Chinese Pseudoscience: Deadly Ingredients in Fraudulent Products

in #science7 years ago

It sure is handy that this beauty can clear your nose once ground into a powder

If you're from Taiwan, you probably have bladder cancer. Hear me out.

You may be aware that Chinese medicine uses almost every ingredient known to man. That way, they are guaranteed successful results in at least some of their treatments. The rest can just be shoved under the rug.

Well, this philosophy, that everything seems to have its place in medicine - from toad blood to donkey penis, deer penis to human penis... just read my previous posts - comes with a lot of risk factor.

For a start, when these things are arbitrarily mixed together, it becomes nigh on impossible to figure out what's actually in these things. The TCM advocates know this and take advantage by advertising a list of ingredients in a product, but actually putting totally different stuff in it.

This is generally easy to get away with since TCM doesn't go through any legitimate scientific process and peer review to begin with, and regulations are lax at best. It's almost a daily occurrance for me finding out that the meat from this or that restaurant was actually street cats, doused in gutter oil, or injected with opiates. I call it Chinese Roulette.

But in 2012, scientists managed to get a hold of then-next-generation technology for DNA sequencing that can read thousands of strands at a time.

This technology was primarily developed for determining individual microbial life in animals or oceans, but it served a good purpose here, to find out what kind of organisims were actually in your frog-skin cancer cure.

The challenge was still big, since they knew the Chinese could be putting anything in their products so they had nowhere to stand as a starting point, but they managed to sequence the content of 15 TCM products.

The products were confiscated items in Australia and in total brought about 49,000 sequences of genes. This is what they found:

Birthwort (Aristolochia)

Among 68 families of plants, one that struck me was Birthwort. This plant contains aristolochic acid which can damage kidneys and livers, as well as cause bladder cancer.

In Taiwan, Urologic cancer accounted for 10% of all cancers in 2012, and cancer in general has been the number 1 cause of death in the COUNTRY.

This surprising set of statistics has been associated with the traditional chinese medicinal use of aristolochic acid, which binds with the DNA to form aristolactam, which mutates into a specific type of tumour in the bladder.

To make that all the more worrying:

...approximately one-third of the population of Taiwan has been exposed to Chinese medicinal herbs containing, or likely to contain, AA

Given that this stuff was found arbitrarily in medicine that did not list it in the ingredients, now might be a good time to stop taking the risks, Taiwan!


Ephedra is a medicinal substance from the plant Ephedra sinica. It's banned in the USA by the FDA, due to some very serious side effects and related deaths.

One of the biggest sellers of this product in the USA, Metabolife, recieved 14,000 complains of horrible side effects and conveniently forgot to report it to the FDA. This led the co-founder to serve some prison time.

Side effects include heart attacks in healthy young people, insomnia, stroke, vomiting, seizures and more. Reason 2 for staying away from TCM.

Aside from all the other potentially deadly plants in the mix, such as nuts and soya which can cause deadly allergic reactions, and ginseng which is illegal to trade internationally, plenty of animals were found in there too... and not any old animals:

Endangered animals

The Saiga antelopes is a critically endangered species that frankly look hilarious. All the more of a tragedy that they are being used in cooling drinks in Singapore so it can (can't) reduce fever, and probably a cure for everything in Australia.

The horns serve a lot of miraculous effects to us, including but not limited to:

A sedative, a painkiller, an anticonvulsant, an antipyretic, nervous sstem inhibitor, an antihypertensive, enhances 'cardiac contrarctility', an antibacterial and an vaccine for influenza

Well no wonder it was in the mix!

Also threatened is the Asian Black Bear, which was included in these products, labeled as 'bear bile powder'.

Buffalo, goats and cows didn't escape this blend, either.

In fact, half of the products had a whole cacophony of animals, 75% of which weren't labelled at all on the packaging.

Other investigations

So this investigation alone demonstrates that Chinese medicine, even if it was real (which it isn't), doesn't even contain the stuff it claims, making it even more useless. Not only that, but the secret stuff is both harmful and illegal in many cases.

Thankfully the investigations didn't end there in 2012; a new wave of research on the matter came in 2015 used DNA sequencing, toxicology and heavy metal detection in 26 different TCMs, purchased at random from markets... in Australia.

The results showed that 90% of these products contained undeclared substances considered contaminants or adulterants!


The most concerning find was probably DNA from the Snow Leopard, but other animals included cats, dogs, snakes, frogs and rats.

Let's just take a step back here; there are about 3,000 snow leopards that can reproduce, and under 5,000 left worldwide. And they're found to be ground into powder in random medicine in Australia. Let that sink in. Now go back to thinking about the rats.

Metals & Pharmaceuticals

Toxic metals were of course found too, including Arsenic, cadmium and lead in over half the medicines analysed. Not only this but they contained over 10x the safe limit of these metals.

Various pharmaceuticals were also found - kinda defeating the point of TCM completely - including paracetamol, antihistamins, anti-inflammatories, antibiotics, steroids, decongestants, and interestingly, warfarin.

Gee, they're using so much western medicine that it seems like they're... Warfarin against their own tradition. badum tss...

You can applaud me in person someday, you're welcome.

But seriously, warfarin is a blood thihnner and if you're not careful, it can be incredibly dangerous, with risk of severe bleeding, necrosis, osteoporosis, purple toe syndrom and calcification... It's banned in Australia as a result.

Just... stop using Chinese medicine.

You'd think at this point the world would have learnt a lesson. TCM doesn't work, the products don't even contain what they say, they contain 'western' medicine because the creators clearly know their junk doesn't work, they contain all kinds of western medicine to simply create the 'cure all' desired effect, they include illegal ingredients, deadly ingredients, endangered animals and God Knows what else.

