11 Scientific Facts Also Found in the Bible (Part II)

in #science7 years ago

Like I was saying yesterday, as scientific research continues to unfold the wonders and mysteries of our universe, more and more things that the Bible describes—which were once considered a bad farce by scientific circles—have been proved right, or almost right. 

Here are six more things the Bible described when science wasn't even aware of them. 


Okay, to make this simple for you: what the Bible says here is that if a perfectly healthy or energetic creature can’t/won’t breathe, it will eventually die. Despite its body being perfectly healthy, without air the body remains dead. 

This observation seems to agree with the Bible where it says that only God can give the breath of life, hence why life itself remains one of the biggest mysteries. 


Before science enlightened the world with the knowledge we have today, it was widely believed that air was weightless. However, almost four thousand years ago Job declared that God established “a weight for the wind.”

 Not too long ago meteorologists calculated that the average thunderstorm holds thousands of tons of rain. That means that for air to carry this load, it must have mass.  

THE UNIVERSE IS EXPANDING (Job 9:8; Isaiah 42:5; Jeremiah 51:15; Zechariah 12:1) 

If you have read the Bible then you know that God declares that He stretches out the heavens repeatedly. That didn’t make any sense to people back then, especially if you take into account that until the early days of the twentieth century most scientists believed the universe was static. 

All this changed, though, in 1929 when astronomer Edwin Hubble showed that distant galaxies were receding from Earth, and the further away they were, the faster they were moving. This discovery revolutionized astronomy and even Einstein admitted to being wrong. As a result of this discovery, most scientists agree with what “God” declared thousands of years ago: the universe is expanding.  

BLACK HOLES AND DARK MATTER (Matthew 25:30; Jude 1:13; Isaiah 50:3

Many cosmologists and astronomers today suspect that nearly 98 percent of the known universe is comprised of dark matter, with dark energy and black holes. A black hole’s gravitational field is so strong that nothing, not even light, escapes. Beyond the expanding universe there is no measured radiation and therefore only outer darkness exists. These ideas seem to be in accord with the description of what the Bible calls “outer darkness.” 

THE SUN MOVES (Psalm 19:6)

Many scientists throughout the centuries claimed the sun was stationary. However, we know for a fact that the sun is traveling through space at approximately 600,000 miles per hour. 

It is literally moving through space in a huge circuit just as the Bible stated a few thousand years ago. The only problem is that the ancient Greeks mentioned this before the Bible did.  


Contemporary medicine reassures us that laughing is good for our heart and can improve our general physical and mental health. To give you an example: laughter reduces levels of certain stress hormones, which brings balance to our immune system, thereby helping our body to fight disease. 

That means that science confirms what King Solomon said almost three thousand years ago: “A merry heart does good, like medicine.”  

In case you missed it, here's Part I


 https://www.tcmag.com/magazine/11_scientific_facts_also_found_in_the_bible (Dead Link)



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Heavy Air

Metric expansion of space

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Ancient Greek Astronomy and Cosmology

Images: 1 2 3 4 5 6


crazy stuff you find out today Agent K !🧐 And i thought that religion & science didn't like each other !

We think they don't mate. In reality they do more than we think ;)

may be these facts describe in all religious book, BTW nice info keep sharing good luck


Even when the Bible is not a science book, it's accuracy and level of information in science matter as far back as the dark age is awesome

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