Wacky Facts by Agent K #10: Did You Know There's a Scientific Explanation Why Women Roll Their Eyes More Than Men?

in #science7 years ago (edited)

If you are a woman, you are probably "rolling it off" every time you feel like you don't have to say a word to express your feelings or mood. A perfectly timed eye roll is your superpower and everyone around you knows that very well. 

On the other hand, if you happen to be a man who's courageous enough to still flirt in the real world and in places like bars, movie theaters, public libraries, coffeehouses and so on, then you have probably been "whipped" several times by the truly MAGIC eye roll of a beautiful woman. And truth be told, I would never replace real world's flirting with the "online dating scene" of the 21st century and miss out moments like this every time I ask for a phone number. 

If you, however, think that all this just happens coincidentally, then you are sadly mistaken. At least, that's what science tells us!

The Menu of the Day 

Believe it or not, science proposes that women around the world started the "eye rolling movement " as a way to demonstrate their prowess over other women. It's quite possible that many feminists won't agree with science's conclusions on the matter, but scientists insist that women started the whole thing as a defense mechanism to terrorize their female antagonists. 

In 2013, Dr. Tracy Vaillancourt from the University of Ottawa, Canada, published a paper and explained that the sexual selection among women has mainly two bases: on the one hand self-promotion, and on the other, the put-down of other female antagonists. The study mentioned among other things: 

 "Indirect aggression includes behaviors such as criticizing a competitor’s appearance, spreading rumors about a person’s sexual behavior and social exclusion. Human females have a particular proclivity for using indirect aggression, which is typically directed at other females, especially attractive and sexually available females, in the context of intrasexual competition for mates. Indirect aggression is an effective intrasexual competition strategy. It is associated with a diminished willingness to compete on the part of victims and with greater dating and sexual behavior among those who perpetrate the aggression." 

In other words, women have traditionally used indirect methods of aggressiveness, simply because they are not as physically strong and tough (or stupid I may add) as men to go to war. So, every time a woman  felt threat or competition from another female, all she had to do in order to verify her "don't mess with me" status, was a simple eye roll. Just like that! 

Interestingly, the same study suggests that even physiologically women are more prone to roll their eyes, as their  nervous system is more sensitive than the average man's fight-or-flight response, also known as the stress response

So, dear fellas, next time you ask for her number and you get the "eye roll," don't be totally discouraged; she may be competing with another woman over you. Or then again, if you keep insisting, you may end up having her drink too. 


Do human females use indirect aggression as an intrasexual competition strategy? 

Evolution Explains Why Women Love Rolling Their Eyes So Much

Science Has Explained Why Women Roll Their Eyes So Much

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The eyeroll is one of my many talents. :-)

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Awwwww. Nicki Minaj. Remember ? 💖💖💖

Great write up, i thought it was a normal phenomenum for just african women, it is also a sign language and most times mothers use it to talk to their children. Am also a victim can't deny that fact, tanks for the writeup

How about that bar today and we will make first hand observations and of course, send the data to Dr. Tracy Vaillancourt, University of Ottawa, Canada

You know I am always open to challenges, Lord Vader. It's a "Force" thing, I guess! Let's hope all the beautiful women are there waiting for us to make them part of our social experiment he he. What about 14:30 to come and pick you? Sounds good?

I will be outside at 14:30

The experiment is to be conducted by observation only, clip board and pencil at the ready :-)

the fact that this is suggested by a woman brings down the feminists even more :p

True that bro ;)

I just got fact! This post is fact! So fact! Holy fact! Fact this post!

Rolling your eyes yet?

LOL, you crazy nameless writer hahahaha! I am just reading your green post now. Give me a few minutes to comment there properly :P

If that post doesn't make you roll your eyes, nothing will.

Does this reaction count as rolling eyes too? lol

No. I think that guy is having some sort of a manic episode. Give him a few minutes. He'll be fine.

Loll, its a complete fact

Δεν τη δέχομαι αυτή τη μελέτη εγώ χαχαχα XD

Δεν είχα την παραμικρή αμφιβολία! χαχαχα

I think Sophia Loren is the iconic example for your post ;) lol


Strange thing to read today about women. Well, I may observe the women around me carefully now then.

Yeah, keep your eyes open from now on ;)

yes you are right..images.jpg