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RE: Islam Is Not the Answer To Falling Fertility Levels! Start By Looking At Your Cell Phone Technology That Damages Sperm (Plus Cause Cancer and DNA Damage).

in #science7 years ago

We are guinea pigs for so many social experiments and we don't even realize it.

I can't say for sure that wifi microwaves cell phones are the only cause of dropping sperm counts, but it very well could be.

What are your thoughts on birth control pill hormones (estrogen) in our water supplies? This could very well be another major factor.


I am fairly clear that Microwave signals are not the only source of reduced fertility - there are numerous other sources, from endocrine disrupting chemicals such as pesticides/herbicides and possibly even fluoride - through to plastics and many other synthetic compounds.

No doubt the terrible western diets and lack of physical mobility play a part too.

I don't have any data on oestrogen in the water supplies with regards to fertility, but in theory it could be relevant too - yes. :/

Don't forget stress and vaccinations. Tons of women at the place I used to work were infertile and resorted to fertility treatments, some times multiple treatments, that ended in nothing. Each treatment costs 30k. Men also have less functional sperm and desire less sex when they're stressed.

Also the UN has been caught red-handed using vaccinations as means to reduce population and population growth.

Yes, definitely. Microwave technology and vaccinations both create cellular stress and imbalance. We are ultimately electro magnetic beings that can either be balanced or not - if we are imbalanced then there is stress. Anything that can detune us from our natural vibrant frequency is going to be a problem for our energetic coherence and capacity to thrive.

What about the Death Towers or miltary technology mobile telephone towers !! With 4G becoming soon 5G and even 7G later this electo-magnetic soup will be cooking us literally in our own skins !1 Where is the resistance to this " GWEN SYSTEM " of Death ? Look up Quiet Weapons for a Silent War !

Yes, I read that book about 10 years ago. I linked above to the previous post I wrote on 5G -it's here.

Plastics... so many factors... Vaccines.. All the pharmaceuticals in the cities pollute the rivers and then pump the same water up to be "cleaned"... They Don't take out the pharmaceuticals..

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