It seems the only thing these medicines are successful at improving or enhancing is people's gullibility. This is a multi-billion dollar industry... It's time to stop.

In case you haven't had enough, another study in 2016 found rhino, tiger and snow leopard DNA, which you can read more about Here.

Thanks for reading!


Image Sources CC0 Licensed

References: Urologic cancer in Taiwan | Aristolochic acid-associated urothelial cancer in Taiwan
| Ephedra | Scientific American | Combined DNA, toxicological and heavy metal analyses...of traditional Chinese medicine | Renal toxic ingredients and their toxicology from traditional Chinese medicine.


I am only content to use their electronics. I never acknowledged their expertise on drugs. Also, I think their regulatory bodies are not that active, especially in exported items. Not trying to sound stereotypical here, but I have witnessed several not-so-standard products from that end to my country. That may be a result of the lack of human resources or political will to control what they let in through our borders.

I hear many African nations have actually banned lots of imports from China. One my earlier posts showed that donkey products have been banned from export to China because their use in such medicines is demanding far more than there is supply! Such a joke...

Ok. I have no idea of the African country that did. I will have to check on this since my country heavily rely on other countries for most things especially electronics, cars, etc.
But I think the regulation (in both China and country they export to) is to be blamed on the substandard products that comes from there. But as I type, 95 to 97% of electronics in my house is made in China :)

haha yeah... and failing that, taiwan (china)

We are stuck there. But they have excellent product too. I bought my phone in China. Great Android device: Xiaomi :)

This post is an eye-opener and I will be very careful with their medicinal products. I recently bought their slim tea but alas I think I added more weight upon taking it, and I dropped it.

heh Yes likely... Generally I figure anything that promises to make you slim is probably not genuine. Slimming comes by using the very healthy food we have around us in good balance...something I've so far massively failed to do =(

Again a fantastic job from @mobbs but I have one issue with your post. Science has proven benefits of donkey penis. I know you don’t believe me but in a recent interview when Mrs Donkey was questioned she touted simply a sighting of such a thing may produce elevated amounts of dopamine and endorphins. I have never eaten anything from a donkeys body and never will but now I expect a post from you on donkey parts from a Mrs donkey’s perspective.

Ok I have to confess... I did read that interview in a scientific paper but it didn't conform with my beliefs so I kinda left it out... I'm so sorry I think it's best if I just leave Steemit and take donkey loving classes... =(

This reminds me of the people who say, they are just using "alternative medicine" - I tend to reply with "Either it's medicine or not, there is no alternative".
Same with this kind of esoteric pseudo-science. Sadly, there are a lot of people out there, who are thinking, that "big pharma" exists only to poison and kill us to make profits - out of dead customers, because fuck logic.
They don't see, how dangerous their behaviour might be - not only for themselves, but sometimes even for the people around them.

Yep. Confirmation bias is one of the most powerful tools mankind has for fucking up the ecosystem and our own lives! Fascinating that such behaviour came straight outta evolution, as if we were destined to fuck ourselves lol

I followed the link you provided. And what I can say is that: Chinese Traditional medicine is a major driver in the illegal global wildlife trade. No wonder poaching has been on the increase.

Nice piece buddy

Yep. funny that they actually banned Ivory trade and the like, but it had no effect whatsoever. They just labelled boxes things like 'toys' or whatever, imported them to Vietnam to then send over the lax Chinese border. Brilliant.

It is admitted that TCM has risks for health. However, the point is, the right way to avoid the risk is taking these medicine under guidance of a qualified TCM practitioner, not just simply abandon them. Medicine those passed the FDA test also has side effects, right? Everything has two sides. You cannot only look at the risks but ignore the benefits.
Due to limitations of modern medicals, patients sometimes cannot be diagnosed or cured. Some patients go to their family doctors with concerns but diagnosed as "healthy" or only advised to rest and drink water. Many of them are then cured by Chinese medicine (I use herbs only). As a doctor, I consider the patient's benefits the most important. I don't want to see anyone read your article and miss the chance to be cured. I'm hoping to read science articles with impersonal ideas, otherwise it can be misleading.

Well, the point of this post was to show how under-regulated TCM is, allowing illegal poisons to enter the market. This is actually part of a series I've been doing where I've previously and thoroughly looked into the falsehood of TCM which you can perhaps check Here (history of TCM & acupuncture) and Here (research into acupuncture)

That's not to say all TCM is fake and only works on placebo, for example I show how snake oil is actually medically effective here, but these things are not discovered via the scientific method, and more by chance, having millions of people die from either poisoning or simply ineffectiveness over the millenia. Furthermore, even if the medicine is effective, the lack of regulation means you don't even get what you pay for and get poisoned anyway.

We should not be making medicines based on trial and error 2,000 years ago; the very premise of TCM - qi energy and meridian pathways - is flawed and problematic

Yes I totally agree that the regulation of TCM is a mess in China. For me as a practitioner, I only purchase herbs from traders I trust, and I never let the patients buy Chinese medicine anywhere else. It is good to have you here giving this notice. Therefore, it is the regulatory system to be blame, not TCM itself. If I were you, I'd clarify it in the article, instead of saying:

Just... stop using Chinese medicine.

I read your other articles about TCM and I appreciate your careful research. I like them though some of the ideas are far away from mine. I left one comment there and hope you keep up the good work:)

If you're from Taiwan, you probably have bladder cancer. Hear me out.

Lmao...this line is so epic!

Big cat,, very good,, suxes for you

Your post have very very important news .i like your post.

In the village .. my face is facing mourning .... It's been a while before ... if it was not afraid it would run away

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