Chinese Pseudoscience: The absurd 'understanding' of the human body

in #science6 years ago (edited)

We return to Chinese Pseudoscience! Because there's simply no end to stupidity in this world that somehow manages to perpetuate itself into multi-billion dollar industries.

In what probably should have been the very first episode, today will be a dive into the very premise that Chinese Traditional Medicine is built on, from the philosophy of yin and yang to the bunk model of the human body. I won't go too deeply into each part since they would need a post each to cover, but instead the focus is going to be on why it's stupid. Enjoy!

Yin Yang

This will definitely save your life. Credit: DonkeyHotey CC BY 2.0

Probably the most common symbol to come out of China, yin and yang is overblown in all aspects of life to represent how contrasting things work together, like how punching somebody's face works well with the receiver of said punch.

Ok maybe that's not quite accurate, but in very basic terms, it does describe how opposite forces may in fact complement each other; light and dark is one that perpetuates all fiction across all genres, but I find many of these to be circumstantial resulting from our use of language and our brains lack of fondness for complexity, always on the lookout for 'black and white' results, so to speak.

A psychopath is bad, A buddhist is good. A psychopath is dark, a buddhist is light.

...What about the psychopathic buddhist?

Anyway, this concept of opposites is forcefully applied to everything; boy and girl, sun and moon, wet and dry, up and down and so on. In medicine, much of the concept seems to refer to hot and cold.

Yin generally refers to things that are 'hot' within the body, so if you have a fever, this is a 'yin' condition, and hypothermia will be a 'yang' condition, but it can get a bit shady when referring to dry mouth, diarrhea and so forth. I'm guessing it was arbitrarily thrown into one or the other category; adding a third would be blasphemy.

Wu Xing

Known to us as 'the five elements', this refers to a very wrong concept of five elements being intrinsically related; wood, fire, earth, metal and water. In a kind of rock-paper-scissors scenario, each one interacts with the others in various ways:

Credit: Parnassus, CC BY-SA 3.0

  • Wood slices Earth
  • Earth dams water
  • Water extinguishes fire
  • Fire melts metal
  • Metal chops wood

...and together, go about explaining pretty much everything in the cosmos, from chinese medicine to planetary motion, political domination and of course, martial arts.

It can also refer to phases of time; growth, harvest, death and so on, and anything in life that happens to be groupedd into fives:

The five fingers
The five 'tastes'
The five emotions
The five senses
The five animals (the arrogance of this one; scaly, feathered, furry, shelled or human. Get over yourselves)

And so on.

Basically, it's people looking for patterns in nature and applying them to an established idea to help make sense of an unknown world - after all, this was all created as early as the 14th century BCE, around the Shang dynasty. A scary time.


So with that very brief introduction, how on earth does it relate to effective medicine?

Well, if you've been following this series you know that it doesn't, and even historical scholars of China dismissed it, with emperors actually banning it as a practice, but since it's come back (Thanks Mao), let's look into it.

The overall idea here is that the complementary nature of yin & yang create balance, and when that balance is off, you get sick, called 'vacuity'. Each organ has been arbitrarily assigned a place in either yin or yang, also known as Zang-fu:

Yin Organs: Heart, Liver, Spleen, Lungs and Kidney
Yang Organs: Small Intestine, Large Intestine, Gall Bladder, Urinary Bladder and Stomach

The creators of this concept also added another part of the body we can't actually detect called San Jiao, meaning 'triple heater' and is more of a metaphorical organ, but is still definitely an actual organ. Historically, it was sometimes thought of as a membrane that encased the human body in three parts; the chest cavity and two halves of the abdomen.

In fact in TCM, all these organs have two definition: The actual organ and the metaphorical organ; the description of its function without form. San Jiao is one that only has a functional existence, but no form.

Please don't forget that this is a post about medicine and its application in saving lives.

