Doomsday Scenarios - Skynet

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Skynet is a famous fictional artificial intellegence system , which we know from the Terminator series. Skynet tries to destroy human race by using computer systems , war machines , cyborgs. However the story is not that intriguing if we check our current Ai's and neural artificial networks. Lets take a look to Ai's and discuss the possibility of an Ai invasion.

Artificial Intelligence

I guess I don't need to mention that I'm a huge fan of terminator series Right ? . However there are lots of arguments about the development of artificial intelligence. Basicly some people are really working hard to create Ai's who can do tasks that require human intelligence. But is it possible to create a Ai that have visual perception , speech recognition , decision- making and mostly something inorganic with its own conciousness. There are people saying Google is the skynet and they bought some robotics company and named it Google X. However what do we need to create a living neural network like skynet ?

Unsolvable Halting Problem

I'm not a mathematician nor programmer therefore I will try to explain this in a simple way. Basicly the halting problem is a decision problem about properties of computer programs on a model of compulation. As an instance all the computer programs using some programming language. It is simple you write a code to create some features for your program. You put an input and you get an expected output. It is a simple A to B action. There is no way to prevent a program to not halt if you run it with an imput. It will just halt or it will be just an infinite loop. This is the current and huge obstacle infront of the future of the Ai's. Ofcourse you can add some unpredictibility to a code however eventually it will halt because of the input it run.

It proves that there cannot exist an algorithm that reads a source code and tells you 'true' if it will stop, and 'false' if it doesnt end. @Heimindanger 2017

Consciousness from Matter

Eventhough pshyscist doesn't like to talk about something untouchable and understandable concept like consciousness there are some theories. Obviously we can't grasp the secret behind our consciousness , however we all know the sub particles that created human being. Tragically we can't define what created our unique ability to understand and think. Lets examine what forms human body it is simple it is formed from some organic and inorganic susbtances. Bones , nerves , flesh basicly protein and other sub particles . We mostly know the jobs of the subparticles but we can't explain the conciousness. Some scientists advocates that conciousness might be a matter too and every organic and non-organic being in the planet can develop it is own conciousness somehow. I rather want to think scientificly and accept human as mechanism instead of beleiving some divine power created our consciousness. If we accept the fact that this mechanism got his own consciousness We also need to accept the fact that a tree , rock and scissor got its own mind too. Therefore the entire mechanism is an object.

Doomsday Scenario

We can start the fun part. The development in Ai's might look rapid however they have a lot of obstacles infront of them. First hatred against machines will start with the dramatic job count decrease in the future years because of the smart machines. People is going to be pissed and will start some war against machines and I think we are going to win that one.

However if the Ai's miracleously get some kind of consciousness from all the gathered data and the current developed technology which I hardly disagree. Then beware guys Skynet is coming and we don't have much tool to defeat this Artificial neural network. All we need to do is protect Sarah Connor aka @m31


Images : 1 , 2 , 3

Thanks For Reading & Hasta La Vista


I am also huge fan of terminator series .

Oh tell me about it

Thanks for spamming

good luck comrades, keep working, I pray for your sustenance increases

Which comrades man ?

@steeminator3000 Thank you for your work, I invite you to evaluate my work.

Hail Skynet! 🕵️ I think mankind always can find a puppet for scaring himself. All doomsday scenarios proof that. We want to live forever but we don't act like that. Maybe one day droids will be rule in this planet, mankind will be totaly destroyed but I think it's not important. Because, cosmos will being to shrink and all life will be die in the end. So why we trying to escape this end? It doesn't mean, let it world will be fucked up but we don't need to fear.

Oh it is definelty inevitable however it is fun to think how are we going to end !

First image is truly remarkable, :)
With all that data Google is becoming something unpredictable though.

Oh yeah I read a huge article about how google is becoming skynet mostly allegations but why not ? :D

Some consider the development of superhuman artificial intelligence inevitable, and expect it to happen no later than 2035.

Thank your for your post, gave you a follow.

I rather want to think scientificly and accept human as mechanism instead of beleiving some divine power created our consciousness. If we accept the fact that this mechanism got his own consciousness We also need to accept the fact that a tree , rock and scissor got its own mind too. Therefore the entire mechanism is an object.

I respectfully disagree with this train of thought. Let me know what you think of mine:
Assuming no divine power created us and there is no such thing as a spirit (there is no proof for any of this), then human level consciousness is due to the structural arrangements (nerve clusters) in our brain. Since we don't find these arrangements in objects like you mentioned they, therefore, don't have consciousness.

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