Gravity and The Dinosaur Paradox

in #science7 years ago (edited)

I asked a simple question and fell down a rabbit hole. How does a 160,000lb dinosaur walk in earth's present gravity?

Largest Dinosaur That Ever Lived

I almost gave up writing this article because of the math. It’s has been 3 weeks since I asked myself how the massive dinosaurs walked, some could run and fly, ate, mated, and laid delicate eggs if gravity was the same as it was today. How did the mega-large dinosaur lift its massive neck above its heart without blowing its heart up or passing out? How did an animal fly with 32-foot wingspan? The question kept coming up during my moments of downtime. I thought to myself, “I will research to my hearts content and write a simple paper with lots of links so you can find out too.

Applying Science to Understanding Large Dinosaurs

I started my searching online, I am not judging any of the theories I found. However, I am left with one judgment, Jurassic Park will never happen. There is a problem with size, our largest land mammal is the elephant. Anything bigger could not function because of the laws of physics.

The Top 10 Largest Land Animals

There are several theories I found regarding how gigantic dinosaurs like the Qijianglong Dragon could move on the tip of their toes, run, move a 25-foot long neck (juvenile) above their heart to eat mega-fauna ferns and other plant life. It wasn’t just dinosaurs that were huge, plants, and bugs were larger than they are today. What is weird, at the same time mega huge life was flourishing, tiny microscopic life and everything in-between was also present.

Dragon Dinosaur

The Electric Universe Theory

The Electric Universe

Electric gravity can change according to the EU theory. Gravity may be an electromagnetic force. The EU theory suggests a different planetary arrangement could change the electrical charge on earth and caused a decrease in gravity, which would allow mega life to exist on our earth. Here are some links to the different theories regarding the plasma universe and the Expanding Earth Theories. Maybe it wasn’t a different arrangement of planets that caused our gravity to change, there is a theory called the Expanding Earth.

Asteroid Extinction

Although there are questions about the Earth's gravity at the time of the dinosaurs, we know about their rapid demise but we don't know what caused it. Many scientists posit some huge earth shaking asteroid hit our planet, maybe more than once. Somehow, our gravity and our environment have changed abruptly, and perhaps repeatedly. It is well known that there is a universal memory of Doomsday type catastrophes from age-old tales of floods, fearsome thunderbolts in the sky, and an age of darkness that descended upon the earth.

Expanding Earth Theories

There are a number of Expanding Earth theories and the (Stephen Hurrell) theory and a book about dinosaurs and the Expanding Earth is that a smaller planet means a lower gravity, so you can have much larger living things as they are not restricted by a heavier gravity.

Increased Oxygen Levels and MegaFauna

Dinosaur Breath

There was more oxygen in the atmosphere when the earth was younger. Scientist estimates that there was 35% oxygen level in the atmosphere during the time of mega life formed here on earth. You may want to read Dinosaur Breath by John G. Cramer This certainly would explain how arthropods could oxygenate their oversized bodies. But the plants we have today would have a difficult time, our plants grow better with higher co2 levels. That's why I can't get on the Climate change theory, higher levels of Co2 are great for growing gardens!

Ancient Amber, Air Bubbles And Dinosaurs

There were huge fires during this time of high oxygen atmosphere. I can imagine high oxygen levels would cause violent fires, fire needs oxygen to burn. There are ancient amber samples with air bubbles ratios with Oxygen 16 and 18, this also suggest there was more oxygen.

Mega Bugs, Plants, And Dinosuars

I read dragonflies at that time was the size of seagulls how would they avoid heating up from their flying activity with higher oxygen levels? There was an experiment with a greenhouse pumped full of oxygen into an atmosphere around 35%. There was a slight increase in dragonfly size but nothing huge happened. How did the ancient mega dragonflies avoid burning up with that much oxygen? With an increase in energy expenditure produces heat. Dr.Michael May has worked on how these ancient insects might have dissipated heat differently than modern insects. I know plants grow better at higher levels of Co2 so I don't understand how mega plants could possibly flourish at that time but they did. Another paradox to puzzle over when I have nothing else to do....

Increased Magnetic Field

Rocks Reveal Amazing Dino Lights

The Dinosaurs lived with a magnetic field three times stronger than it is today. The earth’s core and the magnetic field it generates is at the center of this theory. Why would our earth magnetic field change so quickly to more than a third of its force over a short time? When looking at earth’s history a million years is a short time. When did this change occur? Did it happen suddenly or over a long period of time? How much did earth rotation play into this and did it change too? At this time the moon was moving away from earth and making our days longer.

