, the properties given to gravity can be demonstrated. Throw something up, and you can surmise, it will fall. You can call that gravity or underwear gnomes. The "something" falls every single time. Never does it float in space forever. So, it is proven, if you drop it, it will fall to the earth. Or, the first solid thing strong enough to hold it up. What would you call that? Evolution, is another story. Still some strong arguments. But, flat earth, cause my bible says so. Yeah, and the bible says children are cursed because of their parents sins. So, mentally disabled kids are because of sin? You can't pick and choose. You either say the bible is absolute authority, or guidelines. Diabetics, should they pray to god, or take their insulin? That would be science, ya know. So, does science have ALL the answers? Nope. But, boy they get some things very right. I'm gonna believe my planet looks and acts like others we see in space. But, I'm just brainwashed.

Throw a helium balloon up, It won't fall back down. Density makes the apple fall from the tree.

The helium balloon, will eventually fall to the ground. Everything eventually falls. When the helium escapes. No solid item will ever float, unless you use gas to lift it.

I agree but that's due to Density.

If gravity didn't exist, there would be no need for helium in the balloon in the first place. Thanks for proving my point. Why the helium? Just toss up the balloon. What happens?

Gravity Is only a theory It Isn't proven, objects fall due to density.

The effect of falling occurs. There is a density of air oxygen vs density of helium effect. DENSITY DIFFERENTIAL causes the speed. 9.8m/s through air. Different through water, different density.

The effect of falling exists. It's not caused by centrifical pull of rotation. We are telling you GRAVITY doesn't exist, not that the observable effects called 'gravity' erroniously doesn't exist.

It's just not caused by a rotating planet... or it would be proven already. Please, a 500 year old THEORY is garbage.. It would be proven by now. They have CERN, and can't prove gravity? WAKE UP.

Sure, "what goes up must come down" can be called gravity. How does this prove stars and planets floating in space? Circling around each other and bending light etc?

You are. Gravity is an UNPROVEN THEORY. Go look into it. Just like evolution. Lotta old THEORIES THAT CAN'T BE PROVEN, HUH?

I could prove that there is gravity.
!. Everything is being pulled down. FACT
2.All falling objects fall at a specific acceleration dependent on it's height from sea level. FACT(was gonna say from center of earth, but.......)

  1. Everything's weight is determined by it's mass times the gravitational acceleration, at sea level about 32 ft. per second.

There is gravity, but gravity is an effect, not a cause. No one knows the cause of gravity. Newtons laws are correct and have been used by engineers and architects for nearly 400 hundred. Skyscrapers, airplanes bridges, etc. wouldn't be possible without them.

"What goes up must come down" can be called gravity. How does this prove stars and planets floating in space? Circling around each other and bending light etc? Existence of downward acceleration here does not say anything about how bodies would behave in supposed space.

It is true the fundamental origin of gravity IS just a theory, just because it is proportional to mass does not mean mass is the cause of gravitational force. This is still a mystery to science. HOWEVER 9.81m/s^2 IS the acceleration of objects due to earths gravity. I personally have measured and confirmed this well known force several times via experimentation along with countless others throughout history and 9.81m/s^2 stands the test of time. Finnian is correct in both his explanations of gravity pulling water and the hiding of classified locations with digital fakes.

Here is a thought experiment: take a theoretical string that is 1000 miles long, lay it against any curved surface (including the earth) and drive along that string. how many miles does the odometer read at the end of the string?

Every curved surface if looked at close enough is a straight line.
Every flat and smooth surface if looked at close enough is a rough surface.
(I look through microscopes every day and see these facts with my own 2 eyes)

I was also a sailor in the USCG before becoming an engineer and sailed all over this globe. I have looked through binoculars and observed ships appearing and disappearing over the horizon.

could prove that there is gravity.
!. Everything is being pulled down. FACT
2.All falling objects fall at a specific acceleration dependent on it's height from sea level. FACT(was gonna say from center of earth, but.......)

  1. Everything's weight is determined by it's mass times the gravitational acceleration, at sea level about 32 ft. per second.

There is gravity, but gravity is an effect, not a cause. No one knows the cause of gravity. Newtons laws are correct and have been used by engineers and architects for nearly 400 hundred. Skyscrapers, airplanes bridges, etc. wouldn't be possible without them.

