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RE: The rise of the robots – will your job be gone in coming years?

in #science5 years ago (edited)

Dear @julianhorack and @everyone else reading :)

line2 - Kopia.png

I absolutely love topics related to AI, robots and job market :) So let me say it: GREAT CHOICE OF TOPIC buddy

According to the University of Oxford, almost 50% of all jobs will be replaced by robots in years to come

I've been thinking a lot about it and my impression is, that the fact that entire world is slowly entering recession and economies are slowing down ... it will surely also slow down this process of replacing all those jobs with robots and AI.

Plus Goverments and regulators will most likely step in (feeling increasing pressure from unhappy population).

Will you enjoy more leisure time or will you be left without a means to make money to survive?

Leisure time? Ehm. I think people need purpose for living and leisure time will end up with tons of suicides (left and right). Wouldn't you agree?

So even ideas similar to Universal Basic Income (UBI) wouldn't resolve problem of huge unemployment.

Also it is important to remember that all those changes will require huge investments. Even replacing track drivers with automated lorries .... that would mean that we need millions of those lorries. We don't even have infrastructure that would allow to satisfy market within next years to come.

And if we will indeed enter recession, then banks will stop giving loans until economy will recover. And that will pretty much stop most of those advancements. Without credit - there will be very little progress. Wouldn't you agree?

Personally I'm more afraid of social impact of all AI, that is creepying into our lifes. AI can soon be our best friend. After all most people seem to be very lonely and AI will be able to recognize our moods and will know us so well .... that it may become our best friend :)

And these AI workers are popping up in some unexpected places as the years unfold. No job is safe anymore.

I almost agree :) In my opinion those jobs that require quality human customer service are the safest. And those that require creativity. But yeah, most jobs can be "threatened".

I would love to upvote it but I drained my voting power (below 70%) so I need to recharge it first. Till next time :)



Hey when I read that some day robos would clean my house I feel happy and wait for the day but when I hear robots would take my job.
I feel scared and worried.
Can't we have a balance and use them in moderation or is it a case of
One mans meat or rather
One robots meat is one mans poison

Dear @alz190

Thank you for sharing your view on that particular topic with me. Appreciate it a lot.


Interesting subject friend.

I agree with you completely, for this to happen you should cover all the needs of each person in every way to be successful.

Artificial intelligence is to facilitate life in some way, not to replace the human being.

In any case, this requires great investment in economic matters and the circumstances of the world do not allow it, the outlook is not very encouraging.

It would be interesting rather, the use of artificial intelligence but in the area of ​​health.

Dear @equipodelta

Thank you for sharing your view on that particular topic with me. Appreciate it a lot.


I have read and published on IA. My position continue to show fear because there are so many uncertainties around the issue. Certainly, there is danger of disappearing some jobs but, after thinking about cold start to think about who will give impetus to the robots for example. The intervention of human being will have to be there all the time isn't it? This means that will be closed any doors to open other.

I do not want to contradict myself with the previous one but i thought i would be able to convince me. Arguments that equal share your idea "jobs that require a service quality human resources are the most secure."

Dear @belkisa758

Thank you for sharing your view on that particular topic with me. Appreciate it a lot.



It is really is a challenge, to think about what the future might bring especially in technology.
Just like Smart Cars, they are putting in the street, it does remove the services of some drivers, but I believe a chauffeur will always be desired.
This should prepare our younger generation to learn to adapt.
As per the jobs,
It will make them happy playing games at the same time earning,
watching advertisement and being paid.

It is always an action where an opposite and equal reaction takes place.
Advantage and disadvantage type.


Dear @jackramsey

As per the jobs,
It will make them happy playing games at the same time earning,
watching advertisement and being paid.

Humans need purpose to live. Otherwise many will kill themselfs. I strongly believe, that consumption of goods and services isn't going to replace that urge to have a purpose and meaning.

Wouldn't you agree?

Thanks for taking the time to share your opinion with us. Appreciate it. Have a great sunday ahead.

Yours, Piotr

Usually the purpose comes with the environment you are in, if you are in war zone, being good in using drones will help you survive, if you are in urban areas where there are no place to exercise playing games using simulators helps, when you are in rural areas planting in Farmville will not make you eat some lunch. You have to plant and raise your food.
Otherwise making a post in steemit then earn some cup of coffee.
Humans can easily adapt especially the easiest stuff. Then again we really do need to be concerned for the future of humanities. Where are we all heading with this...

Posted using Partiko Android

Dear @jackramsey

Sorry that it took me a while to read and reply to your comment. I had lately few busy days and very little time for Steemit.

Thx for your comment buddy and stay in touch :)


No worries
Happy to hear from you

Posted using Partiko Android

We are in an era where machine are going to overpower us. We would be helpless in that situation. It is claimed that AI and robotics will generate newer forms of jobs but it is not true. When everything will be done and performed by AI equipped robots, we will have nothing to do. Whom will the rich people sale their goods because there will be unemployment all over the world and people won't have any purchasing power. Governments will allow them to live but it will surely be a chaotic situation. Ultimately, the civilization will collapse.
Governments cannot do much because they have no solution of too much population.

Dear @akdx

We are in an era where machine are going to overpower us.

Surely AI and machines are going to overpower those who will not be able to adjust to this changing word.

Thanks for taking the time to share your opinion with us. Appreciate it. Have a great sunday ahead.

Governments cannot do much because they have no solution of too much population.

Actually most gov seem to be happy to create even higher population :/

Yours, Piotr

There were a lot of job and opportunity revolutions in history. Many people lost their job when land was used for cattle breeding instead of planting. They found new jobs in industry (of course dangerous and underpaid). In factories man's labor started to be replaced by machines, the production was cheaper and many craftsmen lost their livelihood. In days when AI starts to be common part of our lives many jobs in industry or care of patients, guests… will be endangered. I am sure that there occur a lot of new possibilities for humans' jobs.

