Artificial faces inspire more confidence than real ones/Las caras artificiales inspiran más confianza que las reales

in #science2 years ago


The term "Deepfake" arises from the union of "deep learning" and "fake", and as innovative as it may seem it is already a few years old, through the use of artificial intelligence it is possible for the image of a well-known character to spread the message that interests us by manipulating the gestures and the voice of a previously recorded image.

El término "Deepfake" surge de la unión de "deep learning" y "fake", falso en inglés y por innovador que parezca ya tiene unos cuantos años, mediante el uso de inteligencia artificial se consigue que la imagen de un personaje conocido difunda el mensaje que a nosotros nos interesa manipulando los gestos y la voz de una imagen grabada previamente.

Initially the fakes were quite easy to identify, despite the realism the fake characters were perceived as strange, inexpressive and not very convincing if we were a little critical but every day the technology gets better and it is increasingly difficult to distinguish the characters real ones created by artificial intelligence.

Inicialmente los fakes eran bastante fáciles de identificar, a pesar del realismo a los personajes del fake se les percibía extraños, inexpresivos y no muy convincentes si éramos un poco críticos pero cada día la tecnología se hace mejor y cada vez resulta más difícil distinguir los personajes reales de los creados mediante inteligencia artificial.


In fact, they are so real that according to a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, scientists have discovered that artificial faces are not only so realistic that they are increasingly difficult to distinguish from real faces but because artificial ones inspire us more confidence, which is very dangerous.

De hecho son tan reales que según un estudio publicado en Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, los científicos han descubierto que las caras artificiales no solo son tan realistas que cada vez son más difíciles de distinguir de las caras reales sino que las artificiales nos inspiran más confianza, lo cual es muy peligroso.

For the experiment, the networks were trained using real images that showed faces of people of all kinds, black, Asian and white people, both men and women, later they gathered the real faces of 400 people and compared them with as many artificially created faces.

Para el experimento las redes se entrenaron utilizando imágenes reales que mostraban rostros de personas de todo tipo, personas negras, asiáticas y blancas tanto de hombres como mujeres, posteriormente reunieron los rostros de reales de 400 personas y los compararon con otros tantos rostros creados artificialmente.


They then asked several groups of people to rate the faces as fake or real from a selection of 128 images, one group given no further information and a second group taught how to distinguish fake from real, surprisingly there was not much difference in the results and both of them only about 50% correct.

Después pidieron a varios grupos de personas que calificasen las caras de falsas o reales entre una selección de 128 imágenes, un grupos sin más información y un segundo grupo al que se les enseñó como distinguir las falsas de las reales, sorprendentemente no hubo mucha diferencia en los resultados y los 2 acertaron tan solo un 50% aproximadamente.

Since the world is the world we have always tried to manipulate each other according to our interests, first orally and then in writing until reaching television and social networks, but it has always been easy to avoid this manipulation with a little knowledge.
Now, my friends, difficult times are coming, reality is no longer believable, so we have to increase our level of alertness.

Desde que el mundo es mundo siempre hemos intentando manipularnos unos a otros según nuestros intereses, primero de forma oral y luego de forma escrita hasta llegar a la televisión y las redes sociales, pero siempre ha sido fácil eludir esta manipulación con un poco de conocimiento.
Ahora, amigos míos, llegan tiempos difíciles, la realidad ya no es creíble así que tenemos que incrementar nuestro grado de alerta.

More information/Más información


Hola @mauromar, primero escuche de la vida es sueño y toda una interpretación, después de lo avanzado de realidades virtuales y lo difícil que podría ser distinguirla de la realidad pero ahora es que la realidad puede ser confusa, wow esto sí que es de locos.
Le deseo un lindo domingo.

I think we have reached a point where it is very difficult to distinguish a real face from a non-real one. And I don't know whether to say and (the best or the worst) of all is that they create them nice or attractive, using the best symmetrical features and common features. They achieve all this using our natural instincts, which we have programmed in our minds and are based on the following: A good face is synonymous with a healthy and healthy person, from whom we have to choose as a partner, since in this way the offspring will have a much better chance of surviving. That is why artificial faces not only inspire us with more confidence, but we also consider them more attractive.

As the technology advances AI becomes more and more powerful this can result in both ways positive and negative depends on the person using it

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