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RE: 2 minute Open Survey Of The Alt Media/ Truth Community - Please Share Widely .... Ken O´Keefe, Max Igan, David Icke, Richie Allen, Jan Irvin, Ole Dammegard, Mark Passio, Larken Rose, Michael Tsarion, Grace Power, Adam Kokesh, Russell Brand

in #science8 years ago

a response from Elizabeth Seninde How do you become a flat earther? Trying to debunk the flat Earth. Lol. I think there is overwhelming evidence the Earth is flat. I am happy to discuss it, people have thought I was crazy since 911 so nothing new there. However I rarely debate the flat Earth, for the same reasons I wouldn't really debate the existence of monkeys. If I know it to be real, what does it matter if others don't believe so. When they find it to be true in the future, its not like their gonna come back and say they were wrong, so why bother? What I don't understand is why people get upset just because we ask the question. There is something seriously wrong with that.
Like · Reply · 5 · Yesterday at 3:17pm

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