A Star Story - Forming The Protostar

in #science7 years ago

Formation of a Protostar

We learned in my previous post that in a nebula a very cold gaseous cloud collapses due to gravity. The particles rush towards the core of the cloud and due to the collapsing the frequency of collision among the particles increases so does the thermal energy at the core. The gravity keeps pushing on the core to get smaller and smaller. Smaller the core faster it has to spin (this is called the conservation of angular momentum). Due to the spinning the cloud start to takes the shape of a disc. Below is the rotating disc of a protostar.   

A star can take million of years to reach this stage. Some protostars spin so fast that hot gases start to flow outwards making the Jet streams. Spinning protostar with a Jet shown below;  

Some protostars spin so fast that they split to form binary stars. Please note, gravity is responsible for the contraction of the star. Now two forces working against the gravity to expand the star; first one is thermal (heat) energy produced due to collision of particles and the angular momentum because of the spinning of the disc. But gravity still winning and keep contracting the star until the temperature of the core becomes sufficient enough to trigger the fusion of hydrogen.  Next post we will learn about nuclear reactions and fusion is one of them. 

Stay tuned……………….more star story to come!!  


Did you make those? They are very cool. Is steemit going to the moon or to the Protostar?

I made those, took quite a bit to learn. Steemit going to be a supernova:))

You are becoming an amazing artist!

Thanks, you know technology is a great help.

@mathworksheets this is so helpful. I want to ask you if you could perhaps do a post on balancing chemical equations. Like for dummies. I have used the khanacademy videos and all I could find online but some of my kids still have absolutely NO idea what I am talking about. It is utterly frustrating for them and for me. I would really appreciate it. I hope you are well.

Yes @giantbear, I will do that post. Actually I am quite good at teaching that part of chemistry :))

I am so glad cause I am not. There are two things that blows my mind and that is chemical equations and inverse equations I will send you an example later of what I'm struggling with then you can do posts on those in simple explained english. I feel like such a failure if I struggle and don't have the confidence to teach a child if I can't even do that. I am an English teacher but landed up with all three here. English, Maths and Science...believe it or not...

One of my teacher back in late 80's was an English teacher but could teach math but teaching science along with them? Oh God, how do you do it?

Teachers are wonders of the world. WE often don't have a choice do we...lol! I just have to as there is no one else to do it...

Yes, and teachers create wonders too! don't they?

I've always been interested in star formation; fun stuff. It has intrigued me that I've heard the calcium in our bones takes some really big old stars to make. Nice post, neat artwork!

Isn't it amazing that whatever is in the rest of the Universe also inside us too? It is intriguing!!

Just fascinating stuff, it really goes to show you how interrelated and interdependent everything is. How long it takes to form really complex life - it is a wonder to be here.

Absolutely right @lightsplasher! Everything is interrelated and interdependent.

You've started an interesting series. But this one is probably a little heavy to take. Can you try using gif or videos? Will help a lot

I drew these images myself, next time I will try to add more flavor using videos. Thanks for the great suggestion @nrajesh :))

Woah! I did not realize this! Just want to clarify that the images themselves are quite good. I just wish your post to reach wider audience.

Thanks a lot for the suggestion my friend. I have really found some good videos on the next stages of star life.

Those drawings are fantastic, great job!! This is a pretty deep thinking series you have going. I'm glad to expand my mind away from wine. You are have a brilliant mind to be able to explain this so even I can understand. Cheers!

Thanks a lot for the appreciation my dear friend @thewineman :))

My pleasure, thank you for pushing my brain a little! :)

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