Our Sun - From Red Giant Phase to A White Dwarf

in #science7 years ago (edited)

 Our Sun – Red Giant Star To White Dwarf   

Stars with different sizes start their journey from the part of a nebula, become Protostars and enters into the Main sequence star stage. Main sequence stage is the young age of a star, at this stage the thermostatic equilibrium attained between contracting gravitational force and thermal energy generated by the nuclear fusion of Hydrogen in Helium in the core of the star. All the stars spend about 90% of the age in the Main Sequence Stage.

Once all the Hydrogen available in the core is used up, stars leave the Main Sequence Stage and enter the next phase. The next phase depends upon the original mass of the star. If the original mass of the star ranges from 0.08 Mass of Sun to about 8 Solar masses, then the star enters into Red Giant Phase. In the previous post we stopped at the Red Giant Phase of our Sun. Once the Star enters in Red Giant Phase, all core is left with Helium and there is some hydrogen left in the outer shell of the core where Hydrogen continues its fusion into helium. This stage continues until star exhausts all of its Hydrogen. 

Once all the fuel is exhausted the star starts to die. Helium in the core starts to fuse into carbon and it is called a helium burning star.  The gases at Star’s surface start to blow away in bursts called A Planetary Nebula of Halo of Gases

Image of a planetary nebula shown below:

Image Source

At the end whole of the helium fuses into Carbon and some Carbon reacts with Helium to generate Oxygen. Finally a hot Carbon-Oxygen core is left behind, which is called a White Dwarf.  Gravity always wins at the end. This Carbon-Oxygen core starts to collapse again and become so dense that whole Mass of Sun got Compressed into The Size of Earth. The density of White Dwarfs is Million times the density of Water. An ice cube size of a white dwarf weighs about a Ton.

Below are some images of white dwarfs

Image Source

Look how a core similar to mass of the Sun is compressed into size of Earth. Imagine how heavy it could be?

Image Source

As the compression of the core continues, there are so much electron density that they have to move faster than light which is not possible so they push outward against the gravity (degeneracy pressure) and further compression of the core stops.

Following are the links to my previous posts on the Life Story of Stars:





Hope that you will enjoy the Story of Stars!!


It is really beautiful nature and the universe always amazes me. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for your feedback My Lady. Cosmos are one of my favourite to study! Amazing and wonderful!

The eye of Lord Of The Rings Sauron From Space.

Thanks for stopping by @joeyarnoldvn. Isn't it beautiful?

Image of a planetary nebula is really amazing and i mostly like the post related to space as there is a universe to learn about and that is really beautify i can say.

Thanks @viralvideospoint for your feedback and sharing your thoughts on cosmos. I love to talk about space. Lot of suspense and wondrous!!

Thanks for all the links at one place my dear @mathworksheets. That is very interesting read.

I am also working on having all the math posts links on one spot. I have a domain name reserved www.cool-math-for-kids.comm, since 2010. Never upload anything but I think will use it to post all the steemit posts under that domain name.

I found your blog finally.
You are my brother.
Thanks for everi

Thanks a lot my dear brother @joe28. I am so grateful for your kind words.

Because we are family in steemit.
We must to keep it.

Yes, my dear brother, we are the steemit family and should help each other which is true purpose of a family :))

Yeahhhh thats exactly sir.

The nebula picture you shared is SO beautiful. Thanks for the educational post, @mathworksheets!

Thanks a lot @jannel for taking the time to read my post. Yes nebulae are so beautiful that we have no words to explain it; below is another one named "Crab Nebula"

This is from the collection of nebulae images by NASA. Below is the link to the NASA page which contains all of them, hope you will enjoy!


I will! Thank you for the link :)

You are welcome @jannel :))

upvoted and followed. I'm a big fan.

Thank you @warrenvee. Your support is much appreciated my friend.

Most interesting story @mathworksheets. Upvoted & resteemed.

Thanks a lot for your kind support my friend @photo-trail. We are part of this story too, don't we?

You are welcome @mathworksheets, of course we are. That's what it makes this story so interesting :)

Very interesting story indeed. I read it many times, listened it many times, wrote about it many times, still find and learn something new each time I touch the topic of cosmos!!

Electric Universe?

Thanks for stopping by @openparadigm. Who knows what else is in there. We know about one sort of electricity, there can some other kind of particles in billions and billions of galaxies far far away!!

I'm talking about the theory that galaxies are held together by the electric force instead of gravitational force thus getting rid of the need to make up things like dark matter. Evidence to support the theory includes plasma physicists reproducing celestial phenomena in plasma chambers.

Thanks for your input and sharing your information @openparadigm. Gravity is one of the forces to hold together the cosmos (as of my understanding, there can be part of electric forces or who knows what else but Gravity is there as of my understanding), if it's electrical force then we need to prove it first for the relationship between the Earth and the Moon. Do you have any solid proof that the Moon is held by Earth due to Electrical Forces? Or any man made satellite using electric force to round around the Earth?

I actually only claimed galaxies, google "electric universe" and you can see what proponents claim as proof for their theory.

Interesting! Thanks for the information I will update myself on this concept my dear friend @openparadigm :))

No problem! I would love to hear what you think most specifically the proponents of the "electric universe" criticism of the inverse square law of gravity, i.e. there is not enough matter out there for that theory to work, which is why they postulate dark matter.

I really appreciate your feedback and suggestions my dear friend @openparadign. I am right into it and will educate myself on "electric universe" concept and do a post here on steemit.

It is a relief that this will happen long after we are gone .. But I hope the sun doesn't wipe us all way before by any solar flares :P

I think humanity will develop the technology to travel and live far far away into space and find a new Sun to live in long before Sun reaching the Red Giant Phase.

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