Introduction To Resource-Based Economy - Inequality Is Good For Monetary "Economy"

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Hello, in this second part of my introductory series I explain other differences between current monetary system and Resource-Based Economy (Natural Law-Based Economy).

[Jacque Fresco with his designs. Picture source.]

Introduction To Resource-Based Economy - Inequality Is Good For Monetary "Economy"

Don't worry, it's just a business.

We also give a lot of power to businesses called corporations that autocratically claim ownership over Earth's resources. Resources that are common heritage that belongs to all of us and which we all need. They use those resources to multiply their profits through self interest-based system called free-market.
The rules of this "economic" game are simple. You either take part and play this game of self interest and inequality or you don't deserve to have a right to alive. You have to "earn" your right to live or you are out.
This cruel system is designed to "economically" divide people and give advantage to one social group over the other. It is structurally and mathematically organized around the concept of perpetual debt assuring that there will be always someone from disadvantaged social class who is left out. As insane as it is, almost no-one seems to realize it. Because everyone is born within this social reality, they take as natural and necessary way of life. If someone is born into slavery and has never heard of any alternative, then that he or she will never be aware of their slavery. Moreover, people may be so attached to this reality that they will even defend this way of life - obliviously defending their own enslavement. Current system is nothing more but more sophisticated form of feudalism where royalty is replaced with corporations and super wealthy minority. It is impossible in current social system for everyone to have their basic human needs met. The design of the monetary game will never allow it, despite of the reality surrounding natural world and humanity's technological abilities to produce abundance. The "economics" of this system are pseudoscience, because they are completely detached from physical reality and laws of nature.

[Picture source.]

Human needs

There is universal group of basic human needs that are applicable to entire human species. Some of the examples are need for access to clean water and nutritious food, need for a shelter to protect from the environment, need for healthcare, need for clean air, need for social recognition and acceptance, need for healthy attachment and bonding, and many other.
If we do not have our basic human needs met, we will suffer physically and psychologically, and our chances of survival are predictably decreased. We are biological, psychological and social species (bio-psycho-social). That means that we are inseparable part of environment and everything that happens around us influences our biology and psychology, all the time. For example, by looking at what types of negative factors influenced child development (toxic food, lack of attachment to adult caregiver, abuse, high stress levels of mother during pregnancy, etc.), we can predict possible behavioral and physiological outcomes after that child grows up to become an adult (susceptibility to certain addictions, emotional disorders, tendency for violence, diabetes, heart disease, etc.).
As we are so intrinsically bio-psycho-socially dependent on our environment, we have to design social system which can provide for basic human needs of everyone with conditions allowing sustainable and healthy development of each human being. What fundamentally measures the functioning of social system is, simply, the state of its public health.

[Picture source.]

Thank you for reading.
More articles to follow soon.

Previous part: "Introduction To Resource-Based Economy - What Is Wrong With Our Socio-Economic System."




I am glad that you enjoyed the read.

Thanks my friend

Economics only exists because human needs and wants outweigh the resources available on this planet. If there was enough resources to satisfy every single person's wants then there would be no economy.

There are enough resources to meet basic human needs of everyone on the planet, although, certainly there is not enough money...
Please check up The Venus Project FAQ.

Of course there are enough resources, that's why so many people are alive today. And saying there is not enough money exposes the fact that you don't understand the function of money.

Physical reality and the laws of nature are exceedingly cruel. Reality is not a beneficial outflow of goodies, resources are scarce and human wants are limitless. We build on the sweat and toil of our ancestors. Capital wealth has lifted the plight of mankind far above any socialistic system.

It has. I am not saying that monetary system had many positives but it is no longer relevant.a awe have to evolve our social system forward to new structure, more up to date. Our environment and future generations are at risk here.

About laws of nature. Yes they may be cruel but mature is the only real authoritarian system there is. We either create the system which works according to them or we will suffer terrible consequences like we are suffering now. Current system is not designed to work according to these laws. It tries to fight them or ignore them. It is impossible to neither fight nor ignore them. Nature (reality) always wins.

How is money no longer relevant? It is simply a tool to make exchanges of resources more equitable.

Please check up FAQ. It is explained there. Your questions have been already asked before.

Not much of an explanation. The great depression is not a reason to get rid of money. Maybe a good example of manipulation of the money system.
You cannot have any progress without a unit of exchange.

I find this second article much clearer than the first one. It focuses mainly on a diagnosis of some problems which reside within the current social and economic models, and I agree with most of the diagnostics. The idea of an ever growing, unpayable debt driving the monetary system and, by proxy, the whole economic system just seems nonsensical, and it true that, from a technological point of view, we could be satisfying many more people's needs in a more efficient way. Unfortunately, the article does not advance any clear solutions to these problems, and I still can't form a clear picture of a RBE at work.

I'll just be waiting for a precise enunciation of the RBE ideas to replace existing social and economic formal structures while addressing issues such as, e.g., personal incentive for productivity, freedom to fulfill one's needs and to pursue one's goals in alternative ways, and the means for ensuring compliance from the public.

Also, it would be interesting to compare the solutions proposed by RBE ideas, which require a radical and massive change towards some ill-defined hypothetical utopia, to possible solutions from within the actual social and economic system which, as you should be aware, has been under development since the cradle of civilization and keeps on progressively getting better.

Money is not what drives peopIe's incentive for creativity, generosity and ingenuity. Indon't think that you have read the whole FAQ as you seem to keep asking questions that are already answered there. Please read the FAQ :-)
Also I recommend the book "The Best That Money Can't Buy" and movies "The Choice is Ours", "Paradise or Oblivion" and series "Culture in Decline,". Free to watch on YT.

An age of abundance will soon be upon us if the ECCO "free energy" device (energy extracted from the structure of the physical vacuum) is realised.

Freedom comes with copious quantities of guilt free energy.

There is enough free energy from tidal, solar, wind and geothermal sources already.

with the exception of geothermal, these are not necessarily 24/7/365 on a local basis.

if there is one missing in certain geographical area, then there is another one to replace it. Also, electricity can be transported to other regions like it is done now.

Agreed, however, as Tesla said, vacuum energy is available anywhere, it is what spawned matter. This potential energy source is inexhaustible and has zero emissions, and unlike many alternatives, it has little embodied energy in the generators and its immense density leads to very little use of land/sea.

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