Atmospheric Pressure Difference

Earth’s atmosphere before the age of dinosaurs

When dinosaurs were roaming the earth there were flying dinosaurs like the Quetzalcoatlus, which had a wingspan of 12-15 m wingspan. The aerodynamic theory and biology state this is impossible. A dinosaur with a neck over 13 m above the heart can keep blood pressure steady. That goes against the animal energetics and physics theory.

The 2 or 3 Bar Theory

So Dinosaurs Could Fly ! – Part I

Scientist suggest earth's atmosphere was denser at the time of mega life forms. It was denser, instead of decreasing or increasing gas there was an increased pressure by two or more bars. Scientists haven't figured out how earth maintains a constant oxygen level of 21%. I don't think to maintain a constant was caused by plankton creating shells out of calcium carbonate and plants producing oxygen are responsible. It is not clear what would have altered the atmosphere.

Mega Dinosaurs Left Footprints

The Dinosaur Theory

Many fossilized footprints of large dinosaurs have been found, leaving a print that was two inches deep. There was a lot of detail left and the prints weren’t eroded with time. You would think the prints would be deeper because of the dinosaurs enormous weight.

A human weighing 200lbs with a foot area of 1/4 spare foot. When walking there is one foot off the ground with the other foot supporting 200lb supported on a 1.4 square foot. That translates to 800lbs per square foot pressure between the foot and the surface it rests on. When the ground is soft or muddy the 200lb person leaves footprints 1/2 inch in the ground.

A large Brachiosaurus had feet three square foot area and at least 2 of its four feet were off the ground when walking. The dinosaur weighed 160,000 pounds would be supported by 6 square feet. That works out to 40 times greater than a human and greater weight than any modern animal. You would think the footprints would be a foot deep or more, making it difficult for the large beast to walk or run.

The Math

Sauropod Dinosaur Physics

Brachiosaurs appeared to have left footprints in mud that solidified like cement without sediment filling the print. The footprints are around three square feet. The walking pattern places two feet on the ground as the creature walked. The 160,000 pounds of its weight would be supported by six square feet of area. The pressure would be around 27,000 pounds per square foot. That is around 40 times the pressure a human foot experiences and no modern animal can withstand so much pressure. An animal walking on the soft or muddy ground wouldn't sink 40 times as deep as a person but they would have left a deeper impression. Even if the prints filled with sediment the first impression, which to me would be more than a foot deep. Maybe the ground was a hard packed trail at that time the surrounding area where the prints were found was swampy meadows. A huge dinosaur weighing that much walking around in swamps or soft ground would not be able to navigate easily because of their huge size, I suspect they had to move around a lot to consume enough food to fuel their large bodies.

Also there is the question of how the Brachiosaurus supplied blood to its brain. Some paleontologists have suggested the Brachiosaurus had a huge heart that provided blood pressure. Other scientists think there were many hearts situated up the beast neck. Still, another hypnosis is the beast never raised its head above its heart.

Elephants Earths Largest Land Animal

There are fossilized prints of large dinosaurs, much bigger than an elephant running on their toes and all their feet are off the ground at one time. Compare the gait of our largest land animal the African Bush Elephant length is 22.7 feet, weight is 8 tons, top speed running around 24 miles an hour. Elephants are excellent swimmers but cannot trot, jump, or gallop because of their size. They cannot run but they can walk very fast using their legs like pendulums, hips and shoulders rise and while one foot is always on the ground.

Something I didn’t Know

The Strange Lives of Polar Dinosaurs

As I was falling down the Dinosaur Gravity Paradox I found another mystery. The Polar Dinosaurs and Climate, during the Mesozoic period first Australia then Antarctica were at the South Pole. They actually were attached at one time, breaking apart and Australia heading north. I thought dinosaurs were warm weather creatures. At that time the contents were tropical, the whole planet was tropical. Earth was warmer from the highest mountains and from pole to pole. Scientists have guessed the earth was warmer by as much as six degrees Celsius. At the South Pole three month nights and a day that lasted all summer-long, how weird is that? The equator didn’t experience additional warming as I would think. The whole globe was kept at a constant warm tropical temperature with no desertification at the equator. I wonder how the dinosaurs survived 3 month long nights? Scientists have found tons of fossils and still haven’t figured out how they survived and flourished at the south pole. Maybe the dinosaurs evolved night vision, feathers, and even fur! Imagine furry huge dinosaurs, I wonder if they would make good pets? You can find ginkos, ferns, and cycads like palm trees growing at the poles. Ginko trees are adaptable but almost went extinct during the last ice age. All these species are tropical plants and cannot survive freezing weather of the Antarctic circle.

