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RE: Flat Earthers, Speak to me

in #science7 years ago

What I don't understand is why anyone would prefer a flat Earth over a round one. It's as if they want the world to be flat just so they can sneer at scientists. Is imagining a flat world easier than a round one? Does a flat Earth more closely correspond to ones described in religious texts? Does belief in a flat Earth correspond with belief in space aliens, lizard people, the Illuminati, a secret subterranean world?

People can believe whatever they like. But science depends on objective reality, facts, measurements, consistency. We've understood the Earth to be round for more than 2,000 years. I find it hard to believe a "Round Earth Conspiracy" could survive for so long in so many places.

I hope you get some good responses from this post. As a science teacher, I've been considering writing something about Flat Eartherism for weeks now, but haven't found the right "hook" to get it going.


It's unlikely I'll get any responses really, just something to get down on a Sunday! But if I do, I'll be sure to follow it up.

I'm genuinely curious that, if they're not trolling... how did they get to such rogue beliefs? I loosely understand the psychology behind it, but it doesn't feel enough

There are some people who think everything we're taught is false. Others figure there is some hidden agency behind everything, from world politics to the Fed. And others just don't understand anything science- or math-related, and figure there must be an easier, more "common sense" explanation for things.

Then you got the trolls, who enjoy yanking our chains.

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