Doomsday Scenarios - Alien Invasion

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Are we alone in the universe ? This is still one of the questions remained unsolved. An alien invasion can destroy the future of the humans However how could these extraterrestrial beings invade Earth ?

Do They Exist or Not ?

Alliens already have a lot of record in their crime sheets , they destroyed our spacecrafts , kidnapped our fellow citizens and they did experiments with cruelty , they threatened our world with Deathstars and Amplified Deathrays. Obviously all these crimes commited in the movies and novels.

However do they really exist ? There are lots of events linked to the extraterrestial beings like Area 52 and tons of Alien sighting reported by people. In most of the movies aliens come to our world with some main reasons. They either invade us for the resources they don't have or they just want to takeover our planet and live in it.

There is one common point in these movies. The alien character structured in famous holywood movies are %90 percent hostile and they have amazing advanced technology which can wipe our world in a finger snap. However we don't have any proof served to public about these alliens. When we consider the size of our universe anything is possible. They can be friendly or they can be hostile and maybe they have the inferrior technology.

The most of the scientest think the answer is no and I also find it more reasonable rather than being in complete denial , because the universe is huge and for some people it is beyond our comprehension. However scientests trust the probability equations and they advocate it untill the life in outer space is prooven.

The Probability of Extraterrestrials

There is 1 paradox named after physicist Enrico Fermi and its called Fermi's Paradox. It discusses the conradiction between the high probability of extraterrestial beings and the lack of evidence.

When we think about it there are billions of stars in the galaxy and it is possible that some starts are similar to Sun and many of them are billions of years older than Earth. It is highly possible that there are some earth like planets in other solar systems that have appropriate resources to form a intelligent life like humans.

Obviously some other civilizations developed interstaller travel like we are trying to do right now and they extraterestrials should have visited Milky way when we consider the possibility. However when we think about this line of reasoning we should have more evidence about alliens however they are super rare and most of them are not even evidence.

Fermi paradox is unsolved , Reality is that there are no aliens in the universe , but there are also many. @Heimindanger 2017

Doomsday Scenario

I'm pretty sure goverments developped counter-invasion strategies sofar , however fighting with them won't make any difference because logically if they invented interstellar travel it is most likely that they have advanced technology and they can wipe our earth and do whatever they desire. In that case we don't have anything to do lets hope that for couple of centuries they stick to abducting cows from farmers.

My second guess would be language and culture gap. As human race we still couldn't understand each other there is hostility going on in all over the world because of cultural and religious beliefs. If we can't even understand our own race how are we going to understand aliens or how they are going to understand us ? Nasa got a lot of projects that try to communicate with alliens like Golden Record but they got created with our language and understanding. One of our attemps to communicate with alliens might get interpered wrong and some green man can say What is this all about ? Lets Deathray them to death.

However I still think hostility and agression are primitive feelings and I really hope some civilizations already passed that point therefore I think our first encounter with aliens might be peacfull , but as human race we got a huge potential to ruin things up therefore It is quite possible that we will get invaded pretty damn fast.


Images: 1 , 2 , 3

Thanks for Reading & Hasta La Vista !


I think we all think they are out there, but do they really care about who we are or is there anything for them here, doubtful!

I don't think they care :D

It would be awesome to find out there is other life within reach of us. But when you really think abut it...The chance of communication with other life is near 0. There are tribes here on Earth that nobody can even come in contact with or communicate with because they are undiscovered.

Reminds me of the war of the worlds with Tom Cruise.
Aliens come out of the earth.

Oh yeah I remembered that movie lol

Great post thank u for sharing love it

Et phone home!! I like it! Very interesting read.. I have watched a few alien movies lately lol 👉👈

Those emojis reminded me ET lol

😆yassss! That was the goal haha

I'm pretty sure goverments developped counter-invasion strategies sofar

Yet we are blasting radiowaves into outer space in the hopes someone (or something) sends something back.

wow! excellent story

Is there an alien? What about the zombie?

Thank you for Upvote :)))

Belki haftayada zombileri yazarım abi :D kitapla şekil çıkmışssın bastım oyu

Eyvallah üstad. Gururumuzsun.

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