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RE: You are the Light of this World

in #science4 years ago

You reside in a Light Matrix ~ that is in constant flux and change ~ the thing you call Time ~ the Aether ~ magnetism ~ and ~ Electrical Force ~ energy ~ interact in an hourglass formation ~ vortex ~ and form Hard and Soft Light in this connection of Aether and Energy ~ even Jesus (Yeshua) tried to explain this using even simpler of rest and motion terms and the understanding of Light the people of the Time had. Hope that makes it even clearer for you. Reality is a bit complex to explain in English, but quite simple once one sees the simple hurricane, whirlpool, swirl that is built into all of Creation. The alchemical process of the four Elements ~ Angels ~ Angles ~ Angles of Light ~ Air, Water, Earth, Fire are the same representation of the above, but using symbology for those that were in the know at the Time. Be well, be brilliant, and just be .... ..

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