Nature Identification Thread #1

in #science7 years ago

I've decided to run a weekly nature identification thread! Post pictures of plants, animals, rocks, or other cool stuff that you've photographed but can't identify, and I, along with anyone else who wants to participate, will try and help you identify it!

Mica-garnet schist, a metamorphic rock frequently found in mountain belts like the Appalachians or the Klamath Mountains. [Image Source

Along with the photo, add where you found it, the time of year, the approximate altitude, and any interesting scents or textures not caught in the photo.

Along with the photo, add the location you found it, the time of year, the sounds it made, any interesting behaviors, and any other features not caught well in the photo.

Along with the photo, add the location you found it, a description of the terrain it was found in, whether it was attached to a rock outcrop or found loose on the ground or buried in the soil, a description of its texture (especially its grain size), and a description of its weight and density. Fossils are included in this category.

I will not be identifying mushrooms and fungi for the most part unless I can point to it and go "Yeah, that's poisonous." I will not be identifying edible mushrooms. Mushrooms should really only be identified in person and by an expert. If another contributor wishes to identify them, that's their call, but I encourage them to be similarly cautious. I might also identify a few fungi that are clearly not being looked at for the purposes of eating, but that'll be a case by case decision.

For anyone who wants to help me identify stuff- when the post cashes out, I'll be splitting the SBD among those Steemians who help identify stuff based on how many things you've identified. For this purpose, I'll only be counting my identifications as half or thereabouts, to weight it more heavily towards other contributors- I definitely want this to be a community effort. On top of that, my share of the identifications will be rewarded towards the person who presents the coolest thing to identify, so I won't be keeping any of the SBD from this post.


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Okay, so this beetle is approximately 3/4" long. I've seen some that are a little bigger too, just shy of 1".
It was held captive in a plastic container for a little while until I snagged my phone to snap a couple pictures. When I lifted the container there was a bitter odor. When the bug is threatened it also sticks out a long tongue, probably a stinger. When captured and held in a tissue, it bites the tissue with its mandibles and secretes a brown fluid that has that same bitter odor.
I've done a little research and had a hard time finding something that really matched, but I think I may have identified it. I'm not 100% sure though because photos online don't really match, so a second opinion (from someone that knows more about beetles) would be helpful. After someone replies with their identification, I will share what I think it is.

So at first I assumed it was some breed of Darkling beetle, which may often have a quite pungent scent. It could also be a Ground Beetle from the genus pterostichus. I'm leaning strongly towards the latter.

Looks just like the pterostichus family, particularly the first image result in your Google link. I imagine it's venom could cause a nasty blister? I did some reading about blister beetles and thought that might be it. Descriptions fit on behavior (playing dead, stench upon death, and the venom) but none of the examples looked anything like the beetles I have been finding.
Thanks mountain, I think you've got it pinned.

Yeah, blister beetles tend to be a lot thinner. Be glad you don't have blister beetles.

Man, there are a lot of beetles that look a lot like that. With that exaggerated peduncle, my first thought was big headed ground beetle, but it doesn't have the mandibles for that. I'm stumped, but it looks like @mountainwashere is right on!

This is a cool idea for a series of posts!

Here's my submission - I have no clue...


PS: Apologies, I have had a few drinks...
Upvoted and tip!

Hmm. I think it might be a badger?

Interested! I remember finding a rock when I was a kid, and thought there was gold inside it. So I took it home to polish it. Did it for days... LOL

Hah, nice. If you have a photo of it, I can definitely take a look at it.

Hahah that was like years ago man! But yea, If I find any interesting stuff. I'll post

I looked at the picture before noticing the caption credit and was a bit put off as my guess was copper.

Schists are a tricky bunch of rocks, even when you've been looking at them for a while!

Okay; I fired the joke writer but he probably won't get work at CNN. Yes, I could see that the rocks were mica schists, but my ploy was for the coin.

Oh, haha, nope, I'm just thick sometimes. :D That's pretty clever, actually.

ha this is a super fun idea! I'm definitely game :D I have a few ideas already, I'll see what I can post up...

This sounds like a lot of fun! I'm excited to participate!

Yeah! Now we just need some stuff to identify...

Oh I love this sort of thing! I'm a touch obsessed with identifying things - plants and animals are favourites but fossils too. I'll keep an eye on the thread. I take a lot of photos for id purposes and often post them on facebook groups to get expert id help. Now I'll post them here too :)

Awesome, great to hear! Next one will be up soon!

Interesting idea. I see there's no participants yet though. I'm here for ya mountain! These pesky beetles have been showing up in my basement. I think I've got them identified, but would like a second opinion. If I see one tonight I'll capture it and post a pic with more info.

Cool, sounds good! And yeah, I might just not have enough of a following yet for this to work- someday, though!

Fantastic idea! Guess I have a very strange rock, but gotta take some picture of it first:)

Looking forward to it!

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