Principal Meridians

From my understanding, each Yin (zang) organ is paired with a Yang (fu) organ, and together are grouped into one of the five elements. To make things more complicated, the good old meridian pathways come into play. There are 12 standard meridian lines, and these also fall into Yin & Yang categories.

For those who don't know, the meridian pathways allow life energy known as 'Qi' to pass through the body, all of which definitely exists despite there being no dirty western evidence for it.

These effectively connect the hands and feet to the organs and depending on their position in the yin-yang system determines which organs get assigned to which limb. For example, in the case of the 'Taiyin Lung Channel of Hand' meridian, the lung is connected to the hand, has the metal element and is very Yin. The 'Taiyin Spleen Channel of Foot' meridian goes from the spleen to the foot and is attached to the small intestine, its element is earth and is also very 'Yin'.

There's a lot more to it all, but I suppose that's the point. Keep it simple and people won't buy it; too obviously fraudulent.

So... how does this save my life?

Well, together all this and more builds up a Chinese model of the body that involves Qi, Jing (essence), Shen (mind), blood and the meridian pathways. The idea is to use these to determine how much imbalance between yin and yang exists in your body and why.

This generally means if you have, say, a stomach ache, you don't just look at the stomach, you look at its related organ in the aforementioned 'Zang Fu' system, as well as its connections to your hands and feet.

So let's look at the heart as an example.

The heart, like all others, is both an actual organ and a description of a function. Basically a spiritual term metaphorically defined as the heart. The heart has been grouped into 'Zang' or Yin and gets paired with the small intestine. They both have the element of fire.

If there is a yin-yang imbalance, you might experience heart palpitations, unsettled sleep and insomnia, restlessness and poor memory. Because that's what doctors say, after all.

The heart houses 'Shen' or 'Essence' which can be described best as the soul combined with our mental activity. I thought that was the brain but what do I know, eh?

(shen) is the source of thought processes, mental focus, planning, intelligence, any thought, idea and the will to carry it out can be seen as a manifestation of shen

You know, the shen, that's housed in your metaphorical heart.

The heart is also known to 'open to the tongue', which is the root of the heart. So if you have a speech impediment, for example, you have a yin-yang imbalance in your heart. This is proven because many cultures around the world ask you to 'speak from the heart'. So it's not just China, the evidence is everywhere.

Your sense of taste is therefore also affected and a weak sense of taste, and which tastes are weak determine what imbalance is occurring in your heart.

What is my prescription??

Well, if you have heart problems there's an easy solution. You see, the heart is red. If you are imbalanced in the heart, it would become less red, and the goal is to make it more red. Eating red coloured food should fix this according to Chinese medicine. Things like cherries, red beans, red apples (note: NOT green), strawberries and so on.

Credit: Wellcome images, CC BY 4.0

Because the meridian connected to the heart begins at the armpit and ends at your pinky finger, you should stretch your arms to get those meridian pathways refreshed. Numerous related and specific exercises like breathing evenly and making fists will cure all heart-related ailments. Lifting your arms over your head can't hurt, either.

Remember the groups of five I mentioned? Well the five emotional groups are:


For the heart, it fits into the 'Joy' category. If you don't get enough joy in your life, the metaphorical heart is affected and this affects the actual heart:

When heart energy is depleted, we can suffer from insomnia and dream disturbed sleep, an inability to think clearly, forgetfulness, concentration problems and poor memory. In extreme cases we see manic behaviour or even comaSource

So you better be happy


I want to once again remind you that literally millions of people pay a collective billions upon billions of dollars in hope for their lives to be saved on the above premise. Think about that next time you go for some acupuncture.

If all the above fails, you have to turn to medicine. How does that work? You'll have to wait until the next part, where I'll also look into the 'evidence'.

It's all very stupid.

References: TCM | Chinese Medicine Living | Blue Buddha Acupuncture | Wu Xing | Heart (Chinese medicine) | San Jiao | Triple Burner (San Jian) - ITM Online | Zang-Fu

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I see you are very wound up and I can understand you!
Great set of info you add here, I didn't get to know all the details of their pseudomedicine, but the more I read the harder is for me to actually believe that there are people that DO believe it.

