Doomsday Scenarios - Heat Death of the Universe

in #science7 years ago (edited)

In my last article we investigated the expansion of the universe and the catastrophic theory called Big Crunch that can be caused by that expansion. Today I want to discuss about another affect caused by this rapid expansion and it is the Heath Death of the universe.

What is Heat Death of the Universe ?

It is another quite popular theory about the end of the entire universe. Now think about it like that , we already know that from my previous article universe is expanding exponentially , What will be the affects of this expansion ? Galaxies going to drift apart from each other and the darkness between those galaxies will get wider. What will happen next ? Obviously our only light and heat sources aka stars will drift apart from each other and that will increase the darkness in our universe.

Stars can form and die basicly we need some molecular cloud containing some cool interstaller gas and dust after a formation of a galaxy and it mostly contains molecular hydrogen. However they die too and create black holes and they devour everything around and create nothingness too.

Eventually universe is going to reach its state of the equilibrium and it is going to be the end of the everything. Because of the lack of existance in heat sources in a wide distance universe is going to face with heat death. The thermodynamic system is pretty simple for our universe.

Edit : This paragraph has copy pasted by me without giving proper source for the article. I deeply apologize for my mistake.

The universe likes to follow the thermodynamic system mostly , therefore the hot and heavy things in the universe is going to spread to the created cold void by the expansion and it will create a thin mist of pitch black and then boom it is going to be all dark.

Doomsday Theory

Well again for this theory we don't need to lose a single minute of our sleep time. However it is quite intriguing to interesting to investigate these and I let future people worry about these things if we don't drag ourself to extinsion with our own effort. However expansion will cause a huge gap in the universe and because of the Big Crunch theory I mentioned before a lot of Black holes are going to form because of the collusion and you know black holes they don't like anything around them so they are going to devour everything even each other and with the death of the last black hole say hello to the Hawking Sub Atomic Radiation Particles. Eventually after billions of years universe is going to turn in to nothingness however if Big Bang can create something from nothingness another universe can form.


Images: 1 , 2

Thanks for Reading & Hasta La Vista


Well put bro!

I like all this theories about the universe, how it is developing and changing and how it is possible that the end might be closer than we think.

If you are aware that the end is not that far away, you live your life to its fullest, actually living each day as it is your las one.

It might sound a little pessimistic to think that we are all going to die, but in the other hand it makes you appreciate life more.

Oh yeah we are all going to die but my aim is to find How in this series :D

" Feet on earth, Head in the stars ! "

Indeed fyde ! :D

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