No-one is arguing with that constant. Just what is causing it.,. We do know. it's DENSITY DIFFERENTIAL. Simple. Wake up. The observable law is correct. Agreed. It's not caused by what they say at all. Simple as that. Everyone took gravity into account before they had a name for it, and also after the lied about what it was. The cognitive dissonance is phenomenal on this topic.

Why isn't my post being displayed the way I wrote it?

Not arguing the existence of downward acceleration. You can call it whatever you want. Still does not say anything about Earth being a planet in infinite space.

Gravity Is just a theory.

Go to Google Earth, whole globe view. Take a note what place is in the center. Grab one side and turn the globe 180 degrees. You got the other side, right? Now repeat, continuing in the same direction. If the same place is not in the center like it happened when I tried it- then what are they hiding?

According to which gravitational theory? There are several ...

And as Cavendish "proved" the attraction of masses it shouldn't be all too difficult to set up an experiment where will be proven that water CAN indeed curve ...

I'm waiting ...

This Is obvious CGI.

The morons arrived at steemit. Easy solution. Unfollow sgtreport on steemit and youtube. Thanks. One channel less.

mbit, don't let the door hit ya on the way out, and good riddance. For the rest of you:

To be clear, I am not a "flat earther" nor and I stupid person. I am however, intellectually curious AND I know that the ruling elite have been LYING to us about the nature of everything, including the theoretical "Big Bang", since the beginning of time. I simply find quotes like this one thought provoking:

Engineer, W. Winckler, wrote into the Earth Review October 1893 regarding the Earth’s supposed curvature, stating, “As an engineer of many years standing, I saw that this absurd allowance is only permitted in school books. No engineer would dream of allowing anything of the kind. I have projected many miles of railways and many more of canals and the allowance has not even been thought of, much less allowed for. This allowance for curvature means this - that it is 8” for the first mile of a canal, and increasing at the ratio by the square of the distance in miles; thus a small navigable canal for boats, say 30 miles long, will have, by the above rule an allowance for curvature of 600 feet. Think of that and then please credit engineers as not being quite such fools. Nothing of the sort is allowed. We no more think of allowing 600 feet for a line of 30 miles of railway or canal, than of wasting our time trying to square the circle”

Was hoping you'd open your mind to it. Sofia Smallstorm has made several great interviews about the subject btw.

Resubscribed to SGT Report on YouTube and refollowed in Steemit. Thanks!

why don't you respond to this comment?? HMMMM??? Moron.

Great content in here. The most honest guy I have found on this subject is a guy called rob skiba who has a web site called where he is seeking experiments try to prove either way.

Will it change public policy if everyone believes the earth is flat? No, because fuel calculations for flights are a private concern. What's important? The Global Warming issue, civil rights, and the Deep State issue. These issues matter.

Other people cover these isues much better than I can but I'll touch on global warming….

Global Warming: if we can reverse this belief that humans are warming the climate with co2, then we they wont be cutting the power to my hotel room leaving my tablet dead when I get back from the beach. This all comes from people believing this nonsense. Electric cars? Will the battery be usable after five years? Go nuclear instead of coal? This issue changes thngs.

Does the Earth go around the sun? So what if it didn't? Who cares?

Please feel free to call me a fixed Earth denier and a flat Earth denier

follow my followers, they know more than I do.

No, flat earth proves God. That's the most important thing of all. Don't be silly. It proves the bible.

Agreed about the creative force. But then it proves the koran and other geocentric religions too.

A flat Earth would just get another godless theory. The Galaxy and Solar System are both widely accepted as flat and both have a godless origin story. The bible contains lots of verified facts, just as 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea does. Yet I will not argue that the later is completely true because of the parts of it which are true.

Uhh, unless the galaxy and solar system, which is 99% cgi, is a lie. For fun, take a good zoom camera and look at a star. LOL. Do it tonight.

You can become an ametuer astronomer and look up and track the planets and see they move with respect to the stars. These and the sun make up the solar system. Do you deny the existence of the other planets?

ah, i see you believe the propaganda :) Religion as you know it, the organized kind, is absolutely evil.But no more evil than false belief in science (scientism). If you actually look hard, and I mean really hard, you discover that in fact, there's a lot of proof for the existence of God, and a lot of evil in the bible.. but there's 2 gods written about in the bible.. That's the confusing part, and about 85% of the bible is horse trash.

