Hartmann's energy lines that cross the earth and affect your home and your life

in #science6 years ago


These lines are like an energy grid, deployed over the entire planet. They can affect your health, if you live daily exposed to their influence. You should never put your bed in an intersection of these lines, you can get very sick.

The earth is a gigantic magnet. From its interior, and towards space, electromagnetic energy flows, like the earth's magnetic field, which leaves the nucleus and unfolds in space until it collides with the solar winds.

We know that this magnetic field prevents many particles that travel in solar storms from reaching the earth damaging the life and balance of our environment.

But another magnetic field, Hartmann's energy lines, also affect us, and we can not avoid them ... because they come from the center of the earth.

What are the Hartmann lines?


The Hartmann lines are a network of force in the form of a grid oriented from north to south. The lines of the north-south grid are separated by them by about 2 meters, and the lines of the east-west grid, by about 2.50 meters.

It is not a perfect grid, there may be variations and deviations if nearby there are springs, geological faults, volcanoes. They are also affected by human metallic constructions, such as large buildings.

These lines are only 21 centimeters wide, but they can vary and be affected by earthquakes and oscillations in the earth's magnetic field. They are like energetic walls that extend up to 2,000 kilometers in space.

Its discoverer was Ernst Hartmann (1925-1992), while studying the relationships between soil, human being and climatic conditions. Hartmann noted that a high percentage of the death of his patients was related to geopathies, that is, these patients had lived for a long time in areas of intense natural radiation.

Currently, there are those who believe that staying a long time in the vertical of a Hartmann line or its crosses, can alter the immune, endocrine and hormonal systems. The usual symptoms can be:
Fatigue not justified
Lack of vitality
The immune system becomes depressed
They worsen diseases that can be suffered
Chronic diseases appear
They can even appear cancers.

Not all crossings of the Hartmann lines are harmful, but this pathogenic effect of the earth (geopathic) is multiplied if the Hartmann crossing line coincides with a geological fault or with groundwater currents.

So the initial recommendation is not to have the bed in a Hartmann line and less in a crossing.

How to prevent its harmful effect

Maybe some of this the Chinese knew when they created the discipline of Feng Shui, of the correct orientation of the spaces of a house.

To avoid the harmful effects of the Hartmann intersections, you have to look for a dowser to do a study and a layout of the lines in our house.

The result will be a grid, which will be placed on the plane of the house. Wherever there are intersections, the bed or any other space in which one will remain for a long time will never be put.


If you have not built the house, better, because with the plan and the grid, you can dedicate the healthiest points of the Hartmann lines to the places where you will spend more time, such as the rooms, the kitchen or your studio workplace.

The crossing points or intersections should be in transit sites, such as corridors, the garage, the doors.

Since you cannot avoid these energy lines, you have to adapt the house or the workplace to them. It is a matter of balance with nature.

The other lines, the ones seen from space ...

There are other macro energetic lines, the so-called Ley Lines or planetary grid, which can be drawn at the macro level, on the planet, and which have other energetic properties, which are like the chakras of the earth.

On these lines and their intersections, temples, pyramids, sacred cities have been built for thousands of years.

At its nerve centers, paranormal phenomena constantly occur, such as reports of UFOs, disappearance of aircraft and ships, alteration in telecommunications ...

But that will be the subject of our next post.


Óscar Reyes-Matute
(Samuel Ibn Motot / שמואל אבן מתת)

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