Learning to learn

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Introduction (Learning and thinking way)

Informations such as skills, habits, knowledge and comportment pattern are memorized trough multiples neurons and linked trough connections between neurons. The way that theses connections are made are a lot more important than the neurons themselves.

If you hear or visualize an apple, this will probably happen in your brain:

Depending the importance and the time you have to do this process, some of theses "links" will be hidden or aborted.

All thinking are naturally working like that, it seems like a natural neural network or a tree, however, classical learning method often make you think like one or more paths:

(Natural thinking way)

(Old thinking way)

So obviously making our brain working like the old thinking way is a simple wast of ours incredible capacities.

Maybe mathematics are working pretty well with the old thinking way, however if we look closer a lot of computation are made with the new thinking way.

By example for 88/4 we could do 4?->44?->88? as (11->2) so the answers is 22.
Or 88/4 = (8/4=2)+(8/4=2) so the answer is 22.

For mental arithmetic, tree thinking way is a very good advantage for logic, problems solving, possibilities deduction, causality, effects and simple way to compute two or more number.

But (for mathematics at least), the old thinking way is needed to ensure a easily follow able and verifiable path and pure logic are a great advantage, however, we didn't have been thought about logic such as critical thinking (At least where i am from).

So It seem that a lot of teaching method are a bit wrongly linked with learning skills, with a more appropriate way to learn, everything is easier to learn.

Learning motivation and mindset

A very important thing about learning is how useful do we find the information we are analyzing is, this is mostly based on a personal estimation based on pasts and present experiences that provide a reaction. In past and present experience, one of the most important facts that is on of the biggest part of learning is motivation.

Investing willpower


This is the modern trap of learning, willpower is our ability to change our behavior and must not be used for motivation.

Sometimes we hear "force you to get up in the morning", "stop eating so much", "work" often by ourselves however we do not changes or just temporary, we just get a boost and then loose a big part of will power we had and then think we have not enough willpower do invest in important things. Unless you are a kind of "willpower" alien like Elon Musk and i don't think this is the case, willpower is not the answer to theses questions.

Willpower is a kind of habit's changer mana potions daily received that can be a bit trained but the answers of it's utilization is all about willpower stock management.

Frontal lobe mana

Instead of wasting 50%/Day of your willpower at not eating fat or sugar, better put 5% at hiding theses words or foods to avoid triggering your "i want theses thing" brain module and by that keep your willpower for important stuff.

So the most important thing to efficiently manage willpower bar is to optimize the environment you live in. For example: simply hiding "bad" food such as sugar, fat... and things such as "tobacco" from the first eyes contact and replace them with an attractive presentation of fruits. In an other context, peoples you see, notifications and others things such as that take a very little actions and save a lot of willpower.

Once this is repaired:

Habit's can be slowly, one at a time, added, optimized or remove to make your glass of water more "pure" and efficient.

We're composed at 72% of water, habit's are very important for our efficiency/well being.

And efficiency and well being is very important to learn.

Finding motivation

A truly source of motivation, and also nearly infinite is passion.

Passion is simply loving what you do, taking pleasure to do what you are doing.

Finding passion is often coming from a true inner motivation that is a kind of self-learning that can need time to find, it can be called by loving a work type such as drawing or a goal.

Time and energy spend at finding that is a very good and productive investment.

Motivation is as simply as described above but is relatively difficult to get/find in a classical environment.

Getting other mindset

If willpower is correctly invested, capacity can grow a lot but is the mindset growth ready ?

Images describe better and simpler than me what i wanted to write about growth/fixed mindset.

The only trick with growth mindset is to evaluate result, i mean better to evaluate strategy in results and efforts in progression. If this is done in the other way, a lot of time and effort are wasted for a non-useful feedback.

In one way you will be ~happy for progression and on the other ~frustrating for non-results.

Learning method

So in conclusion learning is increased near an infinite time more by having a true intrinsic motivation rather than by a false extrinsic motivation and need to be backboned by a mindset ready to growth.

This process is optimized by a good willpower management.

The way we naturally work to learn is mostly by copying patterns, copying behavior such as thinking, comportment and other things.

Logic and other more mathematical behavior is better learned by a kind of fixed mindset such as planing strategy, getting a critical thinking, find causes and all other "fixed" form of knowledge.

Images and arts are very good to improve subconscious neuron connections pattern/architecture to improve our thoughts, decisions or actions at a deep level.

Books are quite long to read but provide a great deep pattern ready to create new connections between our neuron to subconsciously improve our process such as thoughts, decisions or actions and gain us some fixed conscientious knowledge.

Article are quite good to get some new, better optimized connections between our neuron and a bit more oriented in conscientious knowledge.

Principles are quite good to provide some fixed knowledge to conscientiously guide and feedback subconscious knowledge output but need to be used with parsimony.

Openness is required to get new thinking way and new subconscious knowledge.

All knowledge are improved by conditions quality.

Subconscious knowledge is amazingly improved by mind exercise such as mediation and also yoga.

conscientious knowledge is amazingly improved by critical thinking.

Shortcut to fixed knowledge learning

  • Capacity to effortlessly learning incredible list of elements such as Pi to it's 1000 decimal.
  • Raises vital questions and problems, formulating them clearly and precisely
  • Gathers and assesses relevant information, using abstract ideas to interpret it effectively
  • Comes to well-reasoned conclusions and solutions, testing them against relevant criteria and standards
  • Thinks openmindedly within alternative systems of thought, recognizing and assessing, as needs be, their assumptions, implications, and practical consequences
  • Communicates effectively with others in figuring out solutions to complex problems

Great post thank you.

Thank's, I tried to be constructive clear and helpful
Glad to hear you say that^^

I was about to say something more constructive but I posted too quickly. Then the Internet connection decided that I was actually not allowed to edit my comment before your reply to it... ;)

So, here it is. Motivation is important for sure, but it is not enough, IMO. Guidance is often very helpful for efficient learning, and also exercises (in the broad meaning of it: just trying to apply learned things).

For sure, i didn't think about that, IMO choice must not be guided, just be advised to show more paths.

When one or more path is chosen, guidance economize efforts in verifying trajectory. However i think verifying is always necessary. I very agree, thanks for make me seeing an other point of view.

I think that training, aka comparing memorized pattern to the fit to reality with an output (often subconscious) is the natural way we work and is just one of the best way to improve.

Maybe a child have a better ability to learn because they just don't care of a negative results, he naturally reproduce and improve that with getting feedback from subconsciousness results.
It seem that adults "loose" their ability to do that.

Thanks for adding fluidity to this articles and my thoughts.

A negative result is a result. :) that is what should matter. In research we know where we start. But we are not guaranteed to find a positive result.

Deep thoughts !
Very clever comment :)

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