Sourcefinder/Skynet POGS Interview w/ Sam Foster

in #science7 years ago

The 8th installment in our interview series with BOINC project administrators is now available for your listening pleasure!

This is the second time Sam has joined us for a chat, the first being:

Duchamp Sourcefinder is pretty interesting science... from what I gather, they are scanning a simulated cube that represents space, with fake radio signals inside, and the algorithm is to detect the radio signals.

New work

It has recently been announced that they will be working on real data from ASKAP!


Read more about it on their forums:

I had a good time editing this interview. Sam lives in Australia, so it was at an hour that most people couldn't attend, so there wasn't many speaking participants... lol. @cm-steem sounds a lot more like himself through the mobile microphone. More manly... I may adjust his output to match in the future. @erkan's microphone is always a challenge... I don't know if it's a bandwidth issue or sampling, but every 3 seconds or so... he tends to cut out, and I have to cut and paste the whole thing together. I actually put a lot of love into these things. I usually spend about 5-6 hours editing per 3-4 hours of audio. I think at this point, I've gone through ~150 hours of audio. It's been a wild ride! :D

Thank you so much for listening, and thank you to erkan for hosting.

BOINC official website:
Skynet POGS:

Be sure to join Team Gridcoin on Skynet POGS to be rewarded with cryptocurrency! See for more information. See once we get our SSL certificate fixed... :P


You've been UpVoted via the UpVote Experiment 002 Bot. Depending on my VP & the price of STEEM you should get a $.01-$.03 for your trouble.
Read more about this experiment here.

Thank You - @blueorgy

good works <3

Oh wow. That editing time xD. I can't even imagine. Giving a listen right now as sourcefinder is up for a vote right now! If you didn't say anything I might not have even noticed the editing.

Thank you for all the work you do!

hahaha. yeah. it's not like they're absolute garbage or anything... but i do everything i can to cut out pops and clicks and restore things to their original value. adjusting levels, and sometimes EQs... envelopes... every situation requires something different.

what do they say about makeup? you should look like you aren't wearing any? :P

I can't help but stress to people to vote on the current polls. Every vote counts and drives the diretion Gridcoin is going.

So Get Voting!!

Thanks a lot. I love listening to these.

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