
The GOD concept is also a bit strange to me.
I'm not saying there is nothing, but i find it difficult to name it GOD, and attach religious values to that entity.
I mean if there is a real GOD in the religious sense, then why do sp many people suffer and why do the rich get richer wile causing even more suffering? To me GOD had a lot of opportunities to stop it before it got out of hand as far as it is right now.

But on the other hand there are way to many unexplained things in the spiritual world.
So in that sense I tend to think that it is possible that there is something out there in the spiritual world somehow. And people with near dead experiences are able to speak about the same thing somehow.
But that's not GOD to me.
And this is also fascinating. And maybe i'm wrong, and maybe GOD is just tired to fix this planet. And for that I could not blame him either.

The flat earth is a bit too far fetched for me, i'm trying to see how that would work when flying over the edge. But now i have to look into that concept.

Nature is a wonderful thing.

About flat earth i came across this post from @steemtruth

The little i know about the flat earth theory, this post seems to show me enough facts to say that i now know enough about the flat earth theory.