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RE: 2 minute Open Survey Of The Alt Media/ Truth Community - Please Share Widely .... Ken O´Keefe, Max Igan, David Icke, Richie Allen, Jan Irvin, Ole Dammegard, Mark Passio, Larken Rose, Michael Tsarion, Grace Power, Adam Kokesh, Russell Brand

in #science8 years ago

Ok Punters we have 3 more responses from
Ian Rowland Crane LOL! I think you must be confusing confusing me with someone who gives a damn! 😆
_Like · Reply · 21 mins

From one of my favourite living writer teachers Mary Elizabeth Croft
Hi Elissa,
Interesting idea --getting thoughts from the thinkers.
Here is the main reason I feel certain the earth is flat. It came about when, after a couple of weeks of investigation, I decided that, until I can rise above the earth and see it for myself, I'd simply never know and so, oh, well, who cares? So, I let it go.
The very next morning, I was awakened by my unconscious mind reminding me of what my brother had told me, over 45 years earlier, in 1969:
He and his friend were driving across the Prairies, at night, in January, i.e.: crisp, dry air means good visibility. The speed limit was 65 or 70 mph but, likely, he was driving way faster, due to his age and also the lack of traffic. They spotted, in the distance, light from headlamps of an approaching car, and they made a bet on how long it would take the car to pass them. In 1969, there was nothing else out on the prairies at that time of night. The cars passed 90 minutes later, so, if both cars were traveling at a minimum of 70 mph, that means their original distance apart was, at least, over 200 miles.
At 200 miles, that car, on a spherical earth, would have been 5 miles below the horizon, yet, they saw it, on and off (due to curves in the road) for 1.5 hours. They could not have seen it at all, at 200 miles, unless the earth is flat.
My answers to all your questions is 'no', except for two:

  1. I've already been ridiculed (I'm used to that), and
  2. this is likely a distraction from the greater priority of de-programming our subconscious mind, i.e.: body, of all the lies we've heard, over our entire lives, which includes this one.
    I think everything is under the dome. I don't think there are any astral bodies "out there", so huge that they make earth appear like the head of a pin. That is propaganda designed to cause us to feel insignificant which is precisely how I felt when I went to the Planetarium in 1968. Everything about NASA is a lie.
    How are things with you, Elissa?


and from Grace Power, the maker of the fabulous documentary "The Ring Of Power" and many others
"I have watched numerous videos on the flat earth theory but
can't get an answer about how I can travel west, keep going and end up back at the same place"


I am not sure why I am in that list as I am a nobody as well, I don't buy into Flat Earth nonesense with being an environmental scientist, having studied Earth science and scientific insight into biology and just seeing the coding and patterns that nature repeats on Earth and the Universe, as well as having seen how important and useful nautical mathematics is in getting sailors to calculate their circumnavigations across vast oceans to get to a port at a certain date and time calculating in the curvature of the Earth, the F.E theory falls flat on its face there alone, none of those that push it, can argue against the fact that ships and sailors disprove their theory daily by using nautical mathematics, its clear that the Flat Earth nonsense is no more than a psyop to fragment or discredit those that are also involved in campaigning against Geoengineering. On another level the Flat Earth Map could just be representative that Earth is a dimensional plain in a multidimensional universe and Flat Earthers have taken it too literally. I don't have more to say on this as most of those involved in pushing this agenda tend to be narcissistic psychopaths probably funded for a psyop agenda and Im quite tired of it as there are far more urgent issues at hand while the Earth and her ecosystems are in ecological collapse.

@carlitashaw I believe you should look at the information before making those assumptions. I myself made all the same assumptions, everyone does, but I made sure to do a weekends research before blasting the concept publicly as I know how many times I have been fooled before. If you know those pushing it are mostly narcissistic psychopaths you must have done some research. Dont give up. There are a thousand fascinating vids out there by nobodies testing against what we know and coming up stumped. Once you see it, and it took me months, and a year to publicly spout it, you are so grateful you persisted past a lot of rubbish disinfo misinfo cognitive dissonance and at least achieve the true freedom of letting go of a lot of scientific dogma, currently being proven false and being open to learn again

I am tired of people who believe in Flat Earth telling me I will have my mind set free once I embrace it or being open to learning again, I devote my life to learning, learning isnt something I stop doing nor do I assume others have stopped learning, why do Flat Earth people presume one's mind is not free just because someone else thinks the Earth is round? Can't people stop putting other people down in a passive aggressive way if others do not agree with Flat Earth theory? Please spare me that sort of talk.
I have spent a great deal of time on the Flat Earth and I am not interested in pursuing it further but thanks anyway, my work is about finding solutions to ecocide, what ever shape the Earth is , we are in a serious crisis and need to unify on that level. And as for letting go of scientific dogma, I am a Free Energy advocate and there are many other things I believe that make sense to me regarding human evolution as well as going against mainstream physics that go against ''scientific dogma', so i don't really fit in any of the boxes anyway.

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