Names in Biology

in #science7 years ago (edited)


Scientists in general and especially biologists are weird. But the worst thing? When they name things, they are either as uncreative as someone who plays a hunter in World of Warcraft and names his pet bear “bear”, or think they are the funniest person on this planet.

For your entertainment, I want to share the best names that you can find in the field of biology. Feel free to add your own – but remember to provide sources.

When naming this guy


The person choosing the name was probably in deep thought, as the Latin name of the Plains bison (a subspecies of the American bison) is literally bison bison bison. Very original, guys.

But repetition seems to be a common tool. Or why else would you name the Eurasian magpie “Pica pica”?


Does it remind anyone else of a certain Pokémon?

The “hedgehog pathway” already has a pretty neat name, even though it doesn’t really have anything to do with this fella


Instead, the genes in this pathway are responsible for the formation of certain patterns in an embryo. But why would you ever call one gene from this family Sonic Hedgehog? It’s surprising that there hasn’t been a copyright lawsuit yet.

Sometimes when reading names, I feel reminded of the scene from Monty Python’s “Life of Brian”: “And from our father’s father’s father’s fathers”. Behold, the MAP kinase kinase kinase.

Cherax destructor sounds highly unpleasant but it’s just the name of an edible crustacean that lives in Australia. But maybe you need a name like this to be taken seriously on that continent?

A different animal is truly terrifying and on the first look, it’s scientific name sounds pretty dangerous: Ursus arctos horribillis


The grizzly bear. But what does his name mean?
ursus is bear in Latin
arctos, or rather árktos is bear in Greek
horribilis is horrible, in latin again

So not only could they not decide on one language, no. They named the grizzly “horrible bear bear”. Slow clap for whoever came up with that.

Fun fact: This basically makes the “Arctic circle” the circle with bears and the “Antarctic circle* the circle without bears. Which is correct.

Those are so far my favorites, although I am pretty sure I forgot a handful. But hey, you should have the chance to leave a clever comment, shouldn’t you?

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Not gonna lie, Pikachu's voice definitely popped into my head as soon as I read the Pica Pica, so you're not too far off there, lol.

Also, the people who have named these sure were special, haha.

I left some out, repetition is very common. Mola Mola and Rattus Rattus for example

I really, really don't get how anyone thinks up things like Horrible Bear Bear, or Rattus Rattus and thinks they're a great sounding name for a species.

Greek and Latin sure make learning those long names fun. I still remember laughing the first time I read in MCB that SSH protein meant sonic hedgehog.
Now I have delicacies like muscae volitantes = Eye floaters.
Although I prefer medical acronyms like:
AMYAOYO Syndrome (alright mother f**@r, you are on your own!) a condition of patients who reject treatment.

Latin names never fail to entertain me. I love Athene noctua because it's the most glamorous, gothy sounding name you could ever come up with, and for an owl no less. And as a ferret owner, I always got a kick out of the names of the ferret (Mustela putorius furo) and it's forebear the European polecat (minus the furo). I have heard various interpretations of the meaning but as far as I can tell the polecat is a stinky mousekiller and the ferret is a stinky mousekilling thief. As a ferret owner there could not be a more accurate name for the little terrors :)

Interesting post. Thank you.

It is very true what you say @suesa
As I know, in the biological sciences to give a name of a thing or to give a name to the plant and the animal is adapted to the characteristics and properties of both the plant and the animal.
And also animals and plants can be grouped into groups according to distinctive features and according to the types of animals and plants.

I think a name that should definitely not be missed here, is Bubo bubo.

Love it Keep Doing it !

Biology is a subject which everybody cant understand . Names in Bio are much difficult to remember

A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy?

- Albert Einstein

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