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RE: Pasteur admitted he lied! Raw milk is good for you…..

in #science8 years ago

I'm a big raw milk fan too. I've been a part of a couple of cow-shares. I don't have a source at the moment though.
When I first met my husband he told me that he could not drink milk, and he was drinking soy milk instead. He would break out with deep painful zits. I remember how I made him eat a lot of milk products at our first Thanksgiving, and the next time I saw him he had a big zit on the end of his nose. After that I realized I'ld better listen to him or I'ld be dating Rudolph, ha ha.
So anyways, eventually I discovered a milk that was pasteurized but not homogenized (the cream floated to the top.)
He could drink it without getting zits, and he felt neutral drinking it, whereas regular milk made him feel poorly.
Next, I found a cow-share and started getting raw milk. He really felt a health benefit drinking the raw milk.
As for cheese, he can eat any cheese made from raw milk (never pasteurized before they add the other bacteria for cheese.)
So yeah, I'm a big believer in the health benefits of raw milk.
When people say how unhealthy milk is, they do not realize that the milk that we buy in the stores is NOT the same as the milk that our ancestors have been drinking (with great health) for thousands of years.


I am certainly fortunate to have a raw milk source for sure. Our last dairy retired their herd and sold all their milking equipment because our STUPID government put them out of business because of regulations beyond belief ie. an onsite lab... real practical for a small farmer today don't you think?

After I received my last MANDATORY flu shot I became very ill experiencing rashes and a host of other problems. I have done intermittent raw milk fasts to heal the inflammation storm the flu shot created. It has made a HUGE difference in my overall health including lowering my blood pressure. There is much information regarding raw milk fasts the smart physicians of the past would prescribe it to save the lives of their patients and it worked.

I should have quit my job before the flu shot but you know what they say hind sight is 20 - 20.

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