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RE: Ever Wondered Why White People Are Called "Caucasian"?

in #science6 years ago (edited)

What white power you silly little man? All I said is that being white is OK and white is beautiful. Is that racist to you? Did you see me putting down another race or talk negatively for other people? I just stated my pride for being white. You just proved that what I said in my post is 100% RIGHT in modern society. Grandpa, go to bed because you're embarrassing yourself by now.


Be honest, it's intentionally emotive. Overly-so. You did not need to write it. In fact, it's got pretty much fuck-all to do with your original article. White people are NOT traditionally shat upon by people of other colours (at least not to the extent that the great Great British empire of years passed did to others - say, to continue your example).

It's shite quasi-rants like the one you made that got gobshites like Trump elected to one day threaten another nation that his trigger-finger is on the scariest button in the world.

Wake up. And maybe learn to write? x


Btw, I do not even live in the US, so I never voted for Trump. God, you're sounding like the typical liberal broken record. Embarrassing no shite!!!!!!

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