How did the heat from the equatorial zones transfer to the poles? Right now there are no computer simulations to explain this puzzle. If scientists can figure out human-caused global warming I am sure they could figure this puzzle out if they applied themselves.

A lot has been written about Polar Dinosaurs too, giving them special adaptations to cold, night vision, maybe fur or feathers. Funny, do you think that those fossilized tropical plants somehow had antifreeze? I mean ginkos, ferns, cycads (palm-like plants), have been found at the poles during the Mesozoic. What is wrong with this picture? Well, we have already mentioned ferns as being fairly delicate, versions are to be found in tropical rainforests. Ginkos are adaptable to lots of climates but the Ice Age nearly wiped them off the face of the Earth. Cycads, well they are described as small part of the flora ecology in tropical and subtropical areas. You see why it seems odd to find them inside the Antarctic circle.

World's Largest Dinosaur Discovered (Is Sadly Long Dead)

This is just a little bit of data I could wrap my mind around. I am leaving those who are curious links to explore the dinosaur/gravity paradox. Have fun, I am going to continue to explore this rabbit hole. I wonder if there will be tea and cake at the bottom?

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This article is way over my head, but quite a lovely read! Would have never thought of this in a million years although I have asked myself such questions like, "Why is the sky blue?" or "How does lightening happen?"

@victoriacalloway, the data is way over my head as well....but my questioning mind wouldn't leave me alone. I will be writing more on this subject in the future. Thank you.

Your "facts" are all wrong. So its not surprising your conclusions are wrong.
Yes, relataivity has been proven - both special and the preditions of general relativity. The muon flux at the surface of the Earth is just one of many proofs of special relativity; but every particle accelerator in the world demonstrates it.
General relativity (responsible for gravitational lensing) has been demonstrated multiple times in multiple ways, and lenses around even dead stars which no longer have plasma. General relativity time dilation is a critical part of the calculations which allow GPS to work (because the satellites are higher in the gravity well, their clocks run slightly faster, and the distance combined with the precise time is needed to calculate your position.And that's just with your first crazy point, I'm not even going to bother with the rest.

Your "facts" are all wrong. So, it is not surprising that you believe the current "scientific" indoctrination. :-p

The double slit experiment smashes general relativity.
People doing experiments that surpass the speed of light, do too.
The electric universe model just does away with relativity.

And all of those things that supported general relativity are not something any little scientist can do. They all rely on a small group of people who supposedly did these tests with time dilation. And these small groups of people are KNOW LIARS.

I wonder why the old scientist perpetuate the lies or just old data? Fame, fortune, or something else? Maybe like, they don't want everyone to have free energy???

Well, there is rocky-person finger prints all over it, but there is also something to say about humanity being in the dark ages. Where, it was very difficult to tell truth from lie.

So, starting with Michelson-Morley they paid people to propagate and believe that the aether didn't exist. When in fact, most actual scientists through out their findings. (as it was a poor experiment, and only disproved one of the myriad of aether theories)

And then this guy in a wheelchair, said, there is black holes, where there is so much matter, in such a tight space that light can't escape. And there were pay paid to believe this theory and support it, although most of the actual scientists through out his theory.

And then this guy with the messy hair came up with this "theory" of relativity to paper over all the holes the other guys made. And there was a large public propaganda done to put the spot light on this guy, while ignoring the real geniuses.

We have been lied to so much, that we do not even know the extent of the lies.

They are not my facts, just data I collected from different hypothisis, thank you for additonal information @moniristi

You are welcome my friend, I have a new post, do not forget to visit ya, let me add the spirit in steemit.

special relativity....hahaha <3 where is the spin?

Check the Omosaurus Scelidosaurus Bothriospondylus
Attachment: Hadrosaurus - First Dinosaur, only one found.

NO Way....hahaha, I will check it out @hafez, this is so much fun.

Isn't it funny how oil deposits only ever get discovered by oil companies?
No secretary working for a small office paper supply company in a rural town every discover a profitable oil deposit.
Therefore oil does't exist. You've been lied to.
These are the facts. your facts and their facts and the scientist faces of everyone else all around the world are wrong. Fake facts. Only my fact are real.
No I won't give to an references you can check, or anything to back up my argument, because my argument doesn't need it. Mine is the only truth and if you don't believe that you're probably part of the Illuminati of something....

I read several papers stating oil isn't from dead plankton and plants...another interesting paper to write, you should write it @shishiristi.