The actual message of Christianity is that you are children of the God of all, in an evil world. Be not of this world. Find a personal connection with God, and know the TRUTH that death is not the end, and there is more for those who seek that truth.

That's it. That's the true message of Christianity, for which they did everything to suppress, include make reglion a horror show, specifically to hide that truth. Rulers of this world worship Lucifer, and believe it. They have all the money, power and knowledge.. Think they know something you don't? When you seek truth, you can confirm with proof EVERYTHING I said.

Flat Earth is a "tip-of-the-beak" issue. It has the potential to solve your three problems. No global warming on Flat Earth and no more belief in government. It is the biggest anti-statist movement on Earth.

Please do not waste your time thinking that the earth is flat.

If you want to investigate the truth, read the original text of Galileo and Newton.

A very good book is

"Big Bang: The Origin of the Universe" by Simon Singh

He explains very well and simply how the ancients (Eratosthenes, Hipparchus and many ohers) were able to calculate the radius of the Earth, of the Moon, of the Sun and their relative distances.

The conclusion is: dismiss any theory about flat earth because even the ancient Greeks knew it was not and were able to prove it.

Newton was a Freemason and can't be trusted. You have just asserted that the heliocentric globe has been proven this Is completely false.

The beauty of science is that you do not have to trust anyone, just experiment at home by yourself what you read in a good scientific book.

You are now using a computer, a product of technology, and technology works exceptionally well considering its complexity. Technology is the byproduct of the science of which Newton is certainly one of the biggest contributors. It does not make any difference if Newton was a freemason or not; the truth is still the truth.

About heliocentrism, this is not technically the true way to see the model. The Sun and all the planets in the Solar System orbit about the centre of mass of the Solar System. This is called the Solar Centre Barycentre as explained here:

I believed this absolute lies all my life until two months ago, do you think I just jumped to this position, with no thought. NO, I spent months, battling with my own mind which had been brainwashed.

When you finally wake up to this you realize you have been completely deceived by Freemasons who are attempting to bring In a New World Order. I have seen multiple experiments which are very simple and easy to do yourself and completely disprove the heliocentric model.

Where are your beautyful experiments? Pics or it didn't happen.

There are literally 10-15 FULL VIDEOS of balloons with cameras showing you what it actually looks like. Try seeking truth yourself.

There are these wonderful sun dials in India, or in that region that are on the sides of buildings. They work today, and tell time very accurately. They ONLY WORK on a flat earth.

Longitude and latitude, how sailing ships navigated in 18th and 19th century. There is a tower in my town. The ball dropped at 1 pm to allow ships to set their clocks . The time and the position of the stars / sun allowed the ships to plot where they were. Not possible if the earth was flat.
I was so sad when "Russianvids" went "flat earth". It brings in to question everything he has done. I guess he was just a "psyop" after all. There must be a lot fewer transgender celebrities than I thought. I am glad that Ivanka Trump is not a bloke, quite a relief actually!

This must be an example of gravity.

Globe is a psyop. Don't be the last to know.

LOL Russian vidz is not all lies.. He's mostly true. He shows the numbers, but they are a distraction from the real stuff. THat's all. His shit is true, there are that many trannies.

This email is just full of poor reasoning. I couldn't even make my way all the way through it.

Just a few from the top:

the photos of the earth taken from satellites are all photoshoped because the satellites aren't nearly far enough away from the planet to take a picture of the whole thing. What they do is take a bunch of pictures as they orbit and NASA compiles the images into a whole picture of the earth. Think of taking a hundred pictures of a basketball with the lens less than an inch away. This is also obviously why the other satellites aren't in the pictures.

Everything in space is moving. A thousand miles an hour is super slow on the scale of the universe, which as far as we know, is infinite. The sky is constantly changing and humans have been able to predict the movement of the stars since at least Copernicus. The constellations we see now aren't exactly the same as the ones seen by the ancient world. If the earth is flat and not spinning, what is the explanation of the movement of the stars? It's not good enough to say "this doesn't make sense, so it's not true." Science uses the best explanation available, and Flat Earth has no explanation.

