Tesla's Free Energy - Part 1

in #science7 years ago

Tesla wanted to hook up our machinery to the very wheelwork of Nature. To do so we should first understand this wheelwork.
Problem of increasing human energy

Energy can not be created nor destroyed, for that is how we have defined energy. So we can not just conjure up some energy, we need a source. The main source of energy on Earth is the Sun. In one way or another virtually all energy we have available to us was brought to us from our sun. According to Tesla stars, including our Sun, are electrically charged to very high potentials. Our Sun he estimated at 216 billion volt (positive). Because of the high vacuum surrounding it, this charge can not escape, so what happens is that tiny, sub-atomic particles are torn from the Sun and accelerated away because of the electrostatic repelling force. The Sun is showering these particle rays, which Tesla calls "primary cosmic rays" in all directions.

Primary Cosmic Rays
These rays pass through most matter unhindered, but when passing through large dense atoms they may do some damage causing what we know as radioactive decay. So atoms, according to Tesla, do not decay by themselves. It is caused by these primary cosmic rays.
As all stars are emitting these rays, they are everywhere in our universe. And when they interact with matter they may produce what we call bremsstrahlung, which is electromagnetic radiation that he called secondary cosmic rays and that we know as cosmic background radiation (CBR). Most modern scientists believe that CBR are a remains of the Big Bang, but as we see Tesla had a much simpler explanation for it, even before their existence was confirmed.
Then, if these rays do not tear off parts of the atom (radioactive decay) or cause bremsstrahlung, there is a third possible interaction; they may convey a little energy in the form of heat and thus heat up matter. This is what happens in our Earth's core. Because of its large size, the Earth picks up a lot of these primary rays which then heat up the Earth from the inside, just as a microwave oven does.

Earth's electricity
If we assume that a cold Earth would be electrically neutral, then we know -from Tesla's key- that a heated Earth must have an electric potential. And just as temperature can create electric potential, thermal conduction can be interpreted as electrical conduction (but without the movement of charges).
We know that through our atmosphere the Earth is 'leaking' an electric current of 1800 ampere worldwide. If this were a movement of electrical charges, the Earth would lose 1800 coulomb every second and consequently its voltage would rise several millions of volts every hour. This is obviously not the case, proving that this 1800 ampere that we see flowing through our atmosphere is not an electric current but is thermal conduction; heat from the Earth flowing to the cold interplanetary space.

summing it up
As promised in my first Tesla post, I have shown a number of very elegant and easy to understand explanations for radioactive decay, CBR, the heat in our Earth and atmospheric electricity. But this is just the beginning. These are the wheels of nature, zooming over our heads and that we need to find a way to connect to in order to solve our energy needs once and for all. Stay tuned and I will show you how.


This is very exciting and very well done @mage00000! Thank you for posting about what you are working on. My husband is @knarly327. I read part 3 first and then shared it with him. He has now watched all your youtube videos and we are thinking and discussing what you are doing.

Great to hear! This season (until the end of Feb) is the dry season during which I can do my HV experiments. I am collecting material for a new video but I have to spend my time on the experiments first. In early March I hope to have time to combine some material into a new video. And I hope to have some great results to show by then :).

We think, that just the fact that you have been able to transmit energy wirelessly is very cool.
I am very interested in frequency and the co-resonating ability that exists between biological structures, in the human body.

. If asked, I would say that it is possible to pull energy from the wheelwork of nature and direct it from one body to the next. Every single one of us has the capability, it just requires learning how.

Part of my comments didn't show up with this video. I am very interested in frequency and the co-resonating abilities that exist between biological structures. I am a massage therapist, by profession and if asked I would say that it is possible to harness energy from the wheelwork of nature and direct it through one body to another. Every single one of us can do this, we just need to learn how to do it.

Interesting stuff. Perhaps you'll like this video that I saw this morning.
There are many interesting theories, yet for now on steemit I want to focus on reconstructing Tesla's idea's as I have been doing for over a decade now. It is better to do one thing really thorough than to briefly sift through many things, is my opinion.
So taking this back to Tesla, he believed that men (and women of course) were merely biological machines that were responding to external stimuli and possibly (partly) remote controlled. This is in line with Buddhist teachings that say that our brain is a sense organ. So we are not creating our thoughts but receiving/perceiving them.
We'll have to come up with some experiment to see whether this is true...

I completely understand that it is better to focus on understanding the foundations of Telsa's work and not delve into other applications that may or may not be utilizing the same natural wheel energy source.
Through my own work, I can tell you that I do use my own body like a transmitter, receiver and an amplifier. All works through frequency. I will watch the video. Thank you for sending it my way.:)

Excellent video. I greatly enjoyed it. I have trained in a therapeutic modality called Rekinetics. It uses neuroplacity to restore optimal neural firing and re-wiring of the brain and neural pathways after injury. Simply put, we work the side that doesn't have the injury and in doing so, there is a measurable 50% gain on the injured side, even though we didn't touch it or work on it. What fires together, becomes wired together. I would say that using the pineal gland in the brain to connect to the universal source energy is the starting sequence. Then, through "intention" we set a specific frequency that lets the body connect and become both a transmitter and a receiver. If we need a stronger signal, the heart becomes engaged as the amplifier of the frequency but all biological structures work synergistically on different neural levels. This is because the brain still has to keep the heart beating and the lungs expanding and contracting so that the organic body can stay alive while it's connected to the universal source energy. I think that the universal source energy is the same energy source as the wheelwork of nature.

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