Kicking Around Ideas with @vimukthi (A Scary Smart and Awesome Dude!)

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Kicking Around Ideas with @vimukthi (A Scary Smart and Awesome Dude!)


IJCH - Inside JaiChai's Head (Meaning: My Warped, Personal Opinions and Musings)


From the Author:


I am JaiChai.

And if I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you before, I'm delighted to make your acquaintance now.


I invite you to interact with everyone, learn, and have as much fun as possible!

For my returning online friends, "It's always great to see you again!"



Shortly after joining Steemit, I met @vimukthi via the comments he submitted on a few of my first posts.


From the start, he was highly engaging, challenging, and supportive.

To reciprocate, I began reading his posts and remember thinking, "Holy shit! This guy is scary smart! His ability to connect the dots between disparate topics is simply amazing. And his mental agility approaches the speed of light!"


Suffice it to say that, in spite of being accused of possessing above average intelligence all my life, I was duly impressed with @vimukthi's huge topic repertoire and cognitive abilities.


And although we are not anywhere close to the same age - he's a young guy and I'm over 55 y/o (BTW, did you know that 55 is the new 35?) - we seemed to hit it off pretty well.


Make no mistake.

Our ages are not the only differences. Environments, lifestyles, and experiences - both past and present - are stark contrasts from one another.


Nevertheless, the respect factor allows us to "agree to disagree, agreeably" on subjects where our opinions diverge.

That's a rare phenomena when you really think about it.


It's only possible when the social bank accounts have had enough deposits of that special social currency called "Trust".


I mean, think of it.

Don't you cut your friends some slack in situations when, if a stranger had done the same thing, you would get peeved - or even hostile?


And don't your friends reciprocate when the roles are reversed?

Anyway, I think you'll agree with my appraisal of @vimukthi when you read the last short comments' conversation about this recent post:

"(IJCH) My Favorite "Introduction to Simulation Theory" Video (A Butt-Load of Mind-Bending Concepts packed into 23 minutes!)"


Article Link:

Kicking Around Ideas with @vimukthi)


A Short Comments' Conversation


RE: Topic Musings

The Newtonian clockwork model of the universe is too deterministic for me.


Quantum Mechanics is great at predicting outcomes, but it doesn't explain why its fundamental tenets exist, nor the reason for their behavior (e.g., light and its speed limit).


In spite of Einstein and many other physicists' belief in a universal consciousness, Quantum Mechanics is all about random probability.


String Theory - even "M" theory? It plain sucks. It sucks at predicting outcomes; and therefore, double-sucks as a viable theory of everything.


Oh yeah, it also needs a butt-load of props (ever-increasing exceptions, levels of dimensions, etc.) to come remotely close to looking good on paper!

And all the above do not incorporate free-will into the equation.


That's why I lean more towards the hypothesis stating that space and time are NOT fundamental, but EMERGENT from something more fundamental - like planck-sized E8 crystals (composed tetrahedrons) that are CONSCIOUS DRIVEN.

This is Quantum Gravity's Emergence Theory.


Damn! I've rambled on long enough, no?

May you and yours be well and love life today.

Namaste, Jaichai


The Newtonian clockwork model of the universe is too deterministic for me.

Also it is just bogus, delusional, reductive and simply inaccurate.

but it doesn't explain why its fundamental tenets exist, nor the reason for their behavior (e.g., light and its speed limit).

Maybe we are asking wrong questions like "where does a circle begin?". When our questions are shaped by delusion, we may knock ourselves on gems and curse them and move on. You can't eat a diamond. But it is worth more than the food. If you are too concerned about lesser and less elegant things, the wisdom may simply fly over the head.


That's why I lean more towards the hypothesis stating that space and time are NOT fundamental, but EMERGENT from something more fundamental

What if emergence is a process rather than an event. think about a mirage. It's not an event. It is a process. It's like the two sides of a see saw or a balance. Side A doesn't necessarily cause the Side B. Hence: Dependent Origination.



That reminds me of Asimov's stories of man creating the ultimate computer, which creates man 2.0 - greatly extending man's life.


After countless millennia, man eventually dies.

More epochs pass and one by one, the planets, stars, and galaxies die too.

Max entropy occurs and the universe as we know it is all gone. Only the void and the computer (containing all of mankind's history and memories) remains.


Lonely, the computer almost powers down.

BUT after an eternity of pondering alone, the computer decides to do this instead:

Using all of the accumulated knowledge and self-learning from billions of years online, the computer says...

"Let there be light."


...And there was light.

Great to see you.

Namaste, my friend.


(End of comments)

Again, isn't @vimukthi scary smart and awesome?!

By JaiChai

Mighty Kind of You for stopping by.

Truly hope to see you again!


About the Author

Believing that school was too boring, he dropped out of High School early; only to earn an AA, BS and MBA in less than 4 years much later in life – while working full-time as a Navy/Marine Corps Medic.

In spite of a fear of heights and deep water, he performed high altitude, free-fall parachute jumps and hazardous diving ops in deep, open ocean water.


After 24 years of active duty, he retired in Asia.

Since then, he's been a full-time, single papa and actively pursuing his varied passions (Writing, Disruptive Technology, Computer Science and Cryptocurrency - plus more hobbies too boring or bizarre for most folk).

He lives on an island paradise with his teenage daughter, longtime girlfriend and three dogs.

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"My mind was a terrible thing to waste..." - JaiChai


nice exchange of ideas here; you're both "scary smart" :-)

In spite of Einstein and many other physicists' belief in a universal consciousness, Quantum Mechanics is all about random probability.

Just a quick question: wasn't Einstein more of an agnostic, leaning to a form of Pantheism? Or did you mean that scientific understanding of the universe on cosmological scale leads more people to a belief in a universal consciousness?

In any case, I would say QM is the best theory we have that can make the best predictions ever, but that it also presents a unique version of the observer effect. Fun stuff to ponder on!

Thanks for a great post, @jaichai :-)

The only physicists brave enough to inject free will into any of their theories are usually in positions where public or peer criticism don't matter much.

RE: Your Question

Not really sure. But his "God doesn't roll dice with the universe" quote doesn't sound purely agnostic, does it?

Thanks for the great comment.

Namaste, Jaichai


Niels Bohr's response to Einstein's quote was, "Don't tell God what to do!"


I think the idea of "universal consciousness" is really just an overkill or a personification. Sometimes things are what they are as they are. take geometry for an example. Take numbers and mathematical functions for an example. Nothing keeps them in check. Nothing guides them. You can personify the laws of geometry and you can explain parallel lines as something like the railway tracks. But it's not really necessary and could be even confusing for the newbies.

This is a major flaw I see in Mahayana Buddhism where they personify the buddhahood and the understanding of the Buddha as The Saṃbhogakāya and Dharmakāya. It's more of over complication than anything (IMO)

So love your Occam's Razors.

Maybe 32 is the new 3 and that's why I glazed over when you said "string theory" and then just looked at the pretty pictures.


Yeah. Poor Michio Kaku. He needs a good PR man now 'cause everybody mimics an African Sleeping Sickness victim when they read the words "String theory" these days!

Thanks so much for visiting, buddy.

Namaste, jaichai

As usual, very insightful post, my friend @jaichai...
Learn a lot from this...

Thanks & have a great day...☕❤


You have a great day too!

Namaste, Jaichai

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