Living there, can I ask you if this is only due to lack of education or is it also a psychological inheritance, kinda like religion? Is it transmitted from parents to children? Is it included in the things passed on as culture by the parents? Because it feels like more than just a lack of education for me!

They had time to polish it and mask the results, like the western healers did but it remained the same. Is there a sign of improvement, does it evolve or is it the same as generations before?

I don't want to burden you with questions, I can find some myself, what is harder for me is to get someone with roots in their culture to understand it..

I've answered a bunch of this in one of the way older episodes but there's a few culprits for its perpetuation, primarily political.

As touched lightly upon here, it was seen as hocus pocus nonsense by scholars literally thousands of years ago and banned for use, it was only when Mao Zedong came into power that it started to return because he had a huge population and not enough real doctors to treat them. To shut them up he told the country to turn to this ancient stuff - which he is quoted as not even believing it himself.

With the cultural revolution in play he didn't want any smart-arse getting in the way and questioning him, so books and and people with brains were burned and kidnapped (in whichever order) until nobody questioned it.

Now it simply perpetuates from a lack of proper education as the scientific community in China are determined, for political reasons, to replace western influence with home-grown influence, and to generally out-number publications from the west regardless of quality, honesty and reproducibility for the sake of national pride. So with the backing of millions of 'scientific' papers, who can doubt it anymore?

As a result, it's spreading internationally and the white middle class of the west are increasingly embracing it as an 'exotic' and 'natural' form of medicine which is, of course, much better than the corrupt poisons being produced by 'big pharma'.

What a fun time we live in, eh?

EDIT: I should also point out that we're still living in a time where villages are hours and hours away from any notable doctors at all, perhaps days, and so we still get rural folk conjuring up random home remedies, including Poo tea and Urine

Yes you have indeed said something of the political replacement of the western influence.
About Big Pharma, I know. Whenever I read something from you I start to think about what can we do to change this, and then I remember that my country is being run from the shadows by a convicted felon that hides behind a prime minister that can't say 10 words without misspelling at least one.
It is a fun time to live in, honestly :)

I see the yinyang symbol in almost every Chinese movie especially Jackie Chan's.

Well, if you have heart problems there's an easy solution. You see, the heart is red. If you are imbalanced in the heart, it would become less red, and the goal is to make it more red.

Well, if you ask me, this is really so funny. The more red the heart is, the healthier it is. I think I need some paint. Lol

You see one thing I like about this Chinese pseudoscience is the fact that it makes me feel Nigeria and Africa are not alone when it comes to ridiculous beliefs.

One thing I grew up to meet was that: If you're grinding pepper and it enters your eyes during the process or anyway at all, you just have to rub your hands on your armpit and then clean your face with it and it'll be gone

I think pseudoscience is everywhere albeit to a varying degree. What makes the Chinese's own so popular is what I am yet to comprehend. Could it be the position they occupy in the world and/or their population?

The huge government financial backing likely has something to do with it, too

Yea, you are right. A multi-billion dollar backed practice should be popular tbh.

You see, the heart is red. If you are imbalanced in the heart, it would become less red, and the goal is to make it more red. Eating red colored food should fix this according to Chinese medicine.

The heart specialist doctors will die reading this. :D And why not eating a gallon or two of red color instead? that would fix heart quickly, i think.
And also what should we eat if there is problem with nails?

This series is getting really interesting now. I'm wondering about how come people spend millions of dollars believing these? They must have alien-borne minds.

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These pseudoscience are almost everywhere. Even here in Nigeria, there's a form of ritual that's done with a particular tree (anunebe. I don't know the English term for it), which is believed to have medicinal purposes for people with some kinds of diseases.

