3 Scientific Researches Which Sound Awkward But Are Beneficial (Featuring new Author @steemist)

in #science8 years ago (edited)

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3 Scientific Researches Which Sound Awkward But Are Beneficial

Science has been doing great in lots of ways like inventions, innovative ideas, theories and some great formulas, but there are few things on which science did an awesome job because they are super beneficial although they sounds awkward. Those theories are not really bad, they are all good but still sounds awkward when getting involved in those theories.

You might find it awkward too when you start digging and getting in-depth. I will talk about 3 strange theories/inventions/formulas on which science struggled a lot but lots of people are not using those theories surprisingly. Theories like calculating how happy you are, calculating when you're being a jerk to your friend and predicting super strange thigs like if a patient in comma will come back and wake-up or not.

Those are exact three theories on which I'd like to talk about, in this article. If you started to love the start of this article, then make sure to grab a cup of coffee and enjoy the rest of the article. Lets start studying those awkward but beneficial theories.

1- Mathematical Formula For Predicting How Much Happy You Are:

Image Source: AllIndiaRoundUp

It sounds awkward, right? I mean, calculating someone's level of happiness is a strangest thing ever but hey, its science. Scientists became successful in inveting a mathematical equation or you can call it formula, which accurately predicts your happiness on recent happiness and the rewards your happiness receive.

Source: PsychologyToday

Researchers experimented the formula on 18,000 people and they were able to accurately predict the happiness level of 18,000 people for certain events, and they were able to predict if there is any improvement for the happiness they felt in those recent events or not.

Scientists say that this formula is prepared specially for doctors to predict the moment-to-moment happiness level of patient, for analyzing the mood disorders. The results of that equation do not only tell about level of happiness, it also indicates the changes in level of happiness.

Research source: UCL

2- Calculating When You're Being A Jerk:

Image Source: OKNation

Ever wondered why your friends list on facebook is decreasing day by day? Possibly that's because you are acting like a jerk and saying "hmm" or you might be saying "yeah" in every reply no matter what is coming from friend to you is serious, funny or emergency. But don't worry about it, Science found a solution for you.

Jerk-O-Meter is a real-time speech analysis application which you can install in your cell phone. Generally, the app tells you when you're being a jerk. Some people do not even realize that they are replying like a jerk but this app is a perfect solution.

Not only that, it contains a great option through which you can inform your friend whether your jerk behavior is from your own choice or you're busy in real which is causing such replies. But don't expect high accuracy from the app because it is programmed with some scientific mathematical model although the accuracy is around 70 to 75%.

There is one drawback and that is, there seem to be no android version of this app. It runs on cell-phones and VOIP phones only.

Source: GroupMedia

3- Whether A Patient Will Come Back From Comma And Wake Up:

Image Source: LiveScience

When your loved one goes to comma, you start to worry whether he will come back from comma and wake up again or not because keeping someone to comma for a single year or even few months is not that easy. Sometimes it cost around 1,000 dollars a day and sometimes more too. At that rate, if you're a middle class person, and the life of your loved one is in danger, then you would probably continue the treatment and might even accept to take a loan from someone, but you know what?

Science has prepared a formula, a technology which is now able to predict with pretty decent success rate that whether your loved one could come back again from comma and wake up again or not. The technology measures the amount of sugar being used by the patient's brain and use those data to predict it. Although the success rate is measured and recorded to 94%

But I would like to remind that it is only "prediction". Only God knows what will happen. I thought to remind this fact because if you have your loved one in comma and you start making decisions by predictions of technology whether treatment of your loved one should continue or should be stopped etc. You should continue it because those are just technologies and do not have have 100% success rate, so do NOT take any decision just on the measurement of technology.

Source: ScienceAlert

So, those were 3 scientific inventions which sounds awkward but they are amazing in reality due to the benefit they serve. I hope that you enjoyed reading my article. Thank you very much for spending your precious time and reading my article.

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Again, the falsification! Formulas are not recorded formally, and the variables are not defined!

It's a formula for an estimation!

but yea it would be nice to know what the variables are.

If you do not know what are the variables. Then it is not a formula.

On the third invention you mentioned, I think it is very useful.
My mother has been in coma for 2 weeks after a car accident.
She fully recovered fully and was never in high danger of dying.
However, it would have been reassuring to hear that from a machine who could have said something like: "She has 95% chances of survival and this machine is 94% times accurate"

That's true. It is amazing to have an idea of what is the possible outcome, although those are just predictions but still 94% accurate in predicting the outcomes.

I am really happy to hear that your mother is now recovered. Long live to your mother.

Good Article in regards to feauturing innovations, but it lacks proper use of the word scientific . The inventions above are speculative in nature. They have to do with abstract, subjective concepts and/or predictions.

For something to be considered scientific it needs to go under rigorous testing cycles, be falsifiable and comfirm theories over and over again with no exception.

None of the above falls under this spectrum.

Hi @kyriacos

I appreciate your kind words and I see your point too, but I quoted all the references. 1st, 2nd and 3rd, I don't really think those are inaccurate because references site also call them as "science". (I might agree if you insist on point 2 but all two others are fine). That was the reason why I didn't call it "scientific experiment" and rather called them "Scientific researches". Happiness formula is found by scientists after continuous research, also jerk-o-meter, and finally a technology which is a result of continuous scientific research on prediction like what you need to do to research. We might not be able to call those "scientific experiments" but I am sure we call it "scientific researches".

Thanks for your reply and your point.

if there was a formula for happiness everybody would be happy @steemist

let us not kid ourselves now

#3 is particularly interesting. I didn't think there was a way to estimate when someone might wake from a coma.

Yeah, it sounds awkward but amazing, right? lol

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