The Earth is not a perfect sphere. Some places are flat and some have peaks. I was just on top of a mountain in the Rockies and I could see for well over 40 miles. That doesn't prove the Earth is flat, just that some places have a higher elevation than others.

Surveyors and engineers do not factor in the curvature of the earth because they engineer specifically for the terrain they are building on. Once again, the earth isn't a perfect sphere. If you build a railroad through the mountains, what's more important: the gigantic rocks or the overall average curve of the Earth?

All of the arguments above seem to be based on the idea that the average curve of the Earth must be visible everywhere on Earth. This is just nonsense.

The better question is, how is finding out the Earth is flat going to stop the criminal elite? The guy emailing you is telling you to "Put the Pedo's on hold." Uh...

Don't look at the man behind the curtain.

The scale of the "deception" would have to be so big that it includes millions of people worldwide. Not just government agents, either. Is there some secret "Men in Black" that show up in college physics classes when they study Newtonian Physics? Not when I went to college, they didn't.

This is clearly a counter intelligence operation meant to make people who question the official narrative look crazy. And, frankly, it works. Most people automatically dismiss you when you say the Earth is flat. How is that going to help anything you do?

Yeah, exactly. Stop investigating child sex trafficking. Pay attention to this nonsense over here instead. Oh, and don't worry that paying attention to it discredits you, and it makes you look foolish. Therefore, people can ignore everything you do.

The child sex trafficking is part of the distraction too.

No, it is not. You think it is fake? Seriously? So all the people getting arrested for it are just an illusion? We are surrounded by child predators. That's not a distraction. It's a disgrace.

The heliocentric model Is the biggest lie ever told and the single biggest control system the Jesuits have put in place.

And if William Wallace were here, consume the English with fireballs from his eyes, and bolts of lightning from his arse.

No need for men in black. Just kidnap a generation at young age, put them into government indoctrination centers, teach them useless lies and watch how they will gladly pass these on to the next generation.

You're totally missing the point. What happens when all those students become capable of proving the earth is a sphere on their own?

Mostly, the reason flat earth still persists is because there's a bunch of "government indoctrinated" people out there with almost no grasp of science and very little understanding of logic and less of history. The flat earth was disproven about 200 bc using math, a couple sticks, shadows, and some footwork. You too can reproduce the experiment should you wish to, and you can do it anywhere on earth.

IF you can prove the earth a sphere, on your own, scientifically, I'll eat my hat.

Easily done. Don't eat your hat, though. You might get sick.

See, they never answer when there's evidence, just when it's easy :)

@sgtreport the best person I found to demonstrate earth curvature is the "Red Pill World" youtube channel. He knows the math, has the tools, and took the time to make a video for us. A link to his Chicago Skyline measurement can be found here

Watch and see how a person trained in engineering the landscape around you, approaches this debate. He choose a windy day to shoot across Lake Michigan, disrupting the effects of mirroring and mirage.

This person Is disinformation even Stephen Hawking fakes these experiments on the discovery channels.

Sean, I know you are of the Christian faith. I suggest you check out Rob Skiba's website and YouTube (if you haven't found them already) as he has looked at this extensively from a Biblical perspective. Been reading your site for years and very glad you are opening up to this!

Also on YouTube: Mark Sargent, Jeranism, ODD TV, Allegedly Dave, etc... Enjoy!

(I tried posting this at but I only get errors)

I checked out the site you referenced, great info, I watched a 6 hr video on the site, that answered several of the questions I had for flat earth theory. Not sold yet but it makes you think. (upvoted)

I don't believe in flat earth. I can explain 2 issues you raised. 1. At 40 miles the angle of tilt would be only be .55 degrees hardly noticeable to the naked eye. 2. When laying track the curvature of the earth would be easily compensated for at the points where two lengths of track are joined. Example: If you have a length of track 100 ft.long, there would only be a drop of about .15 inches, easily compensated by a very very slight angle at the joint. Laying railroad track doesn't require that much precision. As for why objects could be seen from far away I don't know. It could just be an atmospheric anomaly. I'm reasonably certain the earth is round. But I'll grant you this. I have questions about the fake satellite images too. The inconsistencies you see may not be because of flt earth but something else entirely.

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