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RE: The Universe...Where In The Heck Is It Going To?

in #science8 years ago

Well I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that there was a Big Bang.... that might have created space and everything in it. What happens to stuff in the universe? you ask. More than likely it recycles itself in the most effecient way that we do not understand yet. You kinda have answered your own question.... scientists measure distance of light in space. I can see how it might sound "grandiose" with all those millions...I just take off the zero's sometimes (hehe). If they are giving us "crap" as you write....I kinda cut them some slack as they are discovering new stuff everyday... I believe the majority of scientists are trying to get it right.


Fair enough, I think you understand that's just my opinion I'm not saying I am right, I am not completely stubborn, but scientists have back pedalled a lot of times for example with carbon-14 (I think that's what it was or is called), before, that was supposed to be an exact way to measure the age of some materials, and then a few years back scientists said that it wasn't really too smart to believe in it being so exact.

Hey I agree as well.... not all scientists are reputable and they once thought the world flat..... I think the really important point is that the Universe creatied us and we percieve it....that's a miracle in itself. If it has no end or does, it isn't too big of a deal, unless proven. Definitely cool to think about...

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