
Heheh.... I think @craig-grant said he doesn't believe in SPACE in a few of his videos. Not sure how that one works. I've never heard anyone say that one before.

Hollow Earth... I don't have much of an opinion on that. I believe it is unlikely. Too many things would make that not too functional I'd think. Yet I can also let my imagination whirl and speculate on ways it can happen. I do pay attention to conspiracy theories. I don't discount all of them, but I am very specific when I speculate on something that I call it a speculation or a hypothesis. That means this is MADE UP. It is me using my brain to try to come up with a WHAT IF that might make something possible. It is a thought game. That doesn't mean I think I am a genius and my imaginary solution to a problem is suddenly the truth. :) I tend to think stuff I make up is likely wrong. If I was right I'd be pretty shocked. So yeah I can speculate on how a hollow earth might work. Yet I think it is highly unlikely.

Fixed Earth and Creationism - I don't even need to go there. Those people don't even study their own history. They act like history began when the Council of Nicea came out of their chambers and handed them the edited and created Holy Bible. Then they systematically attempted to purge documents they didn't see as making the cut. Also known a censorship.

Yet some stuff made it through all of it. If they bother to go read those things and they look into archaeology, anthropology, and even egyptology they'll see a lot of stuff the Council of Nicea whipped up falling to pieces. Tons of it is outright plagiarism of things that happened thousands of years before they wrote it. Names are changed (sometimes barely) but the story is the same.

That is even without going into the age of fossilized homnids. That is without going into Dinosaurs, etc.

Yeah... like I told you before there are a lot of nutty conspiracy theories. I approach them all with skepticism. Yet I do also keep my mind always open to new INFORMATION. Then I try to research it myself.

This is all I have to say to the creationists:

That is gold, pure gold!


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