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RE: Gravity and The Dinosaur Paradox

in #science6 years ago (edited)

Your "facts" are all wrong. So, it is not surprising that you believe the current "scientific" indoctrination. :-p

The double slit experiment smashes general relativity.
People doing experiments that surpass the speed of light, do too.
The electric universe model just does away with relativity.

And all of those things that supported general relativity are not something any little scientist can do. They all rely on a small group of people who supposedly did these tests with time dilation. And these small groups of people are KNOW LIARS.


I wonder why the old scientist perpetuate the lies or just old data? Fame, fortune, or something else? Maybe like, they don't want everyone to have free energy???

Well, there is rocky-person finger prints all over it, but there is also something to say about humanity being in the dark ages. Where, it was very difficult to tell truth from lie.

So, starting with Michelson-Morley they paid people to propagate and believe that the aether didn't exist. When in fact, most actual scientists through out their findings. (as it was a poor experiment, and only disproved one of the myriad of aether theories)

And then this guy in a wheelchair, said, there is black holes, where there is so much matter, in such a tight space that light can't escape. And there were pay paid to believe this theory and support it, although most of the actual scientists through out his theory.

And then this guy with the messy hair came up with this "theory" of relativity to paper over all the holes the other guys made. And there was a large public propaganda done to put the spot light on this guy, while ignoring the real geniuses.

We have been lied to so much, that we do not even know the extent of the lies.

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