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RE: Game of Seasons - Body temperature and its regulation (part 1)

in #science8 years ago

I recently learned about the Wim Hof method (and blogged about it). I've been trying it out this week and it deals a lot with body temperature regulation. Have you looked into it at all? Very interesting stuff.


We ARE a highly adaptive species. And that is the premise that guy is abusing to get a nice profit ($200!). The funny thing is that, this method is not "his" at all, it is called "Tummo meditation" and you can learn it for free at several budhist "temples".

I am aware of the environmental adaptability we have, and the biologic foundations under it (that is upcoming, in the next part of the article). I do not like the "esoteric" tone used for selling that method it tells me only one thing: It is aimed to "sell" not to benefit anyone (to be honest, who in his sane mind needs to expose himself to extreme temperatures? (denaturation also happens by freezing!) Fighting against cold is much harder than fighting against heat... (dammit I don't want to spoil the next part! lol... just wait for it tomorrow :D )

From my understanding, he's been giving away the information for free for quite some time and it's his son who has been working to monetize it. As much as we may disagree, the market is how things get attention. I have friends who know about it only through the marketing paid for by that $200. I learned everything online without paying anything. Then I paid $4 for an iPhone app to explore it further. If it's valuable to me, I'd be okay with paying for the full course. It's like giving gifts to a Shaman, etc. Not everyone can afford to take time off, travel to a buddhist temple, and study for 10 weeks. They can, however, take a 10 week course online. From that perspective, he's providing a valuable service to package that relevant aspects of the information into an easy to learn structure.

The cold exposure has a specific purpose which has been explored by doctors and scientists. It's not a stunt, but designed to impact the (previously considered) autonomous nervous and endocrine systems (from what I've been able to gather so far, learning about it). His methods apparently work in both heat and cold as he ran a marathon in the desert with no water (crazy!).

The concept of profit is not a bad thing, IMO. It's a value exchange. If the value being offered is not worth $200 because I could do it all on my own, then it's not a good exchange. If the value offered is worth more than $200 because I wouldn't get the same quality or consistency on my own, then it's a good value exchange. Just because someone is selling something doesn't automatically devalue that thing or service (IMO). On the contrary, it takes something which is subjective (our personal view of value) and brings it into the objective realm. There are many things in the world which would benefit humanity if they would just be exposed to them, learn them, and do them. But because they are free (like air), they are not valued. They are not scarce. Once something becomes valuable, people take it more seriously ("Hey, I paid good money for this, I might as well get serious about it").

So... with this, you're telling me you get a commission per sale? Notice how more than half of the response talks about "money" and not the method itself.

Notice, how in that marathon he used the "cooling" methods we have embedded in our bodies (sweating and convection). Many times, we are hindered by our clothes!

What commissions are you taking about? I don't get anything. I'm not a member of anything, I just bought an iPhone app. :) I talked about money because that seemed to be your primary hold up based on your comment. There are plenty of vidoes and content out there about his specific method, the parts he took from others, etc, etc.

As to our clothes, I completely agree. We've been around as a species for a long time without them so it stands to reason they aren't necessary for our survival or optimal performance.

I just get very skeptic when something that is technically free (as natural physiologic functions everyone has), is "sold".

"Detoxicate and clean up your system with this ancient method! - How to pee" - $200

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