Fascinating subject. I'm not into physics but grasp the questioning of how could the large Dinosaur survive Earth's present gravity. I always thought the higher oxygen made everything bigger. But there had to be other differences than today that we don't know of.

For our plants today, more co2 makes for larger more vigorous how in the heck didn't a more oxygenated atmosphere grow maga-flora? I love the freedom to question, it is almost as much fun as flying <3

Unless there was more co2 in the air back then. Wikipedia .. CO2 today is 407 ppm (parts per million) ... Cmbrian period 500 million yrs ago was 7,000 ppm That to me is the answer. And the reason Oxygen was 35% was due to the tremendous amount of plant life giving off 02.

Well written my friend. I do agree about the oxygen levels were higher. I believe the atmosphere changed slightly when we had the great flood. It was a reset and much of what once existed could not in the new atmospheric levels. That also explains why we cannot live past 120. I appreciate your inquiring mind @reddust.

There were a bunch of catostrophic events that ripped one contentent into pieces and changed our atomosphere and gravity. I wanna to know how long it took and what the heck happened...hahaha

Dinosaur was one of earths wonder. Another thing bothering me, just about 50 or 100 years ago till now. Researches are still been carried out on dinosaur. I wonder if there were dinosaurs in the times of Noah when the flood came. How did they survive or they got into the ark too, that will make me wonder how big the ark was.
I have seen movies about dinosaurs and whenever they are walking, there is huge vibration in the earth's surface.
Never knew there was even polar dinosaurs, reading about it first from you.

I think Noahs ark probably carried our traditional domestic livestock and seed stock. I wish we could go back and see @youngchief.

Thanks @reddust
The article is very nice. I read it in detail. Very informative sharing. I remembered that beautiful promise. The creator of the mosquito's eye certainly created Everything.

Thank you @trukishcrew, may we all find happiness.

Actually most of the conclusions you have reached are absolutely correct regarding the current state of Physics! We just differ a little in the specifics, but I'm very happy to see others coming to the same conclusion that Miles Mathis has. Of course, his 6,000+ pages of scientific papers which details all of the places that science has gone astray in the last few centuries goes a lot further into the problem than you have. While the charge field does exist, it exists as a real field and is mechanical in nature. The charge field is actually bombardment of photons, and this can be explained by photons having spins on spins. Spins on the x, y, and z axis. Miles Mathis has explored these topics over the last two decades in further detail than anyone, and he has written three books with hundreds of millions of views. If you find OP interesting but are wishing to explore further, I highly recommend visiting the index of articles he has published

Everything is spinning, I read Einstien left the spin out of his equations because it was too difficult...Instead of asking where is the money, I want to know where is the spin?

It appears to me that direct descendants of dinosaurs are chickens.

And so, i believe the weight of the largest dinosaurs was much less than the mammal equivalent. There is evidence that they had the lighter bone structure and muscle structure of birds.

But still, that is a lot of weight.

If you add to this the ideas of super-mega trees in our past (see the video There Are No Forests On Earth) where devils tower is actually a tree stump as well as the mesas in arizona. Then it looks like things were much larger back then. And was that because earth changed? A completely different atmosphere? Different earth size? Different gravity due to changes of electric potential?

These are all good questions to go into. However, it is really hard to tell, because the data was so mucked up by the smithsonian and their cohort of egotistical dinosaur bone seekers. Modern scientists who work with dinosaur bones are finding that most of the skeletons those jerks found were actually pieced together from all kinds of pieces. A frankenstein's monster.

So, most of the stuff like age, location, climate... has all been messed with.

And, there is a story of a couple of cowboys that shot and killed a pterodactyl. They strung it up across a barn and many people came to see it. There were pictures of it... but "top men" came and collected them.

I love my chickens and dream of riding feathered dinosaurs <3

I've read the weight hypothisis as well, but we simple don't know, we don't have enough data in all the old bones thrown together...hehehe

Like neandrathals were brutish beast, they had the same ablities regarding social skills and tool making as humans, infact they are us along with a bunch of other different breeds of humans that interbred with each other...My daughter just had her DNA sequenced, she has 200 (points?) neanderthal genes....

I wish the social Darwinistssss would get out of the way!

Social Darwinistssss is correct.

Out of all his books, what we got was "survival of the fittest", and "breeding for a ubermench."

And so, the social movement was pushed into the biggest and strongest should rule over all. Or more specifically, those willing to use the most violence should rule.

And that eugenics should be practiced throughout the world

It is these two underlying assumptions that are never questioned, and are the first things that should be thrown out in an enlightened society.

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