But the case of Chinese pseudoscience is somewhat popular. I've heard about how people can channel their Qi energy for healing purposes. I think it's called Qigong or something

Yep, qigong! It's spreading around the world and actually damages other countries and continents, which is why some African countries have actually banned the export of donkeys to China, amazingly! And the fishing around the coastlines? Devastating. Sigh.

That really sucks :(

oh sammy, you remembered anunebe. very funny young man. It cures poisons as well either taken out of ignorance or spiritually acquired.

Lol. I remember anunebe. Very mysterious tree :)

I supposed at least they had a slightly more advanced understanding of material science, in that they understood metal's and non-metals (as opposed to just "earth") but they did miss the gaseous phase. Anyway that's an interesting perspective on Chinese pseudoscience 👍

Pff, water is a gas or something right? Don't question that.

Hello @mobbs😂😂😂

I just can not stop laughing. The entire logic of the highly popularized Chinese medicine, cracked up!😂

...if you have heart problems there's an easy solution. You see, the heart is red. If you are imbalanced in the heart, it would become less red, and the goal is to make it more red. Eating red coloured food should fix this according to Chinese medicine

How illogical! I see people talking about this, and of course, it is very popular in this clime. However, I never knew these meaningless logics are the foundation on which its efficacy is based.

This makes no rationale meaning to a scientific mind. The whole logic is old-fashioned! Little wonder you described it as stupidity.

However, you did an awesome job by making the article very interesting to read and adding fun to it. still laughing...


@eurogee of @euronation and @steemstem communities

Haha yes they certainly have some imagination... and to stick to it for so long... that is impressive, if nothing else =D

Chinese faithfulness to agelong civilization

I actually laughed out loud at ...What about the psychopathic buddhist?

Apart from that, I know little about it so please don't chew my head and spit it out for this, but whilst I think pseudoscience, Chinese or otherwise, is bunkum I often see a kind of truth in it.
For example :

Because the meridian connected to the heart begins at the armpit and ends at your pinky finger, you should stretch your arms to get those meridian pathways refreshed. Numerous related and specific exercises like breathing evenly and making fists will cure all heart-related ailments. Lifting your arms over your head can't hurt, either.

As someone who did a couple of years student nursing, with all of the academic blurb that went with studies, I know that if you have heart problems: angina, or are starting to suffer from a heart attack, some of the things that can help to alleviate the backlog of blood and thus releive the pressure on the heart is to stretch the arms out wide, thus 'opening' the chest. Breathing slowly can then become more effective, stress levels lower, pain lowers and the symptoms may become less. Certainly it helps the patient. So yes, hocus pocus but I feel it perhaps has roots in something that does work.

A very good post though.

This is unfortunately what allows it to perpetuate. Similar to evolution, we don't hear much about the failings, only the successes, but science is not about trial and error. Who knows how many people in Asia have been killed over thousands of years by trial and error of false logic and poisonous plants, but one in a thousand plants works and that suddenly 'goes viral' and now TCM works because there's the proof.

The same thing here. This is why I put 'specific' in quotes because they're just generic exercises that we may either intuitively know helps, or from personal experience over many generations (I'd imagine even proto-humans knew something along these lines based on a kind of feeling).

But that doesn't validate anything, it just makes things even more dangerous since they have a place to point whenever anybody doubts.

I don't disagree. And not just Asia. Worldwide, shamens, witchdoctors etc brought some good and lots of bad in the name of health. But then so did 'actual' doctors. I think the thing is that 'real' science and medicine moves forward when errors are found by research and correction, whereas pishposh practices dismiss the errors by stating "they must've done it wrong or eaten something I said not to." etc., and then carry along the same bitter road. Sadly 'the errors' often meant lives. Some people are culturally accepting it - education required, some feel that real science has failed them - education required, some think magic is real - eductaion definitely required. Until those issues are addressed the yin yanging of the world will continue.

At some point i was thinking that it was not real because it is most implemented in chinese movies. Those who loves chinese movies can bet on it especially action [email protected] should be a chinese

heh, I'd rather not, thanks! I like my British Passport

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