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RE: "The End of Natural Motherhood?"

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Okay so I'm reading this and thinking existential thoughts and then I get to the period one and think, whyyyyyy? Why would you make a robot suffer pain and mess and uncontrollable leaking and did I mention pain and hormone swings and so on? The point of a period is to discard any unused eggs and cushioning if the woman didn't become pregnant that month. Why would you stick eggs and endometrial cells to do their thing in a robot only to be cycled out, instead of only sticking them in there when you want to make a baby? Periods are awful. Even if they deleted the pain and hormones and uterine cysts and endometriosis and all of the "something has gone wrong" problems, you're still frikkin' uncontrollably leaking for days. Don't copy that. It's a terrible design.
I completely stopped thinking ethics and started thinking "Cis men must have thought that was a good idea... nobody who has ever had a period would think, 'More beings should experience this!'"
Now maybe I'll go read the article. Or maybe not. It sounds horrifying.


There's a video in the robot period article and all the scientists featured in the video talking about Evatar (that's it's name) are females lol.

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