Hi @hairyfairy

Big thx for sharing your opinion. Appreciate your time :)

Enjoy your sunday,

As the world presses forward with tech advancements in almost every area of human endeavours, it is hard for us not to expect change that would bring a better way of doing things, live and interact with one another.
Jobs will be re invented to meet the challenges of modern day living that would deliver optimum quality at a reduced cost. Automation of some of some jobs/work is to be expected, but I don't see it replacing everything we do manually.

Dear @linksman

Thanks for taking the time to share your opinion with us. Appreciate it. Have a great sunday ahead.

Yours, Piotr

Dear @Crypto.Piotr

Leisure time? Ehm. I think people need purpose for living and leisure time will end up with tons of suicides (left and right). Wouldn't you agree?

Yes and NO xD, still, I do love You brother, heheh..

From what I understand, leisure time as it is now-a-days is part of the problem, the sheer entertainment filled with propaganda to make us have unnatural 'feelings', 'needs', 'ideas', etc..

That probably will raise the suicide numbers, since the education system is part of the 'dumbification', killing curiosity in younger minds and programming 'good slaves' for work, destroying union, the family nucleus, consciousness and many other natural things..

And while I do agree we should have some kind of occupation, it should definitely be for personal and group growth not for money, this might be difficult to understand because the majority are still under the control of the elites, governments, politics, banks, etc.. and can't think for themselves for as much as they believe they do, in fact what we should not follow are these institutions, we should ALL grow our own food, raise our children, educate them, take care of neighbours, etc..

I used to be completely for the automatization of everything, and still am to an extent but, only if governments, banks, military and other shitty systems are put to an end, because if they don't, the population reduction agenda will continue to be implemented and all the problems we saw raising alongside the technological "progression" will exponentially continue to grow, until our extinction (our, not of the 'elites'), and this is something we can fact check in our time by truly observing, it's not even on a history book that could have been written by these same 'elites', to control what we think and what we do..

.... that would mean that we need millions of those lorries.

No! The investment that is truly need are resources, materials, time(dedication of those who are willing to implement it) not money.. And UBI should work fine as a transitory mark, but with the current capital materialistic consumption in place and the 'dumbification' of the younger genarations, the destruction of consciousness and the family, it will not work, instead of helping people understand the NON-necessity of money, as it is in fact, a tool to mind, physical and spiritually control us, and help transition to a natural state, it will indeed create more problems..

Without credit - there will be very little progress. Wouldn't you agree?

Again, No! You remove banks and credit and most of the problems start to be solved, add a real education based on truth and real progression and we would have a "second garden of Eden"..

Also, I used to be one of those who believed it would be good to have an AI as a best friend, lover, only because I'm mostly alone (came to understand that it is due to all the mind control that turn the majority into zombies), but with time, study, spiritual growth, and the gradual dissociation from most mind controlling systems came to realization that I don't really want it anymore, there is no soul, consciousness or any kind, empathy in the AI, only coded 0's and 1's whether You choose binary or quantum computing, in the end are only 0 or 1, imposed or superimposed, it's always an imposition, not truth..

I do have that problem also with the voting power, and I probably don't have as much accounts and comments to upvote as You probably do, what I do is give it time and hope for people to understand, after all we're all in the same "boat", whether conscious or complete zombies..

In Lak'ech Ala K'in

Amazing comment @cyberspacegod

only if governments, banks, military and other shitty systems are put to an end

Fingers crossed ! :D

Loved reading it. I seriously appreciate your time and effort.


Thank very much @Crypto.Piotr ^^)

I'm not really the 'kind' of person who cross fingers, that is in the realm of superstition and won't really do anything for us.. Although I do understand why You said it ^^Þ ohw and, let's not cross fingers and wait that it magically happens, lets do it!!

I'm really glad to have at least a bit of positive impact in this amazing community, thank You for enjoying and recognizing the 'small' effort and the time I spend around here ;)

Ohh, and You too please do continue and don't give up, no matter what a few others say about You or what You do, it will pay off in the end cause You're doing an amazing job helping others, in one or other way ^^D

All the best,

I absolutely love your responses @cyberspacegod :)

Cheers, Piotr

The truth is that the technology of today is surpassing any human hand, and will continue to update technology at a level that as they say in futuristic movies, the cars will fly, but I think that human intelligence will continue to outperform the technology since we are the inventors.

Thousands of people could lose their jobs to be replaced by simple machinery, I think it could happen like that, but human intelligence will always be an important factor in any investment or in any company.

Hi @marshallmustang

Big thx for sharing your opinion. Appreciate your time :)

Enjoy your sunday,

Hello dear @crypto.piotr.

Plus Goverments and regulators will most likely step in (feeling increasing pressure from unhappy population).

I agree with you, my friend, the governments of the world are there to ensure the wellbeing of the citizens and seeing a large number of threatened jobs they will intervene for the benefit of the population. Another thing that can happen is that new jobs arise, with alternatives that we still do not know, that I would say years ago that we would be generating income through the blockchain, was something unthinkable a few years ago.

Personally I'm more afraid of social impact of all AI, that is creepying into our lifes. AI can soon be our best friend. After all most people seem to be very lonely and AI will be able to recognize our moods and will know us so well .... that it may become our best friend :)

That is one of the many benefits of AI, robotics and those things, they are being applied both to the field of medicine and to the social area of ​​people, it is something extremely positive.

Dear @fucho80

Very wise words!

Thank you again for your super-valuable feedback. I absolutely love reading your comments!


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