Thoughtless Tuesday #2 - The Power of Thinking

in #science5 years ago

Thoughtless Tuesday #2

Thoughtless Tuesday #2.png

The Power of Thinking


'I don’t fix problems.
I fix my thinking.
Then problems fix themselves.'

~ Louise L. Hay.


As I discussed in my last 'Freedom Friday' post - read here - the external world is simply a projection - a reflection - of our internal world. The reality we see outside of ourselves is being created - manifested - by us, based on our thoughts.

Positive thinking = a positive internal world = a positive external world.

Negative thinking = a negative internal world = a negative external world.

I stumbled upon a video on YouTube yesterday, which touches on a plethora of interesting topics. The part that caught my eye the most is when Dr. Bruce Lipton talks about 'the field'- minute 2:30. Here is the video:

'Waves become entangled with each other' - this part alone is everything I am talking about condensed into one line. Our thoughts are waves outside of us, interacting with 'the field' - that which I call 'the all' - and the vibrations of the thoughts we emit - the waves - determine the energy around us.

To 'create' good energy around us, and to manifest a positive reality for us to live in, we must start with changing our thought patterns into more positive ones. By doing so, we can literally change the world around us and affect others in positive ways.

In my last 'Freedom Friday' post, I explained how 'creating' from our brains creates a lot of problems - read here. Even with the purest of intentions, the most positive thoughts - those that come from the brain - are incapable of creating a positive reality without negativity showing up somewhere. This is the nature of polarity consciousness we currently find ourselves in. Despite that fact, positive thinking is still better than negative thinking, at least from a polarised point of view! Of course, the ideal way to change the world would be to create a peaceful world from within our hearts, but in the meantime, all we can do is try our best.


So far I have focused mainly on the relationship between positive thoughts and a positive external world. Now it's time to explore the middleman - the internal world - and how positive thinking plays a vital role in mental health.

Just as we can create external negativity with our negative thinking, we can, too, create internal misery with negative thoughts. Clinging to thoughts - be it positive or negative ones - is dangerous in itself, but clinging to positive thoughts is far more beneficial than clinging to negative thoughts. The problem here is that negative thoughts are more addictive, more saturating, more alive than positive ones; this can be observed in people obsessing over sad music, pain, melancholia and an overall negative mindset. I know I said I will focus on the internal, but on an external level, this can be compared to people becoming addicted to junk food despite knowing it is slowly killing them; in truth, this is a mere reflection of the internal addiction to negativity I am talking about.

Our attitude, how our day is going, and our overall mood are solely dependant on us and how we react to the external world; for example, if someone is doing something we find irritating, we can either let it be and not respond to it, or react in rage and fury, allowing negativity and anger to creep in. What the person is doing has no say in how we react; it is solely up to us. Attaining a point where we can simply not react and drop anger is not easy, but it is the only way to become more peaceful without suppressing rage; all this does is accumulates a vast amount of energy to a point where it becomes too much and gets released in an ugly manner.

If suppression is not the way to go about this, then what should be done? We must recognise things like anger, rage, pain - anything that we know as negative - as energy, and from there, when these energies come up, we must do our best to convert them into positivity.


All negativity spawns inside of ourselves; the all - that which is 'the field' - is pure positivity. If this is the case, then any negativity we see 'out-there' is simply negativity within us. Also, if this negativity comes directly from someone else, then you can say that this negativity is nothing more than someone else dealing with their own internal negativity. The paradox here is that there is no 'other' people as such; they, too, are a reflection of our internal world. Thus, we can conclude that all negativity that we think is outside of us is really inside.

This being the case, we can also conclude that if others are in pain, if others feel misery, if others are struggling, we are also experiencing all of these things internally, and as long as we see suffering on any level 'out there', there will be suffering inside of us. Unless the whole world has transcended pain and suffering, no one can truly know bliss.


Something to think on:

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only converted from one form to another.

Sources -

Image 1 - Louise L. Hay

Image 2 - Positive thoughts

Image 3 - Human energy




I like your daily gives me great inspiration to write...

Thank you so much!:) Keep writing!

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