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RE: Remodeling The Helix

in #science7 years ago

Holy hell, where do I start; First of all what an incredibly well written and thought of post, in terms of the points you've made I agree with most of them;

Balance is an integral part of sustaining the human race, as well as the core beliefs and understandings about the world that allow us to be human.


Ultimately, I believe that humankind must first collectively rise above its most common demons

Double tick

if the ability to control human genetics is laid at the feet and mercy of the bias of that elusive 1% of society that controls the resources of the remaining 99%. It is a terrifying thought, the further down that rabbit hole you venture.


I wholeheartedly agree with most points you've made, however I think that improvement upon anything is inevitable, and whilst we might try and prevent it for moral, ethical or societal reasons; efficiency will usually prevail for one reason or another and it is how we adapt to this change that will determine the future of our society. You should join us on the #SteemSTEM channel in Steemit Chat by the way, I think you'll be an excellent addition to our community :)


Awright! Do I get an A+ Mr. Locikll? XD

But on serious not, thank you very much for adding a thought out, well composed comment, and for:

Holy hell, where do I start; First of all what an incredibly well written and thought of post


I wholeheartedly agree with most points you've made

as well as

I think you'll be an excellent addition to our community :)

'Flattered' isn't even gonna cover how I'm feeling about this post's reception, as well as the tremendous support it and I have received, especially from those who put me in the MAP #18, and those who found and upvoted this post, chiefly @curie, @philosophist and all the countless others in that list who made this possible for means so much to me as a minnow. Words ain't been invented yet that can properly convey my reaction to this. Its just so cool.

And I will head into the SteemSTEM channel before this day ends, and introduce myself.

As for the point you made, up there...I actually agree with that too. Ultimately, change and improvement will always come as they do, regardless of what individuals may have to say about em', and maybe in a paradox of reversal, I am the backward one here for believing that something like this shouldn't become part of our society yet, when it could potentially helps millions, if not billions. Anyone who resists change for any reason, usually risks becoming too attached to the way things are, and being unable to let go, and ultimately becoming backward themselves, so that'd be a fine line I'd have to learn to walk. I think I have been as of the last one year or so.

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