How Do Academics and Al Quran Look at Earth Flat?

in #science7 years ago

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Science and religion are often considered incompatible. However, a day seminar of the Qur'an and science entitled "Reasoning the Scriptures, Spying on the Literary Verses" tries to dismiss such assumptions.

The 4-hour seminar discusses how science of nature in the Qur'an. The exposure of the resource persons, namely KH Agus Purwanto Dsc and AR Sugeng Riyadi, received warm welcome from the participants.

Several questions were asked by the participants. One is how the earth is flat in the Quran.

Responding to the question, AR Sugeng Riyadi who is also Head of Assalam Astronomy Center said that he had made a video that aired on Youtube Da'Wa Video channel about flat earth.

In a flat earth view, the center of the earth is in the midst of the reason because the north pole is above it a polaris star.

Such logic alone can drown millions of people, yes because of the weakness of science which is said to be a lonely road. Furthermore, AR showed a photo of the star trails he had captured on Mount Bromo some time ago.

To prove it all the key words are 'Allamahul Bayan (Surah Ar-Rahman: 4). What is a parrot? Asshyamsu walqomaru bikhusbaan (Surah Ar-Rahman: 5). The sun was watching, the moon observed.

In addition, AR calls that all the heavenly bodies visible from the earth are round. Then he questioned why the earth is different.

The moon, mercury, venus, the whole planet in the universe is round. Why flat earth itself?.

Added to AR's opinion, Agus also responded to this question. He advised participants to look back at the flat earth video.

How many noon in flat erath videos? It's only a quarter of it, a fair part of the earth only a quarter of it? What does it mean, that is because it is a quarter, if (a day) full 24 hours means the day on earth is on the equator how many hours according to flat earth?.

The participants answered Agus's question by calling 6 hours.

Have we had a 6-hour lunch. Have not had time to get answers from the participants, Agus said, "Never!"

Agus also said that without the need to make observations with telescopes or cameras can prove that flat earth or flat earth is not true.

In addition, it was mentioned (by AR) that all the sky objects are round. If it is round, the light is also round, it should be the light in all directions. So if according to the flat earth it should be all the earth's surface subject to light, except the sun is not round or ball, but shaped setolop.

According to Big Indonesian Dictionary, setolop is a lamp that is closed with glass tube.

But if setolop, because the theory of 6 hours had been wrong, in the video about the flat earth was added another picture, then half the dish was a day. That's even more chaotic, imagine setolop directed to the wall turns the light so straight. That means there is a ghost there.



Nice post, actually most muslim dont really research and understand the holy quran thus failed to understand the nature which considered as part of Ayaatul kauniyah.

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