You are the Light of this World

in #science4 years ago (edited)

So how does reality work?

Why, I am so glad you asked.

Well, I didn’t really. You told me to ...

Shhh, yes, yes, yes. So, my boy, from what I understand this realm is based off of a toroidial interaction vortex. And in that, it being the sole construct of this realm's housing; and that then even being the blueprint for the human being avatar's inner and outer shell.
It really is a simple construct. What you are seeing and interacting with are relay effects, within a flux array, of the Aether's magnetic affect, a 'resting' if you will. This then is interacting with the Energy of what is coined as the effect of Electricity; the spiral action vortex that is in constant 'motion'. Let's just call this interaction 'The Light', as a whole, all coming from initial Source. And in so being, these interacting forces are then able to be witnessed from the micro to the macro, across the total board, from gully fish, to the soaring clouds in our translucent sky.
You know, my Boy, that ol' Time saying, 'You are the Light of this World.'

But what about the 'Big Bang', 'Evolution', and all rest of that?

All Bullshit, sorry to say. You have been fully hoodwinked kid.
So, this 'The Light', acting as the forces of Aether and Energy then form the differing densities of a 'Hard' and 'Soft' Light in an interlace network; that is in constant flux all around you and in reality is you. This continual flux, my boy, would be what you are then calling Time; this then being just a watching of the changes of the reasons and the seasons, as they flow on by. Our reality in a nutshell or really just a nine level snow globe.
Let us try to make this as simple as possible, as that ol' time Yeshua put it, 'If they say to you, 'Where have you come from?' say to them, 'We have come from the light, from the place where the light came into being by itself, established ~itself~, and appeared in their image.'
If they say to you, 'Is it you?' say, 'We are its children, and we are the chosen of the living Father.'
If they ask you, 'What is the evidence of your Father in you?' say to them, 'It is rest and motion.'

Really, scripture? Oh for Christ's sake. You know, I didn't really understand a single word of what you just said.

No worries, my Son, let it just ruminate with you for a tittle.

.... ..



You reside in a Light Matrix ~ that is in constant flux and change ~ the thing you call Time ~ the Aether ~ magnetism ~ and ~ Electrical Force ~ energy ~ interact in an hourglass formation ~ vortex ~ and form Hard and Soft Light in this connection of Aether and Energy ~ even Jesus (Yeshua) tried to explain this using even simpler of rest and motion terms and the understanding of Light the people of the Time had. Hope that makes it even clearer for you. Reality is a bit complex to explain in English, but quite simple once one sees the simple hurricane, whirlpool, swirl that is built into all of Creation. The alchemical process of the four Elements ~ Angels ~ Angles ~ Angles of Light ~ Air, Water, Earth, Fire are the same representation of the above, but using symbology for those that were in the know at the Time. Be well, be brilliant, and just be .... ..

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