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RE: TIL - That 'intelligence' is inherited from our mothers and not our fathers

in #science8 years ago

First i was going to dissagree just because my mom is far from intelligent but my dad is super smart.
But after reading i will agree.
Although my dad is a member of mensa, his social skills are terrible and his artist skills are non-existant. Hes a flat person...
My mother is much more rounded but couldnt figure out technicals if her life depended on it.
But which one is the happier of the 2?
My mom!
Intelligence isnt as grand as it might seem, stupid people tend to live happier from my experiences.
Thanks for the article


When I finished the article I sent the link to my mom. She replied: 'Can´t be, your daddy is much more intelligent than I am!!'
We have a standard concept of what intelligence is in our minds, but actually it´s much more than being able to solve complex mathematical formulas. The emotional intelligence we gain by being educated in a certain way is also very important for our personal growth.

Stupip people tend to life happier from my experiences.

Absolutely! Just thinking about the empathy part I mentioned: you sometimes do better in not being able to put yourself into another´s position and feel what they feel.

Thanks for your nice comment, enjoy your weekend! :)

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