Myth or Fact? #20 – A Penny dropped off the Empire State Building kills you + Steem BTCC Voting reminder

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Welcome my dear Steemian friends to a new episode of Myth or Fact!

One of my biggest dreams was to visit NYC. I was excited when I finally had the opportunity to explore the city on my own. A friend of mine recommended me to see the Empire State Building. The skyscraper is one of the landmarks of the city. There are many rumors and stories that people tell, but one of them was quite remarkable.

“When someone drops a penny off the Empire State Building and it hits you, you will die from the impact!”

After hearing this I was afraid and stayed well clear off the pavements around the famous building. I didn’t want to die because of a penny!

What do you think? Fact or fiction? Let’s find out!

Long live science!

We need to understand what happens with a penny when it’s dropped off the building. The roof of the Empire State Building has a height of 381 meters. A common penny has a weight of 1-2 gram. First of all we want to calculate the time it takes until the penny hits the sidewalk and in addition to that we want to know the velocity and force that acts upon the object the penny hits.


Since we know the building is 381 m high and the acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s/s we can calculate the time of free fall (note that we ignore the air resistance).

We use this simple formula to calculate the time the penny travels. All variables are known except the time, t. After transforming the equation we know the exact time.

So it takes around 8.81 seconds from the top of the building to the ground. We use another formula to calculate the terminal velocity.

Inserting the known values and transforming we know that the penny will hit with sidewalk with a velocity of 80 meters per second. The impulse that acts on the body that is hit is: p = m*v. Since we know the mass m and velocity v we can calculate the impulse p (0.08 Newton per seconds)

Is it fatal?

No, simply no. It would hurt for a few seconds but nothing serious will happen to you at all. There are many facts we need to consider. First of all our calculations ignore the air resistance. Because our penny is small and has a low weight the air resistance plays a huge role. It slows the coins terminal velocity (maximum speed). Furthermore, the force upon impact is tiny due to the weight. A bullet from a gun (9 mm, Glock) reaches a terminal velocity of 350-450 m/s and has a weight of 7.5 g, nothing a penny can reach even closely. Because of the flat shape of the coin the air resistance is very high and reduces its speed to approximately 11 m/s. However, take care. If someone throws a pen it can shoot down like an arrow and become a deadly projectile - it might pierce you

To summarize: A coin is too small, flat, has a low velocity and is cushioned by the air. It wouldn’t even reach the ground since there is a mesh that catches the coin.

Thanks for reading this episode of Myth or Fact! Hope you aren't afraid of passing skyscrapers now!

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Don't forget to vote for Steem at the BTCC final votings


But, having lived in NYC, there is always that one story about the icicle that fell off a building and killed someone. Always makes me wary.

This one is deadly for sure

Maybe the penny thing is more a Fable to make people aware to look up xP

Lot of people throw a penny to make a wish

New way to recognize Steemian on da streets

how bout the time the high winds hit chicago?..and blew out all that really SHARP glass..that fell to the ground far below....slicing and dicing...?

Icicles can grow to a very significant mass under favorable conditions; a pound or more. Obviously they have fairly little drag, so factor in any serious height and they can definitely injure or possibly kill someone.

It is great to know the top speed it could actually reach with the friction factor calculated in! Thanks for sharing with such clarity. Namaste :)

Just take care of the pens! :) Namaste my friend

Way to destroy a childhood myth, next you will be telling me the toothfairy isnt real to ? =,(

well fang you very much!

This will be my next Myth or Fact!

I swear one day i will find a blog post stating i do not exist also ... and neither does the blog i have just read =P

Hahahahaha! Great post!

I used to live on Long Island, and have been near (but never up) the Empire State Building...

Thank you for an entertaining post. Science rules, (sometimes)... This is one of those cases. :D



Never up? Too busy drinking all these Long Island Ice Tea's :P
Thank you creatr!

Yes, you are right about the penny especially if it flutters or rotates and the air resistance. It was interesting to note that you used grams instead of the penny a 1/20th unit of weight for the troy ounce. Even though you gave the example of the pen and it is likely it would adopt a linear trajectory just like an arrow by the time it reached ground level and puncture.

The skull can accept 8 p.s.i. before damage. Try calculating what would happen if the penny hit on edge and the surface area at the point of contact with a skull. Like a record needle on an old phonograph record the needle is 20,000 psi. When one takes this amount of force into account it just might crack a skull or cause a real nasty bruise

What about if you dropped a car from there? Would it hurt?

Might tickle a bit

only if it hit you :)

New way to recognize Steemian on da streets

These titles of yours really make me think it could be true :) Well done!

Trick or treat :D

How about carrying and using an umbrella, and a big cup.

nice one...and yes one last leap of voting!